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Buch, Hörbücher:

Charakterbiographien von Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst

Seite 9
Hell in the Heartland: Murder, Meth, and the Case of Two Missing Girls - Jax Miller

Hell in the Heartland: Murder, Meth, and the Case of Two Missing Girls

Autor: Jax Miller

Gebundene Ausgabe, 28.07.2020
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Affenhoden und weitere Betrugsfälle!: Die verrücktesten True Crime Geschichten der Vergangenheit. (True Crime International, Band 11) - Adrian Langenscheid, Benjamin Rickert, Caja Berg

Affenhoden und weitere Betrugsfälle!: Die verrücktesten True Crime Geschichten der Vergangenheit. (True Crime International, Band 11)

Autoren: Adrian Langenscheid, Benjamin Rickert, Caja Berg

Gebundene Ausgabe, 17.04.2023
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Serpico: The Classic Story of the Cop Who Couldn't Be Bought - Peter Maas, Frank Serpico

Serpico: The Classic Story of the Cop Who Couldn't Be Bought

Autoren: Peter Maas, Frank Serpico

Taschenbuch, 04.01.2005
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G8 c'ero anche io: Un avvocato tra le barricate di Genova (Prospettive) - Raffaele Caruso

G8 c'ero anche io: Un avvocato tra le barricate di Genova (Prospettive)

Autor: Raffaele Caruso

Taschenbuch, 08.06.2021
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City of Light, City of Poison: Murder, Magic, and the First Police Chief of Paris - Holly (Vanderbilt University) Tucker

City of Light, City of Poison: Murder, Magic, and the First Police Chief of Paris

Autor: Holly (Vanderbilt University) Tucker

Taschenbuch, 10.04.2018
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Scarface and the Untouchable: Al Capone, Eliot Ness, and the Battle for Chicago - Max Allan Collins, A. Brad Schwartz

Scarface and the Untouchable: Al Capone, Eliot Ness, and the Battle for Chicago

Autoren: Max Allan Collins, A. Brad Schwartz

Taschenbuch, 04.06.2019
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Boston Marathon Bombing: Tragedy Strikes - A. J. Kingston

Boston Marathon Bombing: Tragedy Strikes

Autor: A. J. Kingston

Taschenbuch, 08.08.2023
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One Ranger: A Memoir (BRIDWELL TEXAS HISTORY SERIES) - H. Joaquin Jackson Künstler: David Marion Wilkinson


Autor: H. Joaquin Jackson
Künstler: David Marion Wilkinson

Gebundene Ausgabe, 21.01.2005
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Hidden Terrors: The Truth About U.S. Police Operations in Latin America (Forbidden Bookshelf) - A. J. Langguth Einleitung: Mark Crispin Miller

Hidden Terrors: The Truth About U.S. Police Operations in Latin America (Forbidden Bookshelf)

Autor: A. J. Langguth
Einleitung: Mark Crispin Miller

Taschenbuch, 17.07.2018
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The Company We Keep: A Husband-and-Wife True-Life Spy Story - Robert Baer, Dayna Baer

The Company We Keep: A Husband-and-Wife True-Life Spy Story

Autoren: Robert Baer, Dayna Baer

Taschenbuch, 06.03.2012
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Official And Confidential: Official and Confidential               e of J Edgar Hoover: Secret Life of J.Edgar Hoover - Anthony Summers

Official And Confidential: Official and Confidential e of J Edgar Hoover: Secret Life of J.Edgar Hoover

Anthony Summers

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A Cowboy Detective: A True Story of Twenty-Two Years with a World Famous Detective Agency: Giving the Inside Facts of the Bloody Coeur d'A - Charles A. Siringo

A Cowboy Detective: A True Story of Twenty-Two Years with a World Famous Detective Agency: Giving the Inside Facts of the Bloody Coeur d'A

Charles A. Siringo

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Confessions of an Air Ambulance Doctor - Dr Tony Bleetman

Confessions of an Air Ambulance Doctor

Dr Tony Bleetman

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L'Appel des sirènes - Romain Comte

L'Appel des sirènes

Romain Comte

Audible Hörbuch
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Bienvenue dans ma caserne.

Romain Comte, sapeur-pompier et chef de caserne, voit chaque jour défiler des milliers de véhicules sur "la route de la mort" (la R C E A) - comme la surnomment les médias -, où la moindre erreur est fatale. Aux secours routiers s'ajoutent aussi les incendies, les accidents domestiques, les tentatives de suicide, la protection de l'environnement. . . Tout ce qui fait le c? ur même du métier de pompier.

Parmi ces interventions, certaines ne peuvent être oubliées, et marquent une carrière. Car derrière l'uniforme et le casque, se cachent avant tout des femmes et des hommes.

Malgré les épreuves, Romain vit une véritable vocation, fier de son métier tout autant que de son équipe de professionnels et de volontaires, qu'il dirige dans un esprit d'ouverture et d'écoute. Dans L' Appel des sirènes, Romain Comte témoigne, avec sensibilité et passion, de son quotidien de pompier, et incarne avec force la devise de sa profession : " Courage et dévouement".

Nightcrawlers: Exposure collection, Book 6 - Rosecrans Baldwin

Nightcrawlers: Exposure collection, Book 6

Rosecrans Baldwin

Audible Hörbuch
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A revealing ride-along with New England's teenage volunteer E M Ts - boys and girls pulled away from their homework to save lives when the sun goes down.  

It's a Darien, Connecticut, tradition: an emergency medical service managed by adolescents. One kid is a varsity soccer captain. There's a future doctor, a band dork, a theater geek. Theirs is a view of town without the niceties. A drunken spouse turned violent. Lonely old people stuck in the bath. A midlife suicide. How do these kids process the sometimes shocking and violent life-and-death secrets of their community? The answer is a story of high stress and uncommon high school lives, told by a writer who spent his own youth on the night shift. Welcome to Post 53.  

Rosecrans Baldwin's Nightcrawlers is part of Exposure, a collection of six incredible and true stories of American double lives from millionaire C E Os and suburban teens to undercover investigators and scam artists - all for whom secrets are a way of life. Each piece can be listened to in a single astonished sitting.

Blåljusliv - Ulf Broberg


Ulf Broberg

Audible Hörbuch
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Under mitten av 1900-talet arbetar Göran Boström som brandman i Uppsala, och han är under denna tid närvarande vid några utav Sveriges största katastrofer, men också vid några utav de mest otroliga händelserna. Under sin tid som brandman spränger han hål i den brinnande färjan Sally Albatross, jagar en apa i landshövdingens stall, och bistår i den stora räddningsinsatsen när fartyget Scandinavian Star började brinna ute på öppet hav med nästan 500 påskfirande personer ombord, 159 av dessa överlevde inte.

Genom berättelsen om Göran Boströms liv berättas också historien om livet i Uppsala under mitten av 1900-talet, och verkligheten om hur det var att arbeta inom brandkåren under denna tid. Vi följer Boström genom hans arbete och de tragiska förluster av människoliv som han bevittnar, men också de mirakulösa räddningar av människor i nöd som Boström var med om att genomföra.

Ulf Broberg är en frilansjournalist och författare, med stor kunskap om polisverksamhet, det svenska rättsväsendet och räddningstjänstens arbete.

Chasing Shadows: A Special Agent's Lifelong Hunt to Bring A Cold War Assassin to Justice by Fred Burton (2011-05-26)

Chasing Shadows: A Special Agent's Lifelong Hunt to Bring A Cold War Assassin to Justice by Fred Burton (2011-05-26)

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The Echo from Dealey Plaza: The true story of the first African American on the White House Secret Service detail and his quest for justice after the assassination of JFK by Abraham Bolden(2009-01-27) - Abraham Bolden

The Echo from Dealey Plaza: The true story of the first African American on the White House Secret Service detail and his quest for justice after the assassination of JFK by Abraham Bolden(2009-01-27)

Abraham Bolden

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Jail Bird: The Inside Story of the Glam Vicar by Sharon Grenham-Thompson (2016-07-15) - Sharon Grenham-Thompson

Jail Bird: The Inside Story of the Glam Vicar by Sharon Grenham-Thompson (2016-07-15)

Sharon Grenham-Thompson

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MEAN STREETS - Life in the Apartheid Police Book 1 College Days: Volume 1 by Jacobus Kotze (2015-10-06) - Jacobus Kotze

MEAN STREETS - Life in the Apartheid Police Book 1 College Days: Volume 1 by Jacobus Kotze (2015-10-06)

Jacobus Kotze

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Buch, Hörbücher: Feuerwehr und Notdienste
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Buch, Hörbücher: Charakterbiographien von Feuerwehr und Rettungsdienst
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Feuerwehr und Notdienste

05.03.2024  20