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Buch, Hörbücher:

Kinderbücher über Computerprogrammierung

Seite 10
Artificial Intelligence for Babies (Baby University) - Chris Ferrie

Artificial Intelligence for Babies (Baby University)

Autor: Chris Ferrie

Pappbilderbuch, 01.08.2024
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So lernst du Programmieren: Erste Programme schreiben mit Scratch 3.0. Fördert spielerisch Kreativität und logisches Denken - Kiki Prottsmann Übersetzer: Birgit Reit

So lernst du Programmieren: Erste Programme schreiben mit Scratch 3.0. Fördert spielerisch Kreativität und logisches Denken

Autor: Kiki Prottsmann
Übersetzer: Birgit Reit

Gebundene Ausgabe, 28.07.2020
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100 Things to Know About Numbers, Computers & Coding - Alice James, Eddie Reynolds, Minna Lacey, Rose Hall Federico Mariani, Parko Polo, Shaw Nielsen

100 Things to Know About Numbers, Computers & Coding

Autoren: Alice James, Eddie Reynolds, Minna Lacey, Rose Hall
Illustrator: Federico Mariani, Parko Polo, Shaw Nielsen

Gebundene Ausgabe, 01.11.2018
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How To Start A YouTube Channel - The Easy Way: With Charlie & Friends - Emma Drew

How To Start A YouTube Channel - The Easy Way: With Charlie & Friends

Autor: Emma Drew

Taschenbuch, 04.03.2021
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PHP Einsteigerkurs: Grundlagen der PHP/MySQL Programmierung in 5 Tagen verstehen - Klaus Thenmayer

PHP Einsteigerkurs: Grundlagen der PHP/MySQL Programmierung in 5 Tagen verstehen

Autor: Klaus Thenmayer

Taschenbuch, 02.10.2012
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To The Moon Astronaut Rakete Krypto Trading Kryptowährung: DIN A5 Liniert 120 Seiten / 60 Blätter Notizbuch Notizheft Notiz-BlockBitcoin, BTC, Crypto, Hodl & Blockchain Motive - BTC Bitcoin Notizbücher Cover

To The Moon Astronaut Rakete Krypto Trading Kryptowährung: DIN A5 Liniert 120 Seiten / 60 Blätter Notizbuch Notizheft Notiz-BlockBitcoin, BTC, Crypto, Hodl & Blockchain Motive

Autor: BTC Bitcoin Notizbücher Cover

Taschenbuch, 10.01.2021
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Coding Adventures with Python and PyCharm for Kids: Unlocking the Magic of Coding: A Kid's Guide to Python Adventures with PyCharm - Ghada Atef

Coding Adventures with Python and PyCharm for Kids: Unlocking the Magic of Coding: A Kid's Guide to Python Adventures with PyCharm

Autor: Ghada Atef

Taschenbuch, 05.02.2024
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Python Programming for Beginners: A Kid's Guide to Coding Fundamentals - Patricia Foster

Python Programming for Beginners: A Kid's Guide to Coding Fundamentals

Autor: Patricia Foster

Taschenbuch, 03.11.2020
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Python in easy steps: Covers Python 3.7 - Mike McGrath

Python in easy steps: Covers Python 3.7

Mike McGrath

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ABCs of the Web - John C. Vanden-Heuvel Sr., Dr Andrey Ostrovsky MD

ABCs of the Web

John C. Vanden-Heuvel Sr., Dr Andrey Ostrovsky MD

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The Everything Kids' Scratch Coding Book: Learn to Code and Create Your Own Cool Games! - Jason Rukman

The Everything Kids' Scratch Coding Book: Learn to Code and Create Your Own Cool Games!

Jason Rukman

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Controlling an Ozobot (21st Century Skills Innovation Library: Makers As Innovators Junior) - Amber Lovett

Controlling an Ozobot (21st Century Skills Innovation Library: Makers As Innovators Junior)

Amber Lovett

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Code This!: Puzzles, Games, Challenges, and Computer Coding Concepts for the Problem Solver in You - Jennifer Szymanski

Code This!: Puzzles, Games, Challenges, and Computer Coding Concepts for the Problem Solver in You

Jennifer Szymanski

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Get Coding 2! Build Five Computer Games Using HTML and JavaScript - David Whitney

Get Coding 2! Build Five Computer Games Using HTML and JavaScript

David Whitney

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Coderdojo Nano: Building a Website: Create with Code - Clyde Hatter, Coderdojo

Coderdojo Nano: Building a Website: Create with Code

Clyde Hatter, Coderdojo

Flexibler Einband
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Computer Coding Projects for Kids: A unique step-by-step visual guide, from binary code to building games - Carol Vorderman

Computer Coding Projects for Kids: A unique step-by-step visual guide, from binary code to building games

Carol Vorderman

Flexibler Einband
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DK Workbooks: Scratch Challenge Workbook - DK

DK Workbooks: Scratch Challenge Workbook


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Perfect for budding computer whizzes ages 6-9 who are ready to move on from coding beginner projects in Scratch, this highly visual workbook is filled with challenges utilizing the free computer coding programming language. A great second step after D K's beginner Scratch workbooks, D K Workbooks: Scratch Challenge Workbook shows kids how to create even bigger and better projects in Scratch through fun, hands-on learning experiences, but with the same easy-to-follow directions and fun pixel art. All they need is a desktop or laptop with Adobe 10. 2 or later, and an Internet connection to download Scratch 2. 0. Coding can be done without download on https://scratch. mit. edu. Kids can make their own music, build more intricate computer games, and even use their webcam to be a part of their own projects. This workbook is filled with open-ended projects that use art, music, sound effects, and math and can be shared online with friends. Kids can even test their coding knowledge with written vocabulary and programming quizzes at the end of each challenge. Supporting S T E M education initiatives, computer coding teaches kids how to think creatively, work collaboratively, and reason systematically, and is quickly becoming a necessary and sought-after skill. D K's computer coding books are full of fun exercises with step-by-step guidance, making them the perfect introductory tools for building vital skills in computer programming.

Coding for Kids in easy steps - Mike McGrath

Coding for Kids in easy steps

Mike McGrath

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Adventures in Minecraft (Adventures In ...) (English Edition) - David Whale, Martin O'Hanlon

Adventures in Minecraft (Adventures In ...) (English Edition)

Autoren: David Whale, Martin O'Hanlon

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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BREAK IN 2: Mary and Larry Diary (English Edition) - Brian T Dedmon

BREAK IN 2: Mary and Larry Diary (English Edition)

Autor: Brian T Dedmon

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Buch, Hörbücher: Programmieren
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Buch, Hörbücher: Kinderbücher über Computerprogrammierung
Buch, Hörbücher
Kinderbücher über Computer und Technologie


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