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Buch, Hörbücher:

Biografien historischer Persönlichkeiten aus Spanien und Portugal

Seite 2
Homage to Catalonia: The Internationally Best Selling author of Animal Farm and 1984 (Collins Classics) - George Orwell

Homage to Catalonia: The Internationally Best Selling author of Animal Farm and 1984 (Collins Classics)

Autor: George Orwell

Taschenbuch, 21.01.2021
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Santa Anna of Mexico - Will Fowler

Santa Anna of Mexico

Autor: Will Fowler

Taschenbuch, 01.11.2009
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A Life of Picasso IV: The Minotaur Years: 1933-1943 - John Richardson

A Life of Picasso IV: The Minotaur Years: 1933-1943

Autor: John Richardson

Gebundene Ausgabe, 16.11.2021
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Salazar: The Dictator Who Refused to Die - Tom Gallagher

Salazar: The Dictator Who Refused to Die

Autor: Tom Gallagher

Taschenbuch, 01.10.2022
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The Dark Queens: A gripping tale of power, ambition and murderous rivalry in early medieval France - Shelley Puhak

The Dark Queens: A gripping tale of power, ambition and murderous rivalry in early medieval France

Autor: Shelley Puhak

Taschenbuch, 02.03.2023
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An Anarchist's Story: The Life of Ethel Macdonald - Chris Dolan

An Anarchist's Story: The Life of Ethel Macdonald

Autor: Chris Dolan

Taschenbuch, 01.03.2009
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Henry VIII: And the Men Who Made Him - Tracy Borman

Henry VIII: And the Men Who Made Him

Autor: Tracy Borman

Gebundene Ausgabe, 05.02.2019
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La vida oculta de Fidel Castro : el exguardaespaldas del líder cubano desvela sus secretos más íntimos: El exguardaespaldas del lider cubano desvela sus secretos más intimos (PENINSULA) - Axel Gyldén, Juan Reinaldo Sánchez Übersetzer: Rosa Alapont Calderaro

La vida oculta de Fidel Castro : el exguardaespaldas del líder cubano desvela sus secretos más íntimos: El exguardaespaldas del lider cubano desvela sus secretos más intimos (PENINSULA)

Autoren: Axel Gyldén, Juan Reinaldo Sánchez
Übersetzer: Rosa Alapont Calderaro

Taschenbuch, 01.10.2014
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Cartas de relación . (CLASICOS CASTALIA. C/C., Band 198) - Hernán Cortés

Cartas de relación . (CLASICOS CASTALIA. C/C., Band 198)

Autor: Hernán Cortés

Taschenbuch, 01.08.2016
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Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization's Greatest Minds - Joel L. Kraemer

Maimonides: The Life and World of One of Civilization's Greatest Minds

Joel L. Kraemer

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Maimonides This authoritative biography of Moses Maimonides, one of the most influential minds in all of human history, illuminates his life as a philosopher, physician, and lawgiver. A biography on a grand scale, it brilliantly explicates one man's life against the background of the social, religious, and political issues of his time. Maimonides was born in Cordoba, in Muslim-ruled Spain, in 1138 and died i. . . Full description

Monturiol's Dream: The Submarine Inventor Who Wanted to Save the World: The Extraordinary Story of the Submarine Inventor Who Wanted to Save the World - Matthew Stewart

Monturiol's Dream: The Submarine Inventor Who Wanted to Save the World: The Extraordinary Story of the Submarine Inventor Who Wanted to Save the World

Matthew Stewart

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S T E W A R T, M. M O N T U R I O L' S D R E A M. T H E E X T R A O R D I N A R Y S T O R Y O F T H E S U B M A R I N E I N V E N T O R W H O W A N T E D T O S A V E T H E W O R L D. L O N D O N, 2004, xi 404 p. , figuras. Encuadernacion original. Nuevo.

Hemingway: The 1930s - Michael S. Reynolds

Hemingway: The 1930s

Michael S. Reynolds

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Isabella: The Warrior Queen - Kirstin Downey

Isabella: The Warrior Queen

Kirstin Downey

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Sir Francis Drake - Dr John Sugden

Sir Francis Drake

Dr John Sugden

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More than four hundred years after his death, Sir Francis Drake remains one of the legendary figures of history. His career is one of the most colourful on record. The most daring of the corsairs who raided the West Indies and Spanish Main, he led the English into the Pacific, and cirumnavigated the world to bring home the Golden Hind laden with Spanish treasure. His attacks on Spanish cities and ships transformed his private war into a struggle for surivival between Protestant England and Catholic Spain, in which he became Elizabeth I's most prominent admiral. His exploits marked the emergence of England as a major maritime nation.

Christoph Kolumbus - Andreas Venzke

Christoph Kolumbus

Andreas Venzke

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Spanische Geschichte. Vom 15. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart - Walther L. Bernecker

Spanische Geschichte. Vom 15. Jahrhundert bis zur Gegenwart

Walther L. Bernecker

B, Broschiert
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I S B N 3406433111 - Paperback Einband guter Zustand - Erscheinungsjahr: 1999 - Taschenbuch mit 127 Seiten. Index: 158

Spain: A History - Melveena McKendrick

Spain: A History

Melveena McKendrick

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They Shall Not Pass: The Autobiography of La Pasionaria - Dolores Ibarruri

They Shall Not Pass: The Autobiography of La Pasionaria

Dolores Ibarruri

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No They Shall Not Pass Read a customer review or write one .

The Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca - Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca, Rolena Adorno, Patrick Charles Pautz

The Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca

Alvar Nunez Cabeza De Vaca, Rolena Adorno, Patrick Charles Pautz

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[{ The Narrative of Cabeza de Vaca[ T H E N A R R A T I V E O F C A B E Z A D E V A C A ] By de Vaca, Alvar Nunez Cabeza ( Author ) May-01-2003 Paperback By de Vaca, Alvar Nunez Cabeza ( Author ) May - 01- 2003 ( Paperback ) } ]

Elizabeth de Valois, Queen of Spain, and the Court of Philip II: From numerous unpublished sources, in the archives of France, Italy, and Spain. Vols 1 and 2 (English Edition) - Martha Walker Freer

Elizabeth de Valois, Queen of Spain, and the Court of Philip II: From numerous unpublished sources, in the archives of France, Italy, and Spain. Vols 1 and 2 (English Edition)

Autor: Martha Walker Freer

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Buch, Hörbücher: Spanien und Portugal
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Buch, Hörbücher: Biografien historischer Persönlichkeiten aus Spanien und Portugal
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Europäische Biografien und Erinnerungen

Spanien und Portugal


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