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Missverständnisse und Täuschungen

Seite 10
Selling the Dream: The Billion-Dollar Industry Bankrupting Americans - Jane Marie

Selling the Dream: The Billion-Dollar Industry Bankrupting Americans

Autor: Jane Marie

Gebundene Ausgabe, 12.03.2024
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Modern Swindles: A Romp through early 20th century Con-games, Frauds, and Fallacies. - Herausgeber: Loren Pankratz William Lange Übersetzer: Heidi Shaw

Modern Swindles: A Romp through early 20th century Con-games, Frauds, and Fallacies.

Herausgeber: Loren Pankratz
Autor: William Lange
Übersetzer: Heidi Shaw

Taschenbuch, 31.05.2022
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Nobody's Fool: Why We Get Taken In and What We Can Do about It - Daniel Simons, Christopher Chabris

Nobody's Fool: Why We Get Taken In and What We Can Do about It

Autoren: Daniel Simons, Christopher Chabris

Gebundene Ausgabe, 11.07.2023
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Affenhoden und weitere Betrugsfälle!: Die verrücktesten True Crime Geschichten der Vergangenheit. (True Crime International, Band 11) - Adrian Langenscheid, Benjamin Rickert, Caja Berg

Affenhoden und weitere Betrugsfälle!: Die verrücktesten True Crime Geschichten der Vergangenheit. (True Crime International, Band 11)

Autoren: Adrian Langenscheid, Benjamin Rickert, Caja Berg

Taschenbuch, 17.04.2023
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Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War - Wilfred Reilly

Hate Crime Hoax: How the Left is Selling a Fake Race War

Wilfred Reilly

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Scams, Swindles, Ripoffs & Cons! - Mr. Joseph A. Laydon Jr.

Scams, Swindles, Ripoffs & Cons!

Mr. Joseph A. Laydon Jr.

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Torture Mom: A Chilling True Story of Confinement, Mutilation and Murder (True Crime) - Ryan Green

Torture Mom: A Chilling True Story of Confinement, Mutilation and Murder (True Crime)

Ryan Green

Audible Hörbuch
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In July 1965, teenagers Sylvia and Jenny Likens were left in the temporary care of Gertrude Baniszewski, a middle-aged single mother, and her seven children.  

The Baniszewski household was overrun with children. There were few rules and ample freedom. Sadly, the environment created a dangerous hierarchy of social Darwinism where the strong preyed on the weak.  

What transpired in the following three months was both riveting and chilling.

In October 1965, the body of Sylvia Likens was found in the basement of the Baniszewski home, where she had been imprisoned. She was starved, beaten, burned, and had the words " I am a prostitute and proud of it" carved into her stomach.  

Gertrude Baniszewski oversaw and facilitated the torture and eventual murder of Sylvia Likens. While she played an active role in Sylvia's death, the majority of the abuse was carried out by her children and other neighborhood youths.

The case shocked the entire nation and would later be described as " The single worst crime perpetuated against an individual in Indiana's history".

Caution: This audiobook contains descriptive accounts of abuse and violence. If you are especially sensitive to this material, it might be advisable not to listen any further.

The Adversary: A True Story of Monstrous Deception - Emmanuel Carrère

The Adversary: A True Story of Monstrous Deception

Emmanuel Carrère

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The Holy Shroud: A Brilliant Hoax in the Time of the Black Death - Gary Vikan

The Holy Shroud: A Brilliant Hoax in the Time of the Black Death

Gary Vikan

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Boardfree: The Story of an Incredible Skateboard Journey across Australia: Going the Distance for Change - Dave Cornthwaite

Boardfree: The Story of an Incredible Skateboard Journey across Australia: Going the Distance for Change

Dave Cornthwaite

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The Big Twitch: One Man, One Continent, a Race Against Time--A True Story about Birdwatching - Sean Dooley

The Big Twitch: One Man, One Continent, a Race Against Time--A True Story about Birdwatching

Sean Dooley

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The Murder of Vincent van Gogh (Flying Crows, Band 1) - Nick van der Leek

The Murder of Vincent van Gogh (Flying Crows, Band 1)

Nick van der Leek

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But I Trusted You: Ann Rule's Crime Files #14 - Ann Rule

But I Trusted You: Ann Rule's Crime Files #14

Ann Rule

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Novels in Three Lines (New York Review Books Classics) - Félix Fénéon

Novels in Three Lines (New York Review Books Classics)

Félix Fénéon

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The Night Whispers: An absolutely unputdownable addictive thriller with a shocking twist! (A Slayton Thriller Book 2) (English Edition) - Caroline Mitchell

The Night Whispers: An absolutely unputdownable addictive thriller with a shocking twist! (A Slayton Thriller Book 2) (English Edition)

Autor: Caroline Mitchell

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True Crime Allemagne 2: De vraies affaires criminelles choquantes ou insolites venues d'Europe (True Crime International français t. 7) (French Edition) - Adrian Langenscheid, Benjamin Rickert

True Crime Allemagne 2: De vraies affaires criminelles choquantes ou insolites venues d'Europe (True Crime International français t. 7) (French Edition)

Autoren: Adrian Langenscheid, Benjamin Rickert

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Black Klansman: Race, Hate, and the Undercover Investigation of a Lifetime (English Edition) - Ron Stallworth

Black Klansman: Race, Hate, and the Undercover Investigation of a Lifetime (English Edition)

Autor: Ron Stallworth

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Zusammenstellung von Serienmördern Jeffrey Dahmer und sein Mörder & Charles Cullen (mörderischer Krankenpfleger): Opfer, Biografie, Gefängnis, Tod, Gerichtsverfahren und mehr - Adelheid .A

Zusammenstellung von Serienmördern Jeffrey Dahmer und sein Mörder & Charles Cullen (mörderischer Krankenpfleger): Opfer, Biografie, Gefängnis, Tod, Gerichtsverfahren und mehr

Autor: Adelheid .A

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05.03.2024  18