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Bücher Elektronik, Foto
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Essen und Trinken Drogerie und Bad

Buch, Hörbücher:

Kino in Quebec und Kanada

Seite 2
Cine/USA e Canada (Panfocus) - Herausgeber: M. De Benedictis

Cine/USA e Canada (Panfocus)

Herausgeber: M. De Benedictis

Taschenbuch, 01.01.2013
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Die Arktis stirbt. Der Hohe Norden Kanadas und Québecs: ein faszinierender Lebensraum vor extremen Herausforderungen: The Arctic Is Dying: The Far ... fascinant face à des défis extrêmes - Herausgeber: Helga E. Bories-Sawala, Stephan-A. Ditze

Die Arktis stirbt. Der Hohe Norden Kanadas und Québecs: ein faszinierender Lebensraum vor extremen Herausforderungen: The Arctic Is Dying: The Far ... fascinant face à des défis extrêmes

Herausgeber: Helga E. Bories-Sawala, Stephan-A. Ditze

Taschenbuch, 28.12.2020
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Canadian Ecologies Beyond Environmentalism: Culture, Media, Art, Ethnicities (Focal Point) - Herausgeber: Alessandra Boller, Angela Krewani, Martin Kuester

Canadian Ecologies Beyond Environmentalism: Culture, Media, Art, Ethnicities (Focal Point)

Herausgeber: Alessandra Boller, Angela Krewani, Martin Kuester

Taschenbuch, 01.07.2020
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New York, New York!: Urban Spaces, Dreamscapes, Contested Territories (Transcription: Cultures - Concepts - Controversies / Kulturen - Konzepte - Kontroversen, Band 8) - Herausgeber: Sabine Sielke Hauptdarsteller: Björn Bosserhoff

New York, New York!: Urban Spaces, Dreamscapes, Contested Territories (Transcription: Cultures - Concepts - Controversies / Kulturen - Konzepte - Kontroversen, Band 8)

Herausgeber: Sabine Sielke
Hauptdarsteller: Björn Bosserhoff

Gebundene Ausgabe, 05.12.2015
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Staging a Cultural Paradigm: The Political and the Personal in American Drama (Dramaturgies / Textes, Cultures et Représentations / Texts, Cultures and Performances)

Staging a Cultural Paradigm: The Political and the Personal in American Drama (Dramaturgies / Textes, Cultures et Représentations / Texts, Cultures and Performances)

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The Political and the Personal in American Drama
Broschiertes Buch
The conflict between the political and the personal, an opposition which pervades the whole of American Literature, informs the essays on twentieth-century American theater gathered in this volume. Prominent theater scholars from Europe and America address the cultural paradigm created by the clash of private needs with public expectations. The difficulty of reconciling the two has led many dramatists to turn to the complexities of intertextuality in order to express their rebellions and rejections of inherited cultural values and myths. Essays on Arthur Miller, Sam Shepard, Susan Glaspell, H. M. Koutoukas, Dolores Prida, or Suzan Lori-Parks (to name but a few of the dramatists discussed here) reflect the vibrancy of American drama and the depth of the interaction of the political with the personal.

Imagination in Transition: Mamet's Move to Film (Dramaturgies / Textes, Cultures et Représentations / Texts, Cultures and Performances, Band 5) - Bruce Barton

Imagination in Transition: Mamet's Move to Film (Dramaturgies / Textes, Cultures et Représentations / Texts, Cultures and Performances, Band 5)

Bruce Barton

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Mamet's Move to Film
Broschiertes Buch
The move from playwright to cinema screenwriter and director is a rare accomplishment. No American writer has achieved this transition with the level of success enjoyed over the past two decades by David Mamet. Over this same period Mamet has also authored a body of aggressive critical writing that demonstrates enduring aesthetic and ideological preoccupations, regularly expressed as a set of confident "best practices". However, the relationship between theory and practice becomes particularly (and productively) rowdy at the sites of Mamet's transitional "media crossing". Imagination in Transition establishes a flexible set of core characteristics of Mamet's dramatic and theatrical dramaturgy, and then compares these with the textual and cinematographic strategies employed by Mamet in his initial, "transitional" feature films. This study, then, offers both an innovative approach to Mamet's work and an illuminating framework for cross-media analysis.

The Wooster Group and Its Traditions (Dramaturgies / Textes, Cultures et Représentations / Texts, Cultures and Performances, Band 13)

The Wooster Group and Its Traditions (Dramaturgies / Textes, Cultures et Représentations / Texts, Cultures and Performances, Band 13)

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Broschiertes Buch
This is the first collection of critical essays to appear about the Wooster Group. Since the 1970s this groundbreaking, New York-based performance company has led the way in crystallizing the conditions of contemporary stage practice at the intersection of several cultural and artistic traditions. As demonstrated by the assembled critics, each of them an authority in the field, these traditions extend into the past as well as into the future, through the Wooster Group's impact on the latest generation of performance artists. The company's consequent institutionalization is posited and challenged in the essays constituting Part I of the collection. Part I I tackles the work-in-progress, mapping its idiomatic stage vocabulary and providing case studies, ranging from Frank Dell's The Temptation of St. Antony to To You, The Birdie! ( Phèdre ). Part I I I presents productions by kindred artists such as Elevator Repair Service, the Builders Association, Cannon Company, and Richard Maxwell. Lavishly illustrated with photographs, this collection should prove invaluable to anyone with an interest in the current theatrical scene and its place in the wider institutional, artistic, and historical contexts.

Canada S Best Features: Critical Essays on 15 Canadian Films (Cross/Cultures: Readings in Post/Colonial Literatures and Cultures in English, Band 56)

Canada S Best Features: Critical Essays on 15 Canadian Films (Cross/Cultures: Readings in Post/Colonial Literatures and Cultures in English, Band 56)

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Romanica.: Jenseits der Hauptstädte: Städtebilder der Romania im Spannungsfeld von Urbanität, Nationalität und Globalisierung - Sabine Schrader, Stella Lange

Romanica.: Jenseits der Hauptstädte: Städtebilder der Romania im Spannungsfeld von Urbanität, Nationalität und Globalisierung

Sabine Schrader, Stella Lange

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Städtebilder der Romania im Spannungsfeld von Urbanität, Nationalität und Globalisierung
Broschiertes Buch
Dieser Band behandelt das urbane Imaginäre in Sprache, Literatur und Film. In den letzten Jahrzehnten sind viele der sogenannten 'secondary' oder 'peripheren' Metropolen aus dem Schatten der Hauptstädte herausgetreten, die seit der Moderne städtebaulich, ökonomisch und ästhetisch im Fokus standen. Folglich geraten gerade diese Stadttexte und -filme der Romania in den Blick wie etwa die faschistischen Neugründungen in den Pontinischen Sümpfen, Neapel, Mailand und Turin, sowie Marseille, Barcelona und Jerez de la Frontera, als auch die außereuropäische Romania mit Tanger, Montréal und São Paulo. Es sind diver Cities und ihr transkulturelles Auftreten geht eng einher mit Fragen nach der Positionierung der Protagonistinnen und Protagonisten zur Stadt sowie deren Zugehörigkeit oder, emphatischer, deren Verständnis von Heimat im 20. und 21. Jahrhundert.

North America, Europe and the Cultural Memory of the First World War (Anglistische Forschungen, Band 453)

North America, Europe and the Cultural Memory of the First World War (Anglistische Forschungen, Band 453)

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Broschiertes Buch
The First World War represented a watershed in U S-American and Canadian relations with Europe. It re-defined images of the Old World and the New on both sides of the Atlantic, leading to the demise of Europe as a cultural model for many U. S. and Canadian writers and artists. In Canada in particular, the war has come to be regarded as a milestone on the road to nationhood, as a strong sense of ' Canadianness' emerged from the country's military engagement on the European battlefields. In Europe, in turn, the influx of North American soldiers heralded future cultural influences from across the Atlantic. The present volume investigates the cultural memory of the ' Great War' of 1914-1918 from a transatlantic perspective. Its chapters analyze the way in which literature, art and film have rendered the various encounters and confrontations between the Old and New Worlds which took place in the course of the war, and the significance of the war as a crucial episode in transatlantic (cultural) history.

Film- und Informationspolitik als Mittel der Nationalen Verteidigung in den USA, 1939-1941: Eine Studie über die Umsetzung aussenpolitischer Programme ... Histoire et sciences auxiliaires, Band 269) - Claudia Schreiner-Seip

Film- und Informationspolitik als Mittel der Nationalen Verteidigung in den USA, 1939-1941: Eine Studie über die Umsetzung aussenpolitischer Programme ... Histoire et sciences auxiliaires, Band 269)

Claudia Schreiner-Seip

Gebundene Ausgabe
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Eine Studie über die Umsetzung aussenpolitischer Programme in Filminhalte
Gebundenes Buch
Unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Mediums Film wird der Umfang und die Methode der staatlichen Öffentlichkeitsarbeit im Hinblick auf die Verteidigungspolitik der Vereinigten Staaten vor Eintritt in den Zweiten Weltkrieg dargestellt und analysiert. Die Absicht der amerikanischen Regierung, die Bevölkerung zu verstärkter Verteidigungsbereitschaft zu motivieren, erforderte gerade in der von der Auseinandersetzung zwischen Isolationisten und Interventionisten geprägten Vorkriegszeit besonderes politisches Geschick. Trotz dieser Schwierigkeiten und der oftmals allzu bürokratischen Färbung der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit sind hier bereits die Grundstrukturen der modernen Informationspolitik der U S A erkennbar.

An Invitation to explore the Viaducts of our Minds: Ideology Critique in American Literature and Film during the Seventies (Europäische ... et littérature anglo-saxonnes, Band 472) - Sandra Schenk

An Invitation to explore the Viaducts of our Minds: Ideology Critique in American Literature and Film during the Seventies (Europäische ... et littérature anglo-saxonnes, Band 472)

Sandra Schenk

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Artists explored the dark places of the American experience during the seventies. After providing an overview of the rhetorical device allegory, Barthes's concept of mythology and Foucault's concept of power relations, the author establishes a connection between the works of art under discussion. The early seventies are represented by Wes Craven's ' The Last House on the Left', Peter Watkins's ' Punishment Park', and Hubert Selby, Jr. 's ' The Room'. The late seventies are represented by Philip K. Dick's ' A Scanner Darkly', Gustav Hasford's ' The Short Timers 'and George A. Romero's ' Dawn of the Dead'. The book traces a shift from relations between bodies and authority towards bodies and technology.

All that Gothic (Dis/Continuities / Torun Studies in Language, Literature and Culture, Band 4)

All that Gothic (Dis/Continuities / Torun Studies in Language, Literature and Culture, Band 4)

Gebundene Ausgabe
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Gebundenes Buch
This book provides a comprehensive introduction to the history, aesthetics and key themes of Gothic, the main issues and debates surrounding the genre along with the approaches and theories that have been applied to Gothic texts and films. The volume discusses a wide range of 18 th and 19 th century texts and moves into 20 th century literature and film. It explores the cultural resonances created by the genre and raises a variety of issues, including the ways in which Gothic monstrosity mimics same-sex desire and social transgression. The texts included in the volume argue that Gothic film and fiction animated the darker shadows of the dominant culture.

The Beautiful and the Doomed: Essays on Literary Value (Dis/Continuities / Torun Studies in Language, Literature and Culture, Band 2) - Miroslawa Buchholtz

The Beautiful and the Doomed: Essays on Literary Value (Dis/Continuities / Torun Studies in Language, Literature and Culture, Band 2)

Miroslawa Buchholtz

Gebundene Ausgabe
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Essays on Literary Value
Gebundenes Buch
The book addresses the problem of literary value in North American literature, children's literature, film and poetry. Chapter One: The Ennob(e)led focuses on institutions which are instrumental in attributing value to literature: literary critics (e. g. D. H. Lawrence) and award givers (e. g. the Swedish Academy). It explores W. B. Yeats's, T. S. Eliot's, Czeslaw Milosz's and William Golding's lives with the Nobel Prize. In Chapter Two: The Forgotten homage is paid to four authors who lost popularity, or never enjoyed it: Lorenza Stevens Berbineau, Frank Stockton, Charles Chesnutt and Conrad Aiken. Chapter Three: From Margin to Mainstream compares various Chinese, Japanese, First Nations' and other ethnic voices in Canadian children's literature. Chapter Four: From Mainstream to Margin juxtaposes scholarly pursuits with cinematic praxis, and cinematic praxis with political activity.

Buch, Hörbücher: Quebec und Kanada
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Buch, Hörbücher: Kino in Quebec und Kanada
Buch, Hörbücher
Film, Kunst und Kultur

Quebec und Kanada

21.03.2024  14