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Biografien von Ingenieuren

Seite 8
My Own Right Time: An Exploration of Clockwork Design - Philip Woodward

My Own Right Time: An Exploration of Clockwork Design

Autor: Philip Woodward

Gebundene Ausgabe, 07.09.1995
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The Age of Edison: Electric Light and the Invention of Modern America - Ernest Freeberg

The Age of Edison: Electric Light and the Invention of Modern America

Autor: Ernest Freeberg

Taschenbuch, 28.01.2014
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They Made America: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine: Two Centuries of Innovators - Harold Evans

They Made America: From the Steam Engine to the Search Engine: Two Centuries of Innovators

Autor: Harold Evans

Taschenbuch, 09.05.2006
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Becker the Researcher - Andrew Marino

Becker the Researcher

Autor: Andrew Marino

Taschenbuch, 31.08.2017
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The Douglass Lighthouse Engineers: How Did They Build Them ? - Timothy Douglass

The Douglass Lighthouse Engineers: How Did They Build Them ?

Autor: Timothy Douglass

Gebundene Ausgabe, 23.12.2020
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Inflation verstehen und erfolgreich investieren: Erfolgreiche Geldanlage für Privatanleger trotz hoher Geldentwertung - Tobias Brenner

Inflation verstehen und erfolgreich investieren: Erfolgreiche Geldanlage für Privatanleger trotz hoher Geldentwertung

Autor: Tobias Brenner

Taschenbuch, 24.01.2023
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Ideas Man - Shed Simove

Ideas Man

Shed Simove

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Adventures from the Technology Underground: Catapults, Pulsejets, Rail Guns, Flamethrowers, Tesla Coils, Air Cannons, and the Garage Warriors Who Love Them - William Gurstelle

Adventures from the Technology Underground: Catapults, Pulsejets, Rail Guns, Flamethrowers, Tesla Coils, Air Cannons, and the Garage Warriors Who Love Them

William Gurstelle

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MR Pedersen: A Man of Genius - Evans

MR Pedersen: A Man of Genius


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Breakthrough: how one teen innovator is changing the world - Jack Andraka

Breakthrough: how one teen innovator is changing the world

Jack Andraka

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Brilliant!: Shuji Nakamura And the Revolution in Lighting Technology (Updated Edition) - Bob Johnstone

Brilliant!: Shuji Nakamura And the Revolution in Lighting Technology (Updated Edition)

Bob Johnstone

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War of the Currents: Nikola Tesla - 2nd Edtion - Alfonso Borello

War of the Currents: Nikola Tesla - 2nd Edtion

Alfonso Borello

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Sonic Wind: The Story of John Paul Stapp and How a Renegade Doctor Became the Fastest Man on Earth - Craig Ryan

Sonic Wind: The Story of John Paul Stapp and How a Renegade Doctor Became the Fastest Man on Earth

Craig Ryan

Audible Hörbuch
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Sixty years ago cars and airplanes were still death traps waiting to happen. Today both are safer than ever, thanks in part to one pioneering air force doctor's research on seatbelts and ejection seats. The exploits of John Paul Stapp (1910-1999) come to thrilling life in this biography of a Renaissance man who was once blasted - faster than a . 45 caliber bullet - across the desert in his Sonic Wind rocket sled, only to be slammed to a stop in barely a second. The experiment put him on the cover of Time magazine and allowed his swashbuckling team to gather the data needed to revolutionize automobile and aircraft design. But Stapp didn't stop there. From the legendary high-altitude balloon tests that ensued to the ferocious battles for car safety legislation, Craig Ryan's book is as much a history of America's transition into the Jet Age as it is a biography of the man who got us there safely.

Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs - Michelle Malkin

Who Built That: Awe-Inspiring Stories of American Tinkerpreneurs

Michelle Malkin

Audible Hörbuch
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Firebrand conservative columnist, commentator, Internet entrepreneur, and number-one New York Times best-selling author Michelle Malkin tells the fascinating, little-known stories of the inventors who have contributed to American exceptionalism and technological progress.

In July 2012 President Obama infamously proclaimed, " If you've got a business - you didn't build that. Somebody else made that happen. "

Malkin wholeheartedly disagrees. Who Built That is a rousing tribute to the hidden American capitalists who pioneered everyday inventions. They're the little big things we take for granted: bottle caps and glassware, door hinges and staples, tissue paper, flashlights, railroad signals, rotary printing presses, bridge cables, and more.

Malkin takes listeners on an eclectic journey of American capitalism, from the colonial period to the Industrial Age to the present, spotlighting awe-inspiring and little-known "tinkerpreneurs" who achieved their dreams of doing well by doing good. You'll learn how Paul Revere became America's first tech titan; how famous patent holders Abraham Lincoln and Mark Twain championed the nation's unique system of intellectual property rights; how glass-manufacturing mavericks Edward Libbey and Mike Owens defied naysayers to revolutionize food, beverage, and pharmaceutical packaging; how penniless Croatian immigrant Anthony Maglica started his $400 million Maglite flashlight business in a rented garage; and many more riveting stories that explain our country's fertile climate for scientific advancement and entrepreneurship.

To understand who we are as people, we need first to understand what motivates America's ordinary and extraordinary makers and risk takers. Driven by her own experience as a second-generation beneficiary of the American dream, Malkin skillfully and passionately rebuts collectivist orthodoxy to celebrate the engineers, mechanics, designers, artisans, and relentless tinkerers of all backgrounds who embody our nation's spirit of self-made entrepreneurialism.

The Wright Brothers - Fred C. Kelly

The Wright Brothers

Fred C. Kelly

Audible Hörbuch
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In this fascinating biography, Fred C. Kelly, a former newspaperman, author, and an old friend of the Wrights, tells the story of the 2 brilliant, dedicated, flight-obsessed bicycle mechanics from Ohio who first realized mankind's age-old dream of conquering the skies. Long considered the definitive Wright Brothers biography (the manuscript was read and approved by Orville Wright), Kelly's work recounts the Wrights' small-town boyhood, their early interest in all things mechanical, the establishment of the Wright Cycle Shop, and the complete behind-the-scenes story of how they designed, built, tested, and flew ( December, 1903) the first " Flyer. "

James Watt und die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine: Ein Vortrag vom 9. Februar 1894 über Watts technische Entwicklungen - Theodor Beck

James Watt und die Erfindung der Dampfmaschine: Ein Vortrag vom 9. Februar 1894 über Watts technische Entwicklungen

Theodor Beck

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Bell: Alexander Graham Bell and the Conquest of Solitude (English Edition) - Robert V. Bruce

Bell: Alexander Graham Bell and the Conquest of Solitude (English Edition)

Autor: Robert V. Bruce

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Zuckerfreie Rezepte: 150 Rezepte für Plätzchen, Kekse, Brownies, Cookies und Gebäck, das Backbuch für das ganze Jahr. Gesund backen für die Familie für eine zuckerfreie Ernährung. Weihnachtsbäckerei - Cordula K. Jette

Zuckerfreie Rezepte: 150 Rezepte für Plätzchen, Kekse, Brownies, Cookies und Gebäck, das Backbuch für das ganze Jahr. Gesund backen für die Familie für eine zuckerfreie Ernährung. Weihnachtsbäckerei

Autor: Cordula K. Jette

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Buch, Hörbücher: Ingenieure
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Buch, Hörbücher: Biografien von Ingenieuren
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05.03.2024  18