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Geschichte des 11. Septembers

Seite 8
ZEITGESCHICHTE - Panzerregiment 11, Panzerabteilung 65 und Panzerersatz- und Ausbildungsabteilung 11 - Teil 1 - Von Blitzsieg zu Blitzsieg - Oktober ... Verlag (Flechsig - Geschichte/Zeitgeschichte) - Michael Schadewitz

ZEITGESCHICHTE - Panzerregiment 11, Panzerabteilung 65 und Panzerersatz- und Ausbildungsabteilung 11 - Teil 1 - Von Blitzsieg zu Blitzsieg - Oktober ... Verlag (Flechsig - Geschichte/Zeitgeschichte)

Autor: Michael Schadewitz

Gebundene Ausgabe, 22.08.2013
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September 11: The 9/11 Story, Aftermath and Legacy - Associated Press Vorwort: Robert De Niro, Mark Mittelstadt Nachwort: Richard Drew Einleitung: Ted Anthony

September 11: The 9/11 Story, Aftermath and Legacy

Autoren: Associated Press
Vorwort: Robert De Niro, Mark Mittelstadt
Nachwort: Richard Drew
Einleitung: Ted Anthony

Gebundene Ausgabe, 03.08.2021
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I Survived: I Survived the Attacks of September 11, 2001 - Lauren Tarshis Corey Egbert Bearbeitung: Georgia Ball

I Survived: I Survived the Attacks of September 11, 2001

Autor: Lauren Tarshis
Illustrator: Corey Egbert
Bearbeitung: Georgia Ball

Gebundene Ausgabe, 03.08.2021
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Pentagate: Foto- und Fragenkatalog zu einer Inszenierung - Herausgeber: Thierry Meyssan Bearbeitung: Burkhart Weecke Vorwort: Pierre Krebs Übersetzer: Michel Billot

Pentagate: Foto- und Fragenkatalog zu einer Inszenierung

Herausgeber: Thierry Meyssan
Bearbeitung: Burkhart Weecke
Vorwort: Pierre Krebs
Übersetzer: Michel Billot

Gebundene Ausgabe, 30.04.2003
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Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil - Michael C. Ruppert

Crossing the Rubicon: The Decline of the American Empire at the End of the Age of Oil

Autor: Michael C. Ruppert

Taschenbuch, 15.09.2004
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What Terrorists Want: Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat - Louise Richardson

What Terrorists Want: Understanding the Enemy, Containing the Threat

Autor: Louise Richardson

Taschenbuch, 13.11.2007
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The New Foreign Policy: Power Seeking in a Globalized Era, Second Edition (New Millennium Books in International Studies) - Laura Neack

The New Foreign Policy: Power Seeking in a Globalized Era, Second Edition (New Millennium Books in International Studies)

Laura Neack

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Black Site: The CIA in the Post-9/11 World - Philip Mudd

Black Site: The CIA in the Post-9/11 World

Philip Mudd

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9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA - Webster Griffi Tarpley

9/11 Synthetic Terror: Made in USA

Webster Griffi Tarpley

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Used. Very Good conditions. May have soft reading marks and name of the previous owner.

The Watchdogs Didn't Bark: The CIA, NSA, and the Crimes of the War on Terror - Ray Nowosielski, John Duffy

The Watchdogs Didn't Bark: The CIA, NSA, and the Crimes of the War on Terror

Ray Nowosielski, John Duffy

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No Hero: The Evolution of a Navy Seal - Mark Owen, Kevin Maurer

No Hero: The Evolution of a Navy Seal

Mark Owen, Kevin Maurer

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Aftermath: World Trade Center Archive: World Trade Centre Archive (PHOTOGRAPHY) - Joel Meyerowitz

Aftermath: World Trade Center Archive: World Trade Centre Archive (PHOTOGRAPHY)

Joel Meyerowitz

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After September 11th, 2001, the Ground Zero site in New York City was classified as a crime scene and only those directly involved in the recovery efforts were allowed inside. The press was also prohibited from the site, but with the help of the Museum of the City of New York and sympathetic city officials, award-winning photographer Joel Meyerowitz managed to obtain unlimited access. By ingenuity and sheer determination, he was the only photographer granted unimpeded right of entry into Ground Zero.

For 9 months, during the day and night, Meyerowitz photographed "the pile, " as the World Trade Center came to be known, and the over 800 people a day that were working in it. Influenced by Walker Evans and Dorothea Lange's work for the Farm Security Administration during the Great Depression, he knew that if he didn't make a photographic record of the unprecedented recovery efforts, "there would be no history. "

Sept. 23. Assembled panorama of the site from the World Financial Center, looking east. ( All images copyright Joel Meyerowitz from Aftermath: World Trade Center Archive ( Phaidon).

Sept. 25. The south wall of the South Tower.
Oct. 11. An F D N Y rescue team resting on Liberty Street.

Nov. 8. Spotters in the South Tower.
May 1. Ralph and Paul Geidel waiting for a fresh raking field.

Marking the 5th anniversary of September 11th, Phaidon Press has published this extraordinary new book A F T E R M A T H: T H E W O R L D T R A D E C E N T E R A R C H I V E with photographs and text by Joel Meyerowitz, which will feature, for the first time, the vast collection of Meyerowitz's previously unpublished photos from Ground Zero along with the engaging account of his experience in his own words. This historic publication is the only existing photographic record of the monumental recovery efforts post-9/11.

From portraits of the people he met to the accidental beauty of the ruins at dusk, A F T E R M A T H features 400 breathtaking color photographs, many taken with a large format camera. Bronx-born Meyerowitz brings his trademark sensitivity, intelligence and eye for beauty to these poignant images that will hold an important place in American history.

A F T E R M A T H brings to life the tireless determination of the scores of individuals who assisted in the clean-up process, including construction workers, police officers, firefighters, welders or "burners, " engineers, crane operators and volunteers. Presented on a monumental scale, and interspersed with fascinating stories, the book documents the transformation of the site chronologically from piles of devastation to an empty pit six stories below ground. This landmark book offers current and future generations the opportunity to finally travel inside a forbidden city where thousands were brought together by a common cause.

" I was taking pictures for everyone who didn't have access to the site, " says Meyerowitz in A F T E R M A T H, "so I decided to work with a large-format wooden view camera. This camera was impossible to hide, but it enabled me to make images of the fullest description, with a sense of deep space. I wanted to communicate what it felt like to be in there as well as what it looked like: to show the pile's incredible intricacy and visceral power. . . . I could provide a window for everyone else who wanted to be there, too-to help, or to grieve, or simply to try to understand what had happened to our city. "

The World Trade Center Archive, consisting of thousands of Meyerowitz's images, is part of the permanent collection of the Museum of the City of New York where it is available for research, exhibition and publication. For the past few years, a small selection of these photographs was featured in an exhibition, " After September 11: Images from Ground Zero, " which traveled to more than 200 cities in 60 countries, reaching over 3. 5 million people.

9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation - David Ray Griffin, Elizabeth Woodworth

9/11 Unmasked: An International Review Panel Investigation

David Ray Griffin, Elizabeth Woodworth

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Kill Bin Laden: A Delta Force Commander's Account of the Hunt for the World's Most Wanted Man - Dalton Fury

Kill Bin Laden: A Delta Force Commander's Account of the Hunt for the World's Most Wanted Man

Dalton Fury

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Leadership. Verantwortung in schwieriger Zeit. Meine Prinzipien erfolgreicher Führung - Rudolph Giuliani

Leadership. Verantwortung in schwieriger Zeit. Meine Prinzipien erfolgreicher Führung

Rudolph Giuliani

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New York - September 2001. Im Chaos steht Bürgermeister Rudolph W. Giuliani. Vor dem Angriff war er nicht gerade beliebt. Herrisch und polarisierend regierte er die Stadt. Jagte Falschparker und Graffitisprüher. Zwang Sozialhilfeempfänger in Niedriglohnjobs. Doch nun ist alles anders. Vergeben und vergessen. Der 11. September hat die Amerikaner zusammengeschweißt - und Giuliani auf das Hero-Podest gehoben.

Während der Präsident George W. Bush durch die Lüfte irrt und sich vor al-Qaida versteckt, spendet Giuliani Trost. Rast durch die Stadt, geht zu Beerdigungen, eröffnet die Börse, klopft Feuerwehrmännern auf die Schulter, gibt Pressekonferenzen und sagt das, was alle hören wollen: " Wir lassen uns nicht unterkriegen! Wir werden es schaffen!"

Doch Giuliani war bereits zum zweiten Mal an der Macht und musste November 2001 das Feld für seinen Nachfolger Michael Bloomberg räumen. Doch bevor er sich ganz zurückzog, griff Giuliani zur Feder: Leadership heißt seine Autobiografie, die nun auch in deutscher Fassung vorliegt. Ein dickes Selbstlob, eine Auflistung all der guten Taten, eine Vorher-Nachher-Show und ein cleverer Schachzug. Denn das Klima, es hätte nicht besser sein können, um für sich und die frisch gegründete Beratungsfirma Giuliani Partners die Werbetrommel zu rühren.

Brav spult Giuliani sein Repertoire herunter und verpackt seine goldenen Führungsregeln in Anekdoten und private Geschichten. Doch spätestens im letzten Drittel wird klar: von Altersmilde und Selbstreflxtion keine Spur. Giuliani war für New York ein wichtiger Mann. Keine Frage. Doch der ehemalige Bürgermeister hat an Schärfe nichts verloren. So wie seine Zero-Tolerance-Politik New York in zwei Lager gespalten hat, so teilt sich für ihn auch die Welt. In Gute und in Böse, in Freunde und in Feinde. Auf eine Wertediskussion lässt er sich nicht ein. - Heike Littger

Deutschland führt Krieg. Seit dem 11. September wird zurückgeschossen

Deutschland führt Krieg. Seit dem 11. September wird zurückgeschossen

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The Decline of American Power - Immanuel Wallerstein

The Decline of American Power

Autor: Immanuel Wallerstein

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The Usual Rules: A Novel (English Edition) - Joyce Maynard

The Usual Rules: A Novel (English Edition)

Autor: Joyce Maynard

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Buch, Hörbücher: 11. September
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11. September

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