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Buch, Hörbücher:

Kinderbücher über Geometrie

Seite 10
10-Minuten-Zahlenrätsel ab 6 Jahren (10-Minuten-Rätsel) - Isabella Benischek, Anita Summer, Regina Zeindl-Steiner

10-Minuten-Zahlenrätsel ab 6 Jahren (10-Minuten-Rätsel)

Autoren: Isabella Benischek, Anita Summer, Regina Zeindl-Steiner

Buch, Broschiert, 30.03.2023
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Geometrieheft A4 Grundschule: 50 nummerierte Seiten Geometrieheft A4 blanko mit Punktraster - Kadi Publishing

Geometrieheft A4 Grundschule: 50 nummerierte Seiten Geometrieheft A4 blanko mit Punktraster

Autor: Kadi Publishing

Taschenbuch, 12.08.2022
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s/w-Vorlagen für Bildkarten / Lernkarten: Formen erkennen & Formen benennen 1 (Lernen mit Bildkarten): ca. A6 Bildkarten selbst erstellen: ... Frühförderung Basiskompetenzen Mathe - Jan Rodorf Nadine Nordhoff Mitwirkende: JAROLE

s/w-Vorlagen für Bildkarten / Lernkarten: Formen erkennen & Formen benennen 1 (Lernen mit Bildkarten): ca. A6 Bildkarten selbst erstellen: ... Frühförderung Basiskompetenzen Mathe

Autor: Jan Rodorf
Illustrator: Nadine Nordhoff
Mitwirkende: JAROLE

Taschenbuch, 29.07.2023
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Maths Book for 9-10 Year Olds - KS2: Year 5 Maths Workbook | Mental Arithmetic, Fractions, Geometry, Measurement and Statistics for Y5 - Jungle Publishing

Maths Book for 9-10 Year Olds - KS2: Year 5 Maths Workbook | Mental Arithmetic, Fractions, Geometry, Measurement and Statistics for Y5

Autor: Jungle Publishing

Taschenbuch, 21.06.2021
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Mein Geometrieheft: Schülerarbeitsheft für die 3. und 4. Klasse zur selbstständigen Arbeit | Lineatur GR - Nabil Amazinvalue

Mein Geometrieheft: Schülerarbeitsheft für die 3. und 4. Klasse zur selbstständigen Arbeit | Lineatur GR

Autor: Nabil Amazinvalue

Taschenbuch, 13.09.2021
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Mandalas für Kinder: Mandala Malbuch ab 4 Jahren. Ideal für Kindergarten und Grundschule. Fördert Konzentration, Geschick, Kreativität und Fantasie der Kleinsten. (Mini Malbücher, Band 3) - Joelle Tautou

Mandalas für Kinder: Mandala Malbuch ab 4 Jahren. Ideal für Kindergarten und Grundschule. Fördert Konzentration, Geschick, Kreativität und Fantasie der Kleinsten. (Mini Malbücher, Band 3)

Autor: Joelle Tautou

Taschenbuch, 12.01.2020
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Rechenheft 3. und 4. Klasse | DIN A4 | Lineatur 22 | 5mm kariert | 100 Seiten: als Schulheft / Matheheft / Notizheft / Notizbuch / Aufgabenheft für die Grundschule - Mein Lernraum

Rechenheft 3. und 4. Klasse | DIN A4 | Lineatur 22 | 5mm kariert | 100 Seiten: als Schulheft / Matheheft / Notizheft / Notizbuch / Aufgabenheft für die Grundschule

Autor: Mein Lernraum

Taschenbuch, 24.02.2023
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A TUTTA MATEMATICA Vol.1: Stupisci Compagni e Maestre Imparando la Matematica in Modo Semplice e Divertente Come mai Fatto a Scuola | Include App ... (Libri di Attività per Bambini Intelligenti) - Libri Allegri

A TUTTA MATEMATICA Vol.1: Stupisci Compagni e Maestre Imparando la Matematica in Modo Semplice e Divertente Come mai Fatto a Scuola | Include App ... (Libri di Attività per Bambini Intelligenti)

Autor: Libri Allegri

Taschenbuch, 11.07.2023
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Patterns of the Universe: A Coloring Adventure in Math and Beauty - Alex Bellos, Edmund Harriss

Patterns of the Universe: A Coloring Adventure in Math and Beauty

Autoren: Alex Bellos, Edmund Harriss

Taschenbuch, 01.12.2015
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Squares, Rectangles, and Other Quadrilaterals - David A. Adler

Squares, Rectangles, and Other Quadrilaterals

David A. Adler

Gebundene Ausgabe
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Dr. Math Presents More Geometry: Learning Geometry is Easy! Just Ask Dr. Math - The Math Forum The Math Forum

Dr. Math Presents More Geometry: Learning Geometry is Easy! Just Ask Dr. Math

The Math Forum The Math Forum

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Dr. Math Introduces Geometry: Learning Geometry is Easy! Just ask Dr. Math! by The Math Forum Drexel University (2004-08-31)

Dr. Math Introduces Geometry: Learning Geometry is Easy! Just ask Dr. Math! by The Math Forum Drexel University (2004-08-31)

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Geometry Proofs Essential Practice Problems Workbook with Full Solutions - Chris McMullen

Geometry Proofs Essential Practice Problems Workbook with Full Solutions

Chris McMullen

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The Planet of Puzzles (Math Quest) - David Glover

The Planet of Puzzles (Math Quest)

David Glover

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The Museum of Mysteries: Be a Hero! Create Your Own Adventure to Rescue an Ancient Treasure (Math Quest) - David Glover

The Museum of Mysteries: Be a Hero! Create Your Own Adventure to Rescue an Ancient Treasure (Math Quest)

David Glover

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Amazing Math: Introduction to Platonic Solids - Sunil Tanna

Amazing Math: Introduction to Platonic Solids

Sunil Tanna

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If You Were a Polygon (Math Fun) - Marcie Aboff

If You Were a Polygon (Math Fun)

Marcie Aboff

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The Way To Geometry - Petrus Ramus

The Way To Geometry

Petrus Ramus

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Excerpt: . . . And let ru be knit by a right line: And from r drawne out a diagony untill it doe meete with as, infinitely continued; which shall meete with it, by the 19 e v , in l. And the sides yi, and ru, let them be continued equally to sl. in m and n. And knit ln together with a right line. This complement mu, is equall to the complement ys, which is equall to the Triangle assigned, by the former, and that in a right lined angle given. And 22 If parallelogrammes be continually made equall to all the triangles of an assigned triangulate, in a right lined angle given, the whole parallelogramme shall in like manner be equall to the whole triangulate. 45 p j. This is a corollary of the former, of the Reason or rate of a Parallelogramme with a Triangulate; and it needeth no 146 farther demonstration; but a ready and steddy hand in describing and working of it. Take therefore an infinite right line; upon the continue the particular parallelogrammes, As if the Triangulate aeiou, were given to be brought into a parallelogramme: Let it be resolved into three triangles, aei, aio, and aou: And let the Angle be y: First in the assigned Angle, upon the Infinite right line, make by the former the Parallelogramme ae, in the angle assigned, equall to aei, the first triangle. Then the second triangle, thou shalt so make upon the said Infinite line, that one of the shankes may fall upon the side of the equall complement; The other be cast on forward, and so forth in more, if neede be. Here thou hast 3 complements continued, and continuing the Parallelogramme: But it is best in making and working of them, to put out the former, and one of the sides of the inferiour or latter Diagonall, least the confusion of lines doe hinder or trouble thee. Therefore 23. A Parallelogramme is equall to his diagonals and complements. For a Parallelogramme doth consist of two diagonals, and as many complements: Wherefore a Parallelogramme is equall to his parts: And againe the parts are. . .

NUMBER TRACING PRACTICE!: Activity for Study & Teaching. (Learning is Fun!, Band 1) - AvePublish Child's Care

NUMBER TRACING PRACTICE!: Activity for Study & Teaching. (Learning is Fun!, Band 1)

AvePublish Child's Care

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Buch, Hörbücher: Geometrie
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16.03.2024  19