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Buch, Hörbücher:

Dramen für Kinder

Seite 10
Twelfth Night: Band 17/Diamond (Collins Big Cat) - Celia Rees Kisoo Chai Hauptdarsteller: Collins Big Cat Series Editor: Cliff Moon

Twelfth Night: Band 17/Diamond (Collins Big Cat)

Autor: Celia Rees
Illustrator: Kisoo Chai
Hauptdarsteller: Collins Big Cat
Series Editor: Cliff Moon

Taschenbuch, 21.09.2015
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vagabundito - Mrs Maira Leticia Rivera Pinto


Autor: Mrs Maira Leticia Rivera Pinto

Taschenbuch, 12.09.2016
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The Taming of the Shrew (Folger Shakespeare Library): the taming of the shrew by william shakespeare, - William Shakespeare

The Taming of the Shrew (Folger Shakespeare Library): the taming of the shrew by william shakespeare,

Autor: William Shakespeare

Gebundene Ausgabe, 27.09.2021
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200 Themes for Devising Theatre with 11–18 Year Olds: A Drama Teacher’s Resource Book - Jason Hanlan

200 Themes for Devising Theatre with 11–18 Year Olds: A Drama Teacher’s Resource Book

Autor: Jason Hanlan

Taschenbuch, 22.02.2024
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Welten Im Glas Malbuch Für Erwachsene: Entdecke eine zauberhafte Welt mit diesem einzigartigen Ausmalbuch für Erwachsene! Entspanne dich und lasse deiner Kreativität freien Lauf! - Wunder Sandra

Welten Im Glas Malbuch Für Erwachsene: Entdecke eine zauberhafte Welt mit diesem einzigartigen Ausmalbuch für Erwachsene! Entspanne dich und lasse deiner Kreativität freien Lauf!

Autor: Wunder Sandra

Taschenbuch, 28.07.2023
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Das Ramayana: Nacherzählt für Kinder und ihre Eltern - Jona Tomke

Das Ramayana: Nacherzählt für Kinder und ihre Eltern

Autor: Jona Tomke

Taschenbuch, 27.11.2020
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Collected Plays for Children - Ted Hughes Quentin Blake

Collected Plays for Children

Autor: Ted Hughes
Illustrator: Quentin Blake

Taschenbuch, 05.11.2001
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A Little SPOT of Courage: A Story About Being Brave (Inspire to Create A Better You!) - Diane Alber

A Little SPOT of Courage: A Story About Being Brave (Inspire to Create A Better You!)

Autor: Diane Alber

Taschenbuch, 24.02.2020
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Grade 9-1 GCSE Poetry Anthology Power and Conflict AQA Revision Guide (with free flashcard download) (Collins Gcse Revision and Practice - New 2015 Curriculum) - Collins GCSE

Grade 9-1 GCSE Poetry Anthology Power and Conflict AQA Revision Guide (with free flashcard download) (Collins Gcse Revision and Practice - New 2015 Curriculum)

Collins GCSE

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Exam Board: A Q A Level Subject: G C S E English First teaching: September 2015 First exams: June 2017 This English Revision and Practice range contains clear and accessible notes on the poems in the A Q A Anthology, with lots of practice opportunities for each topic throughout the book. Based on new research that proves repeated practice is more effective than repeated study, this book is guaranteed to help you achieve the best results. There are clear and concise revision notes, plus five practice opportunities for every poem in the relevant cluster. Includes: * quick tests to check understanding * end-of-topic practice questions * topic review questions later in the book * mixed practice questions at the end of the book * free Q A flashcards to download online * an ebook version of the revision guide

National Theatre Connections 2017: Three; #YOLO; Fomo; Status Update; Musical Differences; Extremism; The School Film; Zero for the Young Dudes!; The Snow Dragons; The Monstrum - Suhayla El-Bushra, Anders Lustgarten, Robin French, Tim Etchells, Patrick Marber, Alistair McDowall, Lizzie Nunnery, Harriet Braun, Matthew Bulgo

National Theatre Connections 2017: Three; #YOLO; Fomo; Status Update; Musical Differences; Extremism; The School Film; Zero for the Young Dudes!; The Snow Dragons; The Monstrum

Suhayla El-Bushra, Anders Lustgarten, Robin French, Tim Etchells, Patrick Marber, Alistair McDowall, Lizzie Nunnery, Harriet Braun, Matthew Bulgo

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Drawing together the work of 10 leading playwrights, this National Theatre Connections anthology features work by some of the most exciting and established contemporary playwrights. Gathered together in one volume, the plays collected offer young performers between the ages of 13 and 19 an engaging selection of material to perform, read or study. Each play has been specifically commissioned by the National Theatre's literary department with the young performer in mind. The anthology contains 10 play scripts; notes from the writer and director of each play, addressing the themes and ideas behind the play; and production notes and exercises for the drama groups. This year's anniversary anthology includes plays by Suhayla El-Bushra, Anders Lustgarten, Robin French, Tim Etchells, Patrick Marber, Kellie Smith, Lizzie Nunnery, Harriet Braun and Alistair Mc Dowall.

Break a Leg!: The Kids' Guide to Acting and Stagecraft - Lise Friedman

Break a Leg!: The Kids' Guide to Acting and Stagecraft

Lise Friedman

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All the World's a Stage. A Pop-Up Biography of William Shakespeare - Michael Bender

All the World's a Stage. A Pop-Up Biography of William Shakespeare

Michael Bender

Gebundene Ausgabe
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Three Murders, a Suicide and a Near Miss: 8-10 Years (Performance Plays S.) - Alison Chaplin

Three Murders, a Suicide and a Near Miss: 8-10 Years (Performance Plays S.)

Alison Chaplin

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Twelfth Night: Shakespeare Can Be Fun - Lois Burdett

Twelfth Night: Shakespeare Can Be Fun

Lois Burdett

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All Drama Must Remain On The Stage: A Notebook & Journal for Actors, Tech Crew & Theatre Lovers! - Bowes Theatre

All Drama Must Remain On The Stage: A Notebook & Journal for Actors, Tech Crew & Theatre Lovers!

Bowes Theatre

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Starting Shakespeare (Collins Starting Shakespeare S) - Eric Boagey

Starting Shakespeare (Collins Starting Shakespeare S)

Eric Boagey

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Starting Shakespeare A best-selling introduction to Shakespeare, his world and his plays. Stimulating idea and resources enable students to get to grips with the plays in an enjoyable way. Full description

Zerrissen: Vom Kummer zerfressen - Janine Zachariae

Zerrissen: Vom Kummer zerfressen

Janine Zachariae

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Glitzer Notizbuch Schwarz: Schwarzes Buch im Glimmerlook zum Selbstgestalten, blanko Journal - Glitter & Glamour, Millioncrystalbody

Glitzer Notizbuch Schwarz: Schwarzes Buch im Glimmerlook zum Selbstgestalten, blanko Journal

Glitter & Glamour, Millioncrystalbody

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GOZEs SPRING (Japanese Edition)


Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Buch, Hörbücher: Drama
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