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Buch, Hörbücher:

Indianische Lyrik

Seite 7
Indigenous Extraordinariness: Generational Subterfuge of Law to Survive - Loretta Francis Yellowfish

Indigenous Extraordinariness: Generational Subterfuge of Law to Survive

Autor: Loretta Francis Yellowfish

Taschenbuch, 26.02.2024
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Threads of Bohemia: Another Poetry Collection (Humanity Poetry Collections) - Carlin W Allen

Threads of Bohemia: Another Poetry Collection (Humanity Poetry Collections)

Autor: Carlin W Allen

Gebundene Ausgabe, 25.02.2024
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Poetic Rhythms - F Melanie Largent

Poetic Rhythms

Autor: F Melanie Largent

Taschenbuch, 09.02.2024
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Una Princesa Llamada Zulia - Reinaldo De Fernandez Vorwort: Patricia Velasquez

Una Princesa Llamada Zulia

Autor: Reinaldo De Fernandez
Vorwort: Patricia Velasquez

Taschenbuch, 27.09.2019
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Megan Fox's Journey Through Heartbreak and Healing: Navigating the Pain of Miscarriage and Finding Strength in Love with Machine Gun Kelly - Grants McBride

Megan Fox's Journey Through Heartbreak and Healing: Navigating the Pain of Miscarriage and Finding Strength in Love with Machine Gun Kelly

Autor: Grants McBride

Taschenbuch, 20.02.2024
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TAYLOR SWIFT BIOGRAPHY: American singer-songwriter - WILLIAM GETS

TAYLOR SWIFT BIOGRAPHY: American singer-songwriter


Gebundene Ausgabe, 16.02.2024
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The Silence of Dreams: Prose Poetry - Onaisy Ramirez Suarez

The Silence of Dreams: Prose Poetry

Autor: Onaisy Ramirez Suarez

Taschenbuch, 15.02.2024
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Through Lines - Kelsey Brown

Through Lines

Autor: Kelsey Brown

Taschenbuch, 13.02.2024
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CHARLES OSGOOD BIOGRAPHY: The True Story Of America Broadcasting Legend - WILLIAM GETS

CHARLES OSGOOD BIOGRAPHY: The True Story Of America Broadcasting Legend


Taschenbuch, 13.02.2024
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The Song of Hiawatha: The 1855 Literary Poetry Classic - Herausgeber: Omdurman House Publishing Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

The Song of Hiawatha: The 1855 Literary Poetry Classic

Herausgeber: Omdurman House Publishing
Autor: Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Taschenbuch, 11.02.2024
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Flower World Variations: Expanded Edition - Jerome Rothenberg

Flower World Variations: Expanded Edition

Jerome Rothenberg

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Secret-Telling Bones - Jessica Tyner Mehta

Secret-Telling Bones

Jessica Tyner Mehta

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In Her Own Native Tongue: 180 Poems - Teresa Prins-Wood

In Her Own Native Tongue: 180 Poems

Teresa Prins-Wood

Gebundene Ausgabe
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Currents: Poems - Bojan Louis

Currents: Poems

Bojan Louis

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xu?i mission, house, village, town - Lisa K. Adam

xu?i mission, house, village, town

Lisa K. Adam

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Burn - Allison Adelle Hedge Coke


Allison Adelle Hedge Coke

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Royals - Cedar Sigo


Cedar Sigo

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Black Heart: Poems - Greg Field

Black Heart: Poems

Greg Field

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Dark Sister: Poems - Rodriguez Linda

Dark Sister: Poems

Rodriguez Linda

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Creators Song - Eva Black Tail Swan

Creators Song

Eva Black Tail Swan

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Creator's Song, Ancient Voices Speak is a beautiful and uplifting daily gift of prayer and messages brought forth in a pre-dawn ceremony each day by Eva Black Tail Swan, a Cherokee Medicine Elder.
This book is more than a daily message from the Creator. . . it is a path to know who you really are by spending time with a medicine elder. This book is such a gift as this work can be done in the comfort of your own home.
" In this book you'll find carefully chosen selections of these communications. Read them one at a time and savor them, meditate on them, perhaps as a daily morning ritual. Another use is when you're looking for guidance, pick up the book, open it at random and read the message. Take your time to absorb the message, just as Nature takes her time, and you'll discover other layers of meaning. I'm sure you'll find years of inspiration and enjoyment from these readings and will find yourself seeing, hearing, and feeling the world in which we live in an entirely fresh way each and every day. "
-Dr. Steven Farmer
Author of Earth Magic, Animal Spirit Guides and Sacred Ceremony
" Eva Black Tail Swan gives the reader an amazing gift with each of her Creator's Song messages. Eva offers the reader the opportunity to feel the wind, see the moon light, smell the sage, taste the cool waters and hear the voices of the Elders as she generously shares each message"
-Marti, Colorado
Eva Black Tail Swan has taught Native American Spirituality for more than thirty years. Her Native American ancestry is Cherokee and Salinan. Many Elders have called Eva "a Master of the Medicine Tools", for she has been making (and teaching others to make their own) Medicine Tools for many years. She walks an old and traditional path when it comes to Medicine Work, and teaches from. . .

Buch, Hörbücher: Indianische Literatur
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Buch, Hörbücher: Indianische Lyrik
Buch, Hörbücher
Literatur und Fiktion
Lyrik und Gedichte
Lyrik - Regionen und Kulturkreise
US-amerikanische Lyrik

Indianische Lyrik

02.03.2024  20