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Buch, Hörbücher:

Kinderbücher über Bären

Seite 10
Bildermaus - Mit Bildern Englisch lernen - Geschichten vom kleinen Eisbären - Little Polar Bear Stories: Bildermaus - Learn German with pictures - Herausgeber: Loewe Erstlesebücher Katja Reider Silke Voigt

Bildermaus - Mit Bildern Englisch lernen - Geschichten vom kleinen Eisbären - Little Polar Bear Stories: Bildermaus - Learn German with pictures

Herausgeber: Loewe Erstlesebücher
Autor: Katja Reider
Illustrator: Silke Voigt

Gebundene Ausgabe, 19.06.2017
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Paddington at the Tower - Michael Bond R. W. Alley

Paddington at the Tower

Autor: Michael Bond
Illustrator: R. W. Alley

Taschenbuch, 07.03.2019
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Der Eisbärprinz: Magische Graphic Novel von der Bestsellerautorin nach einem norwegischen Märchen erzählt - Maja Lunde Hans Jørgen Sandnes Übersetzer: Ina Kronenberger

Der Eisbärprinz: Magische Graphic Novel von der Bestsellerautorin nach einem norwegischen Märchen erzählt

Autor: Maja Lunde
Illustrator: Hans Jørgen Sandnes
Übersetzer: Ina Kronenberger

Gebundene Ausgabe, 18.10.2023
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The House at Pooh Corner: The original, timeless and definitive version of the Pooh story created by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard. An ideal gift for ... adults. (Winnie-the-Pooh – Classic Editions) - A. A. Milne E. H. Shepard

The House at Pooh Corner: The original, timeless and definitive version of the Pooh story created by A.A.Milne and E.H.Shepard. An ideal gift for ... adults. (Winnie-the-Pooh – Classic Editions)

Autor: A. A. Milne
Illustrator: E. H. Shepard

Gebundene Ausgabe, 25.02.2016
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The Trip to Panama: Englischsprachige Ausgabe (MINIMAX, 74) - JANOSCH JANOSCH Übersetzer: Anthea Bell

The Trip to Panama: Englischsprachige Ausgabe (MINIMAX, 74)

Illustrator: JANOSCH
Übersetzer: Anthea Bell

Taschenbuch, 10.08.2005
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Bären - Bärbel Oftring Theresa Schwietzer


Autor: Bärbel Oftring
Illustrator: Theresa Schwietzer

Gebundene Ausgabe, 01.01.2024
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Panda Bücher: Das Ultimative Panda Buch für Kinder: 100+ erstaunliche Fakten über Pandas, Fotos, Quiz und BONUS Wortsuche Puzzle (Tierfaktenbücher für Kinder) - Jenny Kellett Übersetzer: Philipp Goldmann

Panda Bücher: Das Ultimative Panda Buch für Kinder: 100+ erstaunliche Fakten über Pandas, Fotos, Quiz und BONUS Wortsuche Puzzle (Tierfaktenbücher für Kinder)

Autor: Jenny Kellett
Übersetzer: Philipp Goldmann

Gebundene Ausgabe, 23.08.2022
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There's a Bear in Your Book: A soothing bedtime story from Tom Fletcher (Who's in Your Book?, 16) - Tom Fletcher

There's a Bear in Your Book: A soothing bedtime story from Tom Fletcher (Who's in Your Book?, 16)

Autor: Tom Fletcher

Taschenbuch, 18.08.2022
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Paddington’s London Story Treasury: A collection of four funny stories about Paddington Bear - the perfect gift for the Coronation! - Michael Bond R.W. Alley

Paddington’s London Story Treasury: A collection of four funny stories about Paddington Bear - the perfect gift for the Coronation!

Autor: Michael Bond
Illustrator: R.W. Alley

Taschenbuch, 31.03.2011
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I Love You to the Moon and Back - Amelia Hepworth Tim Warnes

I Love You to the Moon and Back

Autor: Amelia Hepworth
Illustrator: Tim Warnes

Pappbilderbuch, 03.03.2015
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The Three Bears Rhyme Book - Jane Yolen

The Three Bears Rhyme Book

Jane Yolen

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Young children have long loved " Goldilocks and the Three Bears, " the irresistible story of a little girl who audaciously trespasses on the property of a family of bears. In < I> The Three Bears Rhyme Book, Jane Yolen takes a closer look at the bears, from their breakfast porridge (with Goldilocks peeking in the window) to a garden visit, a walk in the rain, naptime, and other adventures that lead to bath, books, and bedtime. Preschoolers just might notice the similarities between Baby Bear's life and their own! Jane Dyer's engaging full-page illustrations in colored pencil and watercolor make < I> The Three Bears Rhyme Book a delightful read-aloud experience. Don't be surprised if you share this book with your child and hear " Read it again!" as you turn the last page. ( Ages 2 to 6)

A Pair of Polar Bears: Twin Cubs Find a Home at the San Diego Zoo - Joanne Ryder

A Pair of Polar Bears: Twin Cubs Find a Home at the San Diego Zoo

Joanne Ryder

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I Just Really Freaking Love Pandas, OK?: Panda Journal Notebook Diary: 120 Lined, Wide Rule Pages - Notebooks by BeeJayDeL

I Just Really Freaking Love Pandas, OK?: Panda Journal Notebook Diary: 120 Lined, Wide Rule Pages

Notebooks by BeeJayDeL

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Kings of the Wild: Band 13/Topaz (Collins Big Cat) - Jonathan Scott, Angela Scott

Kings of the Wild: Band 13/Topaz (Collins Big Cat)

Jonathan Scott, Angela Scott

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This report with its dramatic photography helps us understand what brown bears look like and the savage, unspoilt, grandeur of their habitat. It persuades us that these animals are to be respected and saved from encroachment on their habitat. * Topaz/ Band 13 books offer longer and more demanding reads for children to investigate and evaluate. * Text type - A non chronological report. * There is a useful glossary on page 44 and a summary of the bear's year on page 46 to encourage speaking and listening. * Curriculum links - Geography: Knowledge and understanding of environmental change and sustainable development; I C T: Working with others to explore a variety of information sources and I C T tools. * This book has been quizzed for Accelerated Reader

Eisbären-Malbuch 1 & 2 - Nick Snels

Eisbären-Malbuch 1 & 2

Nick Snels

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10 Reasons to Love... a Bear - Catherine Barr, Natural History Museum

10 Reasons to Love... a Bear

Catherine Barr, Natural History Museum

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Face to Face with Grizzlies (Face to Face with Animals) - Joel Sartore

Face to Face with Grizzlies (Face to Face with Animals)

Joel Sartore

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Face to Face with Grizzlies Features the author's knowledge of bears and his photographic collection of them grew. This title contrasts the ancient range of grizzlies when they used to roam down as far as Mexico with their current status, mostly in Yellowstone and Glacier National Parks. It looks at the future of grizzly bears - and how much that future depends on people. Full description

Where's the Bear? - Nosy Crow

Where's the Bear?

Nosy Crow

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Tales from Acorn Wood: Friends - Julia Donaldson

Tales from Acorn Wood: Friends

Julia Donaldson

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Polar Bears and the Arctic: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #12: Polar Bears Past Bedtime (Magic Tree House (R) Fact Tracker, Band 16) - Mary Pope Osborne, Natalie Pope Boyce

Polar Bears and the Arctic: A Nonfiction Companion to Magic Tree House #12: Polar Bears Past Bedtime (Magic Tree House (R) Fact Tracker, Band 16)

Mary Pope Osborne, Natalie Pope Boyce

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Buch, Hörbücher: Bären
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