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Buch, Hörbücher:

Kinderbücher zur Geschichte Amerikas

Seite 4
Streng geheim: Spione, Agenten, Geheimnisse - Herausgeber: Kleine Gestalten Soledad Romero Mariño Julio Antonio Blasco

Streng geheim: Spione, Agenten, Geheimnisse

Herausgeber: Kleine Gestalten
Autor: Soledad Romero Mariño
Illustrator: Julio Antonio Blasco

Gebundene Ausgabe, 09.11.2023
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Paddington at the Tower - Michael Bond R. W. Alley

Paddington at the Tower

Autor: Michael Bond
Illustrator: R. W. Alley

Taschenbuch, 07.03.2019
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Weil du unvergleichbar bist, schaffst du alles: Faszinierende Geschichten über unser grenzenloses Potential und die unendliche Stärke in uns - Annalena Siedler

Weil du unvergleichbar bist, schaffst du alles: Faszinierende Geschichten über unser grenzenloses Potential und die unendliche Stärke in uns

Autor: Annalena Siedler

Gebundene Ausgabe, 17.11.2021
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GEOlino extra Hör-Bibliothek - Geschichtsbox -: "Abenteuer Geschichte - Zeitreisen in die Vergangenheit"; "Das Mittelalter - Von Rittern, Burgfräulein ... GEOlino Hör-Bibliothek - Einzeltitel, Band 9) - Martin Nusch Sprecher: Wigald Boning, Martin Baltscheit, Tanja Geke, Irina Scholz, Norman Matt, Maximiliane Häcke, Reinhard Schulat-Rademacher

GEOlino extra Hör-Bibliothek - Geschichtsbox -: "Abenteuer Geschichte - Zeitreisen in die Vergangenheit"; "Das Mittelalter - Von Rittern, Burgfräulein ... GEOlino Hör-Bibliothek - Einzeltitel, Band 9)

Autoren: Martin Nusch
Sprecher: Wigald Boning, Martin Baltscheit, Tanja Geke, Irina Scholz, Norman Matt, Maximiliane Häcke, Reinhard Schulat-Rademacher

Audio CD, 19.08.2013
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Inside the San Francisco 49ers (Super Sports Teams) - Christina Hill

Inside the San Francisco 49ers (Super Sports Teams)

Autor: Christina Hill

Taschenbuch, 01.08.2022
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A Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin (Picture Book Biography) - David A. Adler Alexandra Wallner, John Wallner

A Picture Book of Benjamin Franklin (Picture Book Biography)

Autoren: David A. Adler
Illustrator: Alexandra Wallner, John Wallner

Gebundene Ausgabe, 01.02.1990
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Pele (Little People, BIG DREAMS, Band 46) - Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara Camila Rosa

Pele (Little People, BIG DREAMS, Band 46)

Autor: Maria Isabel Sanchez Vegara
Illustrator: Camila Rosa

Gebundene Ausgabe, 01.09.2020
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Malbuch ab 6 Jahre Jungen Fussball: Fussball Malbuch für kinder - Tolles Geschenk! - FLORA VERO

Malbuch ab 6 Jahre Jungen Fussball: Fussball Malbuch für kinder - Tolles Geschenk!


Taschenbuch, 10.05.2023
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Prickelbilder Piraten und Meer: Tschüss Langeweile - Prickel-Motive wie Piratenschiff, Seeräuber, Hai und Kanone zum Malen, Prickeln und Ausschneiden, Mal- und Bastelbuch ab 4 Jahre (Prickelbücher) - Vanessa Wendlein

Prickelbilder Piraten und Meer: Tschüss Langeweile - Prickel-Motive wie Piratenschiff, Seeräuber, Hai und Kanone zum Malen, Prickeln und Ausschneiden, Mal- und Bastelbuch ab 4 Jahre (Prickelbücher)

Autor: Vanessa Wendlein

Taschenbuch, 19.02.2021
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Agentur für magische Wesen: Löse das Rätsel des Seeungeheuers: Ein fantastisches Rätselabenteuer voller zauberhafter Magiewesen ab 9 Jahren (Geheim! Die Rätselbücher, Band 4) - Amelie Benn Josephine Wolff, Phine Wolff

Agentur für magische Wesen: Löse das Rätsel des Seeungeheuers: Ein fantastisches Rätselabenteuer voller zauberhafter Magiewesen ab 9 Jahren (Geheim! Die Rätselbücher, Band 4)

Autoren: Amelie Benn
Illustrator: Josephine Wolff, Phine Wolff

Gebundene Ausgabe, 29.02.2024
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Earthrise: My Adventures as an Apollo 14 Astronaut - Edgar Mitchell, Ellen Mahoney

Earthrise: My Adventures as an Apollo 14 Astronaut

Edgar Mitchell, Ellen Mahoney

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On February 5, 1971, Edgar Mitchell jumped off the last rungs of a ladder connecting him to N A S A's Antares spacecraft and landed with two feet on the Moon. Following the disastrous Apollo 13 mission, Mitchell was one of three astronauts to successfully complete the Apollo 14 journey to the Moon, though it wasn't without its own alarming moments. In Earthrise , Edgar recalls his spectacular trip to the Moon and the life experiences that got him there, including his early days spent in Roswell, New Mexico, amid nuclear testing and the rumored U F O crash; his first solo airplane flight as a young teen; his time as a navy combat pilot; and becoming a N A S A astronaut. With fascinating detail, Edgar describes what it was like to launch into space and land on the Moon, illuminating everything from the practical-eating, sleeping, and going to the bathroom in space-to the mystical, life-changing experience of gazing at Earth from afar. With illuminating sidebars, transcripts of N A S A recordings from the historic Apollo 14 mission, and extensive resources including lists of space-related websites, museums, organizations, films, and books, Earthrise is an invaluable addition to any space, astronomy, or science buff's bookshelf.

Ruby Bridges (Amazing Young People) - Martha London

Ruby Bridges (Amazing Young People)

Martha London

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National Geographic Kids National Parks Guide USA Centennial Edition: The Most Amazing Sights, Scenes, and Cool Activities from Coast to Coast! - National Geographic Kids

National Geographic Kids National Parks Guide USA Centennial Edition: The Most Amazing Sights, Scenes, and Cool Activities from Coast to Coast!

National Geographic Kids

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The Salem Witch Trials: Mass Hysteria and Many Lives Lost (Tangled History) - Michael Burgan

The Salem Witch Trials: Mass Hysteria and Many Lives Lost (Tangled History)

Michael Burgan

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Native American History for Kids: With 21 Activities - Karen Bush Gibson

Native American History for Kids: With 21 Activities

Karen Bush Gibson

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Native American History for Kids A chronicle of American indigenous life, this guide captures the history of the complex societies that lived in North America when European explorers first appeared on the continent. Readers will learn about Indian culture through hands-on activities.

Aztec, Inca & Maya (DK Eyewitness Books) - DK

Aztec, Inca & Maya (DK Eyewitness Books)


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Aztec, Inca & Maya " Aztec, Inca & Maya" is an informative guide to the rise and fall of the pre-Columbian cultures of the Aztecs, Incas, and Mayas, who built vast empires and left behind a legacy of mystery and wonder. Includes a clip art C D and wall chart. Full color. Full description

Who Is Michelle Obama? (Who Was?) - Megan Stine, Who HQ

Who Is Michelle Obama? (Who Was?)

Megan Stine, Who HQ

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Born into a close knit family in Chicago, Michelle Robinson was a star student who graduated from Princeton and Harvard Law. Then in 1992, she married another promising young lawyer and the rest, as they say, is history. It is undeniable that President Barack Obama has changed the United States but so has Michelle Obama, the self-proclaimed Mum in Chief. This compelling, easy-to-read biography is illustrated by New Yorker artist John O' Brien.

L. M. Montgomery (Little People, Big Dreams, Band 22) - Isabel Sanchez Vegara

L. M. Montgomery (Little People, Big Dreams, Band 22)

Isabel Sanchez Vegara

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Underground Abductor (Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales #5), The:An A: An Abolitionist Tale about Harriet Tubman - Nathan Hale

Underground Abductor (Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales #5), The:An A: An Abolitionist Tale about Harriet Tubman

Nathan Hale

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In the latest Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales we learn the story of Harriet Tubman, who escaped from slavery and spent her life helping others to do the same.

I am Martin Luther King, Jr. (Ordinary People Change the World) - Brad Meltzer

I am Martin Luther King, Jr. (Ordinary People Change the World)

Brad Meltzer

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We can all be heroes. That's the inspiring message of this New York Times Bestselling picture book biography series from historian and author Brad Meltzer. Even as a child, Martin Luther King, Jr. was shocked by the terrible and unfair way African-American people were treated. When he grew up, he decided to do something about it-peacefully, with powerful words. He helped gather people together for nonviolent protests and marches, and he always spoke up about loving other human beings and doing what's right. He spoke about the dream of a kinder future, and bravely led the way toward racial equality in America. This lively, New York Times Bestselling biography series inspires kids to dream big, one great role model at a time. You'll want to collect each book.

Buch, Hörbücher: Nord-, Mittel- und Südamerika
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Buch, Hörbücher: Kinderbücher zur Geschichte Amerikas
Buch, Hörbücher
Geschichte für Kinder

Nord-, Mittel- und Südamerika

17.03.2024  20