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Buch, Hörbücher:

Biografien von Architekten

Seite 8
The Five Lives of Hilma af Klint - Philipp Deines Künstler: Hilma af Klint

The Five Lives of Hilma af Klint

Autor: Philipp Deines
Künstler: Hilma af Klint

Gebundene Ausgabe, 17.05.2022
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Stanford White: Decorator in Opulence and Dealer in Antiquities - Wayne Craven

Stanford White: Decorator in Opulence and Dealer in Antiquities

Autor: Wayne Craven

Gebundene Ausgabe, 31.05.2005
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Sir Edwin Lutyens: Britain’s Greatest Architect? (Triglyph People, Band 1) - Clive Aslet

Sir Edwin Lutyens: Britain’s Greatest Architect? (Triglyph People, Band 1)

Autor: Clive Aslet

Gebundene Ausgabe, 01.04.2024
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The Baby on the Fire Escape: Creativity, Motherhood, and the Mind-Baby Problem - Julie Phillips

The Baby on the Fire Escape: Creativity, Motherhood, and the Mind-Baby Problem

Autor: Julie Phillips

Taschenbuch, 02.05.2023
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Doctor Moebius and Mister Gir - Numa Sadoul, Jean Giraud, Moebius Jean Giraud Übersetzer: Edward Gauvin

Doctor Moebius and Mister Gir

Autoren: Numa Sadoul, Jean Giraud, Moebius
Illustrator: Jean Giraud
Übersetzer: Edward Gauvin

Taschenbuch, 02.08.2022
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Culture Strike: Art and Museums in an Age of Protest - Laura Raicovich

Culture Strike: Art and Museums in an Age of Protest

Autor: Laura Raicovich

Taschenbuch, 26.09.2023
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Burnham of Chicago: Architect and Planner - Thomas S. Hines

Burnham of Chicago: Architect and Planner

Thomas S. Hines

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Norman Foster: Works 5

Norman Foster: Works 5

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Life of Olgivanna Wright - Maxine Fawsette-Yeske, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer

Life of Olgivanna Wright

Maxine Fawsette-Yeske, Bruce Brooks Pfeiffer

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William Kent: Architect, Designer, Opportunist - Timothy Mowl

William Kent: Architect, Designer, Opportunist

Timothy Mowl

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William Kent (1685-1748) was great without a hint of gravitas, a con man who became one of the artistic geniuses of his age. He was a high camp Yorkshire bachelor, brought back by Lord Burlington from an artistic apprenticeship in Rome where he had painted for a cardinal and won prizes from a pope. In London he charmed the surly old Hanoverian King George I, redecorated Kensington Palace for him with a clumsy bravura, and survived the subsequent critical storm - just. England was in stylistic chaos after rejecting its lawful Stuart rulers and Burlington was imposing a chaste and dreary Palladianism on a philistine island people. Kent saw his chance and never looked back. Queen Caroline, the real ruler, used him to project in sensational garden buildings by the Thames at Richmond her vision of a new scientific Britain. Sir Robert Walpole paid him to turn Houghton Hall in Norfolk into an imperial palace, outshining anything the German monarchs could raise. Another prime minister, the virtuous Henry Pelham, built with Kent a revolutionary suburban bolt-hole in Surrey. Between them they invented the Gothic Revival out at Esher, but have never been given the credit. Late in life, while raising an alabaster temple to Jupiter at Holkham Hall, also in Norfolk, and the sexiest interiors in London on Berkeley Square, Kent was discovering his true genius, laying out casually at Esher, Stowe in Buckinghamshire and Rousham near Oxford, the Arcadian image of the ' English Garden' that would take the continent, even France, by storm as England's only original contribution to European culture.

Calatrava (Taschen Basic Architecture) - Philip Jodidio

Calatrava (Taschen Basic Architecture)

Philip Jodidio

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Leonardo Da Vinci - Kenneth Clark, Martin Kemp

Leonardo Da Vinci

Kenneth Clark, Martin Kemp

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Leonardo Da Vinci A monograph of Leonardo Da Vinci's art and his development. It provides an introduction to Leonardo's genius. Full description

John Lautner (Architektur und Design) - Barbara A Campbell-Lange

John Lautner (Architektur und Design)

Barbara A Campbell-Lange

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Rare Book

Winsor McCay: His Life and Art - John Canemaker

Winsor McCay: His Life and Art

John Canemaker

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Michael Graves: Images of a Tour: Images of a Grand Tour - Brian Ambroziak

Michael Graves: Images of a Tour: Images of a Grand Tour

Brian Ambroziak

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The Collector of Lives: Giorgio Vasari and the Invention of Art - Noah Charney, Ingrid Rowland

The Collector of Lives: Giorgio Vasari and the Invention of Art

Noah Charney, Ingrid Rowland

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Buch, Hörbücher: Architekten
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Buch, Hörbücher: Biografien von Architekten
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Biografien von Kunst und Literatur
Biografien und Erinnerungen von Künstlern, Architekten und Fotografen


05.03.2024  16