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Buch, Hörbücher:

Religion - Anthologien

Seite 10
Trauma: Dein Tor zum Glück: Eine spirituelle Heilungsreise - Dr. med. Christiane Gießbach

Trauma: Dein Tor zum Glück: Eine spirituelle Heilungsreise

Autor: Dr. med. Christiane Gießbach

Taschenbuch, 08.01.2023
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In den Wald: Dichter und Denker über Bäume und Natur

In den Wald: Dichter und Denker über Bäume und Natur

Gebundene Ausgabe, 13.01.2020
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Zum Glücklichsein braucht man nicht viel: 40 kleine Erzählungen - Ingeborg Reinhold

Zum Glücklichsein braucht man nicht viel: 40 kleine Erzählungen

Autor: Ingeborg Reinhold

Taschenbuch, 01.01.2022
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Yiddish Folktales (The Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library) - Beatrice Weinreich

Yiddish Folktales (The Pantheon Fairy Tale and Folklore Library)

Autor: Beatrice Weinreich

Taschenbuch, 23.09.1997
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99 Fragen an Dich & Mich: Das wundervolle Ausfüllbuch mit Fragen zum Nachdenken & Kennenlernen - Dennis Streichert

99 Fragen an Dich & Mich: Das wundervolle Ausfüllbuch mit Fragen zum Nachdenken & Kennenlernen

Autor: Dennis Streichert

Taschenbuch, 27.08.2021
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KETO INTERVALL FORMEL DAS KOCHBUCH: Abnehmen war noch nie so einfach, lecker und gesund. Abnehmen ohne zu hungern. 101 Rezepte zum Frühstück, Mittag, Abend, Nachtisch. Hier ist für jeden etwas dabei - Tobias Halle

KETO INTERVALL FORMEL DAS KOCHBUCH: Abnehmen war noch nie so einfach, lecker und gesund. Abnehmen ohne zu hungern. 101 Rezepte zum Frühstück, Mittag, Abend, Nachtisch. Hier ist für jeden etwas dabei

Autor: Tobias Halle

Taschenbuch, 01.06.2020
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Il Sentiero della Pace Interiore: Una guida pratica per una maggiore consapevolezza, auto-riflessione, pensiero positivo e armonia interiore attraverso storie buddiste zen di grande ispirazione - Sumitra Shakya

Il Sentiero della Pace Interiore: Una guida pratica per una maggiore consapevolezza, auto-riflessione, pensiero positivo e armonia interiore attraverso storie buddiste zen di grande ispirazione

Autor: Sumitra Shakya

Taschenbuch, 05.11.2023
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Pubertät bei Jungen: Der Elternratgeber für maximale Gelassenheit - Jungen empfindsam erziehen ohne Schimpfen durch antiautoritäre Erziehung, Gefühle und Handlungen von Kindern, Teenagern verstehen - Yumi Johannsen

Pubertät bei Jungen: Der Elternratgeber für maximale Gelassenheit - Jungen empfindsam erziehen ohne Schimpfen durch antiautoritäre Erziehung, Gefühle und Handlungen von Kindern, Teenagern verstehen

Autor: Yumi Johannsen

Taschenbuch, 18.03.2020
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Meine Mamme: Erinnerungen von Ilja Richter, Peggy Parnass, Stefanie Zweig, Waldimir Kaminer - Viola Roggenkamp

Meine Mamme: Erinnerungen von Ilja Richter, Peggy Parnass, Stefanie Zweig, Waldimir Kaminer

Autor: Viola Roggenkamp

Taschenbuch, 01.12.2005
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The Amish Way: A Father Never Known - Helen Keating

The Amish Way: A Father Never Known

Helen Keating

Audible Hörbuch
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The Amish Way: A Father Never Known is the story of a young woman who is looking after her father, when he asks her to fetch a reclusive doctor. She does so, not knowing why he asked it of her. Later, she is asked to foster a child and grows to love the baby and in a while, she finds out who the stranger is and what he means to her and her growing family.

That Distant Land: 23 Short Stories - Wendell Berry

That Distant Land: 23 Short Stories

Wendell Berry

Audible Hörbuch
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That Distant Land collects 23 stories, interlinked with each other and with the other published " Port William" novels. The stories, arranged in their fictional chronology (from 1888 to almost the present day), become one sustained work, a new novel that spans the entire life and time involved. The range of this book is extraordinary - it offers rest for the weary, hope for the beleaguered, and strength for everyone else.

An Amish Gathering: Life In Lancaster County - Beth Wiseman

An Amish Gathering: Life In Lancaster County

Beth Wiseman

Audible Hörbuch
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" When Winter Comes": Each year at wintertime, Rebecca Miller mourns the loss of her twin sister, who was killed in a skating accident. Ben Weaver has been her friend, but this winter he's vowed to melt her heart -frozen with grief - and make her his wife.

" A Change of Heart": Leah is a writer in a community that does not encourage such fruitless endeavors. She lacks the skills necessary to be a good Amish fraa. Aaron knows these things about Leah, but his heart is captured by this spirited young woman.

" A Place of His Own": Josiah Bontrager has returned to Paradise to fix up the family home, a place haunted by the past. When he falls in love with his childhood friend, Amanda Graber, he learns he doesn't have to be shackled to the sins of yesterday.

Smitten Book Club - Diann Hunt, Colleen Coble, Kristin Billerbeck, Denise Hunter

Smitten Book Club

Diann Hunt, Colleen Coble, Kristin Billerbeck, Denise Hunter

Audible Hörbuch
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The century-old Gentlewoman's Guide to Love and Courtship is no ordinary book club choice. But for the little book club in Smitten, Vermont, it might be their best pick yet!

The thick, leathery tome Heather pulled out of the dusty cardboard box was definitely coming home with her. Not only was The Gentlewoman's Guide to Love and Courtship an appealing curiosity by virtue of its title, but it was also written by Smitten, Vermont, native Pearl Chambers, a local gentlewoman from three generations back.

Little did Heather know the repercussions this little curiosity would have on her and her friends' romantic exploits.

When Heather and her fellow book club members begin passing the book around, their respective interpretations are unleashed on their respective love lives. . . for better or for worse. Is it a mystery? An idealist fantasy? An intimation of Jane Austen? As romantic love finds its way to each woman, the Guide proves itself both surprisingly prescient and hilariously irrelevant.

What's more, a handwritten inscription indicates that the arcane book might hold the only clues leading to buried gold - exactly what one of the members needs to keep her house. How could they not go treasure hunting? In this remarkable collaborative collection, besties Colleen Coble, Kristin Billerbeck, Diann Hunt, and Denise Hunter tackle the tale of The Gentlewoman's Guide by writing for one book club member apiece. Smitten Book Club is a hopeful, hilarious story of friendship and healing, written by friends for friends.

P L E A S E N O T E: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your My Library section along with the audio.

30 Minutes of Flash Fiction by Lisa Grace & Jarrod Nelson - Jarrod Nelson, Lisa Grace

30 Minutes of Flash Fiction by Lisa Grace & Jarrod Nelson

Jarrod Nelson, Lisa Grace

Audible Hörbuch
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Flash Fiction: Complete stories in a thousand words or less with a surprise twist revealed at the end.

What if God exists in other dimensions and outside of time as we know it? What if aliens believe in Him too? What if zombies were something altogether different? What if the future lives in our past? What if our myths are based on actual events? Welcome to my assumptions that there is a God (the one we know of from our Holy Scriptures) who works in wondrous and mysterious ways. These stories are a blend of my religious belief mixed with science fiction and flavored with surprise.

I hope you enjoy reading them as much as I enjoyed creating them.

Also, the last piece is a sci-fi short story (longer than a thousand words) written by Jarrod Nelson.

The Watcher - Robert Hugh Benson

The Watcher

Robert Hugh Benson

Audible Hörbuch
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Robert Hugh Benson, a Catholic priest wrote this short story of the taking the life of a songbird, and the vision that accompanied it.

Diálogo entre un sacerdote y un moribundo [Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man] - Marqués de Sade

Diálogo entre un sacerdote y un moribundo [Dialogue Between a Priest and a Dying Man]

Marqués de Sade

Audible Hörbuch
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Marqués de Sade (1740-1814) - Nombre familiar de Donatien Alphonse François, más conocido por Marqués de Sade, nació en París en 1740 en el seno de una familia de la antigua nobleza provenzal. Aristócrata, escritor y filósofo, escribió varias novelas que aúnan los relatos pornográficos con la exposición de un sistema filosófico materialista y ateo. Precursor de la libertad extrema sin el freno de la ética, la religión o las leyes, y de la búsqueda del placer personal como principio más elevado. En muchos de sus escritos Sade describe con gran detalle sus diversas prácticas sexuales. Su filosofía considera naturales tanto los actos criminales como las desviaciones sexuales. Sus obras fueron calificadas de obscenas y hasta bien entrado el siglo X X, estuvo prohibida su publicación. En 1803 ingresó en el manicomio de Charenton donde murió en 1814.

Diálogo entre un sacerdote y un moribundo - Este diálogo nos ofrece la discusión entre un hombre que se encuentra al borde de la muerte y un sacerdote. El clérigo pretende que se arrepienta de sus pecados para que pueda morir dignamente como cristiano, sin embargo, el moribundo es un hombre ingenioso y filósofo que irá rebatiendo, uno por uno, los débiles argumentos expuestos por el cura. En este texto queda en evidencia el sarcasmo y la lógica mordaz características del marqués de Sade, quien una vez más asume el papel de violador de tabúes. Este controvertido pensador se define, a través de su obra y de sus actos, como un defensor de la inmoralidad como tendencia ineludible del ser humano.

Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.

Many Hearts, Same Beat: One Thread Connects All Our Stories - Sandy Hart Binkley

Many Hearts, Same Beat: One Thread Connects All Our Stories

Sandy Hart Binkley

Audible Hörbuch
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Experience the stories of believers like never before. Binkley's collection of characters range from biblical to modern-day, taking readers through detailed, fictitious accounts of life-changing moments. Listeners will be present at Jesus' birth, and later at his arrest. Listeners will feel the pain that can only be healed by Jesus' gentle touch. Listeners will see their conversations with God in a new way and will ride along as two accidents provide spiritual salvation.

With thought-provoking questions, listeners will find their perspectives changing and other questions arising, renewing their faith and invoking a new passion for Scripture. Find the thread that connects Many Hearts, Same Beat.

Godforsaken Idaho: Stories - Shawn Vestal

Godforsaken Idaho: Stories

Shawn Vestal

Audible Hörbuch
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In this stunning debut, Shawn Vestal transports us to the afterlife, the rugged Northwest, and the early days of Mormonism. From " The First Several Hundred Years Following My Death", an absurd, profound vision of a hellish heaven, to " Winter Elders", in which missionaries calmly and relentlessly pursue a man who has left the fold, these nine stories illuminate the articles of faith that make us human.

The concluding triptych tackles the legends and legacy of Mormonism head-on, culminating in " Diviner", a seriocomic portrait of the young Joseph Smith, back when he was not yet the founder of a religion but a man hired to find buried treasure. Godforsaken Idaho is an indelible collection by the writer you need to explore next.

The Gilgul of Park Avenue: A Short Story from 'For the Relief of Unbearable Urges' - Nathan Englander

The Gilgul of Park Avenue: A Short Story from 'For the Relief of Unbearable Urges'

Nathan Englander

Audible Hörbuch
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In this short story from Nathan Englander's collection For the Relief of Unbearable Urges, a Protestant, after a religious awakening in the back of a New York taxi, realizes he has a Jewish soul.

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01.03.2024  19