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Buch, Hörbücher:

Lyrik - Transgender

Seite 10
Hand in Hand with Love: An Anthology of Queer Classic Poetry (Macmillan Collector's Library, 349) - Herausgeber: Simon Avery

Hand in Hand with Love: An Anthology of Queer Classic Poetry (Macmillan Collector's Library, 349)

Herausgeber: Simon Avery

Gebundene Ausgabe, 25.05.2023
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Crybaby - Caitlyn Siehl


Autor: Caitlyn Siehl

Taschenbuch, 16.05.2022
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Hera Lindsay Bird - Hera Lindsay Bird

Hera Lindsay Bird

Autor: Hera Lindsay Bird

Taschenbuch, 30.11.2017
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Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition - Herausgeber: Seth Perlow Gertrude Stein Nachwort: Juliana Spahr

Tender Buttons: The Corrected Centennial Edition

Herausgeber: Seth Perlow
Autor: Gertrude Stein
Nachwort: Juliana Spahr

Taschenbuch, 08.04.2014
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Howl, and Other Poems (Pocket Poets, Band 4) - Allen Ginsberg

Howl, and Other Poems (Pocket Poets, Band 4)

Autor: Allen Ginsberg

Taschenbuch, 04.06.2015
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Take Me With You - Andrea Gibson

Take Me With You

Autor: Andrea Gibson

Taschenbuch, 23.01.2018
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The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On - Franny Choi

The World Keeps Ending, and the World Goes On

Autor: Franny Choi

Taschenbuch, 07.11.2023
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Iron & Velvet: poetry for hearts breaking and blooming - Stefanie Briar

Iron & Velvet: poetry for hearts breaking and blooming

Autor: Stefanie Briar

Taschenbuch, 29.03.2023
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Make Your Own Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Empowering Witchcraft - Amanda Lovelace

Make Your Own Magic: A Beginner’s Guide to Self-Empowering Witchcraft

Autor: Amanda Lovelace

Gebundene Ausgabe, 05.03.2024
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Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics - Herausgeber: TC Tolbert Trace Peterson

Troubling the Line: Trans and Genderqueer Poetry and Poetics

Herausgeber: TC Tolbert
Autor: Trace Peterson

Taschenbuch, 01.03.2013
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Our Happy Hours,LGBT Voices From the Gay Bars

Our Happy Hours,LGBT Voices From the Gay Bars

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Henceforce - A Travel Poetic - Kamden Ishmael Hilliard

Henceforce - A Travel Poetic

Kamden Ishmael Hilliard

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water/tongue - Mai Doan


Mai Doan

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Prayers of a Heretic: Poems - Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

Prayers of a Heretic: Poems

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

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Prayers of a Heretic explores the "crime" of heresy and the condition of existential displacement through the language of prayer and prayerful voice/s. In the first section, " Visits and Visitations, " the poet imagines a variety of protoganists in situations of supplication. The second section, " In the Gleaning, " examines the life, trangressions, and prayers of the title character and the primacy of books, libraries, and reading for refuge and reconfiguration. Eschewing a secular/religious divide, the book offers an expansive interpretation of the enduring power of prayer. Four poems also have a Yiddish version.
Taub is a master of the character study. His poems are crowded with portraits, novels in miniature, of the old, the overlooked, the dispossessed. Here you will find Aunt Milkah Pesl, taciturn and unsentimental, the volunteer in assisted living who reads books in Yiddish, the patient in an M R I scanner listening to "a symphony of terror" like " John Zorn on Quaaludes. " There are the regulars in a library, and the treasures found hidden in the pages of old books. There are lonely men in search of "fleshly glory. " And over-arching all, there are repentance and atonement, constantly remade anew.
-Kim Roberts, author of Pearl Poetry Prize-winning Animal Magnetism
This book is a feast: sensuous, ironic, political, hilarious, poignant and wise. Intimately Jewish yet embracing of all, its cast of characters includes aged professors, flirtatious landladies, poem-peddlers and the Pied Piper. In " Credo, " a stunning poem near the book's end, Taub powerfully defines religion on his own terms, with equal measures of awe, horror and gratitude at the world.
-Ruth L. Schwartz, author of Edgewater
Whether he's writing in English or Yiddish, in poetry or prayer, Yermiyahu Ahron Taub has a firm grasp on the. . .

Uncle Feygele - Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

Uncle Feygele

Yermiyahu Ahron Taub

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Yermiyahu Ahron Taub's new collection of poems is rich with intimacy and longing, culled from the dual influences of both contemporary gay culture and timeless Jewish tradition. The speakers in Taub's poems find themselves squarely displaced between these two extremes, between the obligation to duty and the surrender to pleasure, the lightness of daily foibles and the darkness of long-held secrets and shame. The poems-bold, unfettered-are draped around the reader like "a necklace of whispers"-as objects both of beauty and of restraint. Taub is a poet in whose hands I feel moved and informed, comforted and implored.
Charles Jensen
Author of The First Risk
This book is a dazzler for any of us who live between cultures and find it hard to negotiate between absolute identities. In poems more urgent than well-mannered, Taub cuts to the bone again and again, making lyrical incisions through history, memory and myth in a spirit of comic melancholy and lament. " Rosa, Rosa, how did it come to this? " he asks, as if speaking for all of us who have emerged from the last century complicated, thinking and feeling too much. Here is a mind embodied enough to imagine the resiliency of "a foreskin . . . spontaneously sprouted!"
Julia Spicher Kasdorf
Author of The Body and the Book: Writing from a Mennonite Life
Uncle Feygele is a funny, insightful, and amazingly humane collection of poems. While the poems cleverly connect the seemingly disparate identities of being openly queer and an Orthodox Jew, they also manage something much bigger-illuminating the tiny struggles and tricks of memory that are a part of all human experience.
T. Cole Rachel
Author of Surviving the Moment of Impact
Switching back and forth. . .

Flit: A Poetry Mashup of Classic Literature - Dennis Milam Bensie

Flit: A Poetry Mashup of Classic Literature

Dennis Milam Bensie

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J. D. Salinger uses the word "flit" twenty times to reference a homosexual male in his classic 1951 novel, Catcher in the Rye. Not to suggest the celebrated writer was homophobic. But it was in his book that the word entered common parlance. Poet and author Dennis Milam Bensie tackles the work of Salinger and thirty-nine other famous authors, including Melville, Dickens, Tolstoy, Twain, and Forrester, and mashes them up into his own concoctions.   These poems offer intriguing snippets of gay life, from cruising bears (furry men sailing the ocean blue) to Log Cabin Republicans, to youths subjected to sexual conversion therapy. Every poem in Flit: A Poetry Mashup of Classic Literature is built entirely with words from one classic book or play.

Man Praying (Free Verse Editions) - Donald Platt

Man Praying (Free Verse Editions)

Donald Platt

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Flying On Invisible Wings - Felix Garmendia

Flying On Invisible Wings

Felix Garmendia

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Another Phase - Eloise Klein Healy

Another Phase

Eloise Klein Healy

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Written in Blood: Post-Modern Penitentiary Poetry - Jon-Darren Walker

Written in Blood: Post-Modern Penitentiary Poetry

Jon-Darren Walker

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02.03.2024  20