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Lebensmittel und Getränke:

Tiefgekühltes Fingerfood und Snacks

Seite 5
Graminway Ragi Diet Chips, Healthy Crispy and Spicy Munchies, Snacks 100 Grams Each (Pack of 2)

Graminway Ragi Diet Chips, Healthy Crispy and Spicy Munchies, Snacks 100 Grams Each (Pack of 2)

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At Graminway, we believe that everyone deserves to live a full and healthy life. The intake of our food supplements will provide a good foundation for a healthy lifestyle. We are committed to providing highest quality products at affordable price. We are a company with a purpose beyond profit and want to make a lasting difference in the World. , Graminway is a smart grocery store with an aim to provide clean, natural, and healthy products without compromising on the flavours and taste. We produce them in small batches, which helps maintain freshness and preserve the ingredient texture.

Graminway Healthy Chips Combo 100 gm each - Pack of 2 (Crunchy SOYA and Yellow Corn Chips)

Graminway Healthy Chips Combo 100 gm each - Pack of 2 (Crunchy SOYA and Yellow Corn Chips)

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At Graminway, we believe that everyone deserves to live a full and healthy life. The intake of our food supplements will provide a good foundation for a healthy lifestyle. We are committed to providing highest quality products at affordable price. We are a company with a purpose beyond profit and want to make a lasting difference in the World. , Graminway is a smart grocery store with an aim to provide clean, natural, and healthy products without compromising on the flavours and taste. We produce them in small batches, which helps maintain freshness and preserve the ingredient texture.

Graminway Healthy Chips Combo Pack of 2 - 100 gm each (Yellow Corn and Healthy Ragi Chips)

Graminway Healthy Chips Combo Pack of 2 - 100 gm each (Yellow Corn and Healthy Ragi Chips)

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At Graminway, we believe that everyone deserves to live a full and healthy life. The intake of our food supplements will provide a good foundation for a healthy lifestyle. We are committed to providing highest quality products at affordable price. We are a company with a purpose beyond profit and want to make a lasting difference in the World. , Graminway is a smart grocery store with an aim to provide clean, natural, and healthy products without compromising on the flavours and taste. We produce them in small batches, which helps maintain freshness and preserve the ingredient texture.

Aaharved Organic Peanut , 1 KG (35.27 OZ) -USDA certified

Aaharved Organic Peanut , 1 KG (35.27 OZ) -USDA certified

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Peanuts are rich in energy (567 calories per 100 g) and contain health benefiting nutrients, minerals, antioxidants and vitamins that are essential for optimum health. Aaharved Peanuts are 100% Certified Organic and handpicked from the best farms where they are grown in a pristine & Pollution free environment so that you enjoy all the goodness that mother nature has to offer . Aaharved Peanuts are 100% organic and conform to U S D A standards for organic products

ALLGROO Dumpling mit Gemüse "Gyoza Mandu", 540 g (Tiefgefroren)

ALLGROO Dumpling mit Gemüse "Gyoza Mandu", 540 g (Tiefgefroren)

Lebensmittel & Getränke
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Gemüse Dumplings können Sie dämpfen, frittieren oder braten und mit Reis und frischem Gemüse servieren. Ebenso können sie als Beilage zu verschiedenen Fleischsorten gereicht werden. Zutaten: Teigtaschen gefüllt mit Gemüse, tiefgefroren. Zutaten: 37% W E I Z E N M E H L, Tofu ( S O J A B O H N E N, Wasser, S O J A B O H N E Nö L, Festigungsmittel: E511), texturiertes S O J A B O H N E N P R O T E I N, 7% Zwiebeln, 7% Frühlingszwiebeln, 6% Weißkohl, 3% getrockneter Rettich, Glasnudeln ( Süßkartoffelstärke), Maisstärke, 2% Knoblauch-Schnittlauch, Maisöl, S E S A MÖ L, Salz, Zucker, Knoblauch, S O J A S A U C E ( Wasser, S O J A B O H N E N, W E I Z E N, Salz), Ingwer, schwarzer Pfeffer, Geschmacksverstärker: E621, S O J A B O H N E NÖ L, Emulgatoren: E322 (enthält S O J A)+ E471, Feuchthaltemittel: E420. Zubereitungszeiten: In der Pfanne: 2 min. In der Friteuse: 3 min. Im Kochtopf: 3 min. Im Dampfgarer: 5 min. In der Mikrowelle: 3 min. Lagerung im Kühlschrank: 1 Tag haltbar. * Lagerung bei -6° C: 1 Woche haltbar. ** Lagerung bei -12° C: 1 Monat haltbar. Lagerung bei mindestens -18° C. Nach dem Auftauen nicht wieder einfrieren. Nährwerte je 100g / 100ml: Brennwert: 270kcal / 1130k J, Fett: 3. 8g, davon gesättigte Fettsäuren: 1. 1g, Kohlenhydrate: 50g, davon Zucker: 2. 2g, Eiweiss: 8. 1g, Salz: 1g

Bansiram Namkeen Mari Kela Wafer - 400gm (14.10 OZ)

Bansiram Namkeen Mari Kela Wafer - 400gm (14.10 OZ)

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The product in display is Mari kela wafer and it comes with the shelf life of 4 months. The material feature of the product is vegetarian and no artificial colors are added in that. The package contents 1 pack of Mari kela wafer which weights around 400 grams.

Bansiram Namkeen Bundi Mutter Masala - 400 gm (14.10 OZ)

Bansiram Namkeen Bundi Mutter Masala - 400 gm (14.10 OZ)

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The product in display is Bundi mutter masala and it comes with the shelf life of 4 months. The material feature of the product is vegetarian and no artificial colors are added in that. The package contents 1 pack of Bundi mutter masala which weights around 400 grams.

BANSI RAM Namkeen Farali Chiwda Mitha -400 gm (14.10 OZ)

BANSI RAM Namkeen Farali Chiwda Mitha -400 gm (14.10 OZ)

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The product in display is farali chiwada mitha and it comes with the shelf life of 4 months. The material feature of the product is vegetarian and no artificial colors are added in that. The package contents 1 pack of farali chiwada mitha which weights around 400 grams.

Vronis bayerische Frühlingsrollen - 5 Stück mit je 60 g

Vronis bayerische Frühlingsrollen - 5 Stück mit je 60 g

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Zutaten: Enthält: 37, 5% Weißwurst ( Schweinefleisch, Kalb- oder Jungrindfleisch, Trinkwasser, Kochsalz, Gewürze, Stabilisatoren: Poly- und Diphosphate E450 E452, Mononatriumglutamat E621), 30 % Krautsalat ( Weißkraut 85 %, Branntweinessig, Pflanzenöl, Räucherspeck 2% ( Schweinefleisch, Nitritpökelsalz ( Kochsalz, Konservierungsstoffe: Natriumnitrit, Kaliumnitrat), Gewürze, Zucker, Dextrose, Gewürzextrakte, Antioxidationsmittel: Natriumascorbat; Rauch), Trinkwasser, Gewürze, Gemüse, Sellerie, Speisesalz, Kräuter, Säuerungsmittel: Citronensäure, Äpfelsäure, Weinsäure; Antioxidationsmittel: Ascorbinsäure; Säureregulator: Natriumacetat; Aromen, Süßstoff: Saccharin; Geschmacksverstärker: Mononatriumglutamat, Dinatriumguanylat, Dinatriuminosinat. S E L L E R I E), 30, 55 % Frühlingsrollenteig ( W E I Z E Nmehl 48%, Wasser, Kokosöl, Salz). 1, 90 % süßer Senf ( Wasser, brauner Zucker, S E N F S A A T E N, Branntweinessig, Gewürze. ) 0, 05 % HÜ H N E R E I



Lebensmittel & Getränke
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N U G G E T P L A N T 200 G R *

Nahrungsmittel, Getränke: Fingerfood und Snacks
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Lebensmittel und Getränke: Tiefgekühltes Fingerfood und Snacks
Lebensmittel und Getränke

Fingerfood und Snacks

Backkäse und Paniertes Gemüse
Chicken Nuggets und Fingers

30.01.2024  10