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Biblische Fiktion

Seite 7
Aurox: Ace und Jaron - Herausgeber: Lycrow Verlag Isabell Bayer, Liesa Marin

Aurox: Ace und Jaron

Herausgeber: Lycrow Verlag
Autoren: Isabell Bayer, Liesa Marin

Taschenbuch, 05.12.2023
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Pferdeseele - Marie-Therese Goldmann


Autor: Marie-Therese Goldmann

Taschenbuch, 20.02.2020
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Warrior of the Light: A Manual - Paulo Coelho

Warrior of the Light: A Manual

Autor: Paulo Coelho

Gebundene Ausgabe, 18.03.2003
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The Hidden Prince - Tessa Afshar

The Hidden Prince

Autor: Tessa Afshar

Taschenbuch, 08.11.2022
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Decree (The Blades of Acktar, Band 5) - Tricia Mingerink

Decree (The Blades of Acktar, Band 5)

Tricia Mingerink

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Slubgrip Instructs: Fifty Days with the Devil - Dwight Longenecker

Slubgrip Instructs: Fifty Days with the Devil

Dwight Longenecker

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Prophecy of the Heir: Primordium (The Chronicles of Time, Band 1) - JC Lamont

Prophecy of the Heir: Primordium (The Chronicles of Time, Band 1)

JC Lamont

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Nowither: The Drowned World (The Unwithering Realm, Band 2) - John C. Wright

Nowither: The Drowned World (The Unwithering Realm, Band 2)

John C. Wright

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Tales Of SCP: Final Book (1, Band 5) - Michael Nooras

Tales Of SCP: Final Book (1, Band 5)

Michael Nooras

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Angel: Kurztrip eines Engels auf Erden - Sylvia Eugenie Huber

Angel: Kurztrip eines Engels auf Erden

Sylvia Eugenie Huber

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El Ultimo Catón [The Last Cato] (Narración en Castellano) - Matilde Asensi

El Ultimo Catón [The Last Cato] (Narración en Castellano)

Matilde Asensi

Audible Hörbuch
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Con más de tres millones de ejemplares vendidos, El último Catón, ahora en audio libro, se ha convertido en la novela más relevante de Matilde Asensi y hasta el momento, sin duda, en una de las obras de referencia de la narrativa española. Desde el archivo secreto de la ciudad del Vaticano, la hermana Ottavia Salina, paleógrafa de prestigio internacional, se enfrenta a un extraño enigma: descifrar los tatuajes aparecidos en el cadáver de un etíope. Con la ayuda de un capitán de la guardia suiza y un arqueólogo de Alejandría, Ottavia tendrá que descubrir quién está detrás del robo de las reliquias de la Vera Cruz, la cruz de Cristo, en las iglesias de todo el mundo. Siete pruebas basadas en el purgatorio de la Divina comedia de Dante Alighieri tienen las llaves para abrir las puertas. La expiación de los siete pecados capitales se realizará en las siete ciudades que ostentan la fama de practicarlos: Roma por su soberbia, Rávena por su envidia, Jerusalén por su ira, Atenas por su pereza, Constantinopla por su avaricia, Alejandría por su gula, y Antioquía por su lujuria.   

Please note: This audiobook is in Castilian Spanish.

The Shock of Night: Darkwater Saga Series, Book 1 - Patrick W. Carr

The Shock of Night: Darkwater Saga Series, Book 1

Patrick W. Carr

Audible Hörbuch
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When one man is brutally murdered and the priest he works for mortally wounded, Willet Dura, reeve to the king of Bunard, is called to investigate. As he begins to question the dying priest, the man pulls Willet close and screams in a foreign tongue. Then he dies without another word. Willet returns to his task, but the clues to the crime lead to contradictions and questions without answers, and his senses are skewed.

People he touches appear to have a subtle shift, as though he can divine their deepest thoughts. In a world divided between haves and have-nots, gifted and common, Willet soon learns he's been passed the rarest gift of all - a gift that's not supposed to exist. Now Willet must pursue the murderer still on the loose in Bunard even as he's pulled into a dangerous conflict that threatens not only his city, but his entire world - a conflict that will force him to come to terms with his inability to remember how he escaped the Darkwater Forest and what happened to him inside it.

The Fall of Lucifer (Chronicles of Brothers, Book One, Band 1) - Wendy Alec

The Fall of Lucifer (Chronicles of Brothers, Book One, Band 1)

Wendy Alec

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Messiah, the First Judgement (Chronicles of Brothers, Band 2) - Wendy Alec

Messiah, the First Judgement (Chronicles of Brothers, Band 2)

Wendy Alec

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Spukhaus: Mystery-Thriller - Eni E. Zeller

Spukhaus: Mystery-Thriller

Autor: Eni E. Zeller

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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The Screwtape Letters (English Edition) - C. S. Lewis

The Screwtape Letters (English Edition)

Autor: C. S. Lewis

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Forgotten Places: Kain: Paranormal Romance - Estelle Harring

Forgotten Places: Kain: Paranormal Romance

Autor: Estelle Harring

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Realm Of Thorns (Legends of the Forsaken Empire Book 1) (English Edition) - R. J. Larson Kacy Barnett-Gramckow

Realm Of Thorns (Legends of the Forsaken Empire Book 1) (English Edition)

Autor: R. J. Larson
Illustrator: Kacy Barnett-Gramckow

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Buch, Hörbücher: Biblische Fiktion
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Buch, Hörbücher: Biblische Fiktion
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Belletristik - Christentum

Biblische Fiktion

01.03.2024  18