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Buch, Hörbücher:

Humorvolle Poesie für Kinder

Seite 9
Gegensätze Buch Für Kinder: Meine Ersten Wörter | Mein Bildwörterbuch Für Den Kindergarten | Geschenk für Kinder | Montessori | Gegensätze Entdecken | ... ab 2-5 Jahre | Aktivitätsbuch für Kleinkinder - Tara Schwertfeger

Gegensätze Buch Für Kinder: Meine Ersten Wörter | Mein Bildwörterbuch Für Den Kindergarten | Geschenk für Kinder | Montessori | Gegensätze Entdecken | ... ab 2-5 Jahre | Aktivitätsbuch für Kleinkinder

Autor: Tara Schwertfeger

Taschenbuch, 20.09.2021
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585 der Besten Kinder Witze für freche Jungs und Mädchen ab 7 Jahren: lustige Sprüche, Witze und Scherzfragen zum kichern und weiter erzählen - Lidia Falk, Lollipop Sisters

585 der Besten Kinder Witze für freche Jungs und Mädchen ab 7 Jahren: lustige Sprüche, Witze und Scherzfragen zum kichern und weiter erzählen

Autoren: Lidia Falk, Lollipop Sisters

Taschenbuch, 15.09.2021
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Black Holes, Stars, Earth and Mars: Astronomy poems for all ages - Sean Raymond Owen Raymond Vorwort: Neil deGrasse Tyson

Black Holes, Stars, Earth and Mars: Astronomy poems for all ages

Autor: Sean Raymond
Illustrator: Owen Raymond
Vorwort: Neil deGrasse Tyson

Taschenbuch, 19.10.2020
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200 monsterlustige Witze für Kinder ab 8 Jahren: Ein Witzebuch zum Schmunzeln und Totlachen - ein schönes Geschenk für Jungen und Mädchen - mit vielen lustigen Scherzfragen - Angela Blumenfelder

200 monsterlustige Witze für Kinder ab 8 Jahren: Ein Witzebuch zum Schmunzeln und Totlachen - ein schönes Geschenk für Jungen und Mädchen - mit vielen lustigen Scherzfragen

Autor: Angela Blumenfelder

Taschenbuch, 19.02.2022
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Michael Rosen's Book of Nonsense (Poetry gift book) - Michael Rosen Clare Mackie

Michael Rosen's Book of Nonsense (Poetry gift book)

Autor: Michael Rosen
Illustrator: Clare Mackie

Gebundene Ausgabe, 31.10.1997
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Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich - Adam Rex

Frankenstein Makes a Sandwich

Adam Rex

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Being a monster isn't just about frightening villagers and sucking blood. Monsters have their trials, too. Poor Frankenstein's cupboard is bare, Wolfman is in need of some household help, and it's best not to get started on Dracula's hygiene issues. What could be scarier? These nineteen hilarious poems delve into the secret lives of the Creature from the " Black Lagoon", " Bigfoot", " Godzilla", and others.

Don't Put Dave in the Microwave (Poetry) - Chris White

Don't Put Dave in the Microwave (Poetry)

Chris White

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My Dog May Be a Genius - Jack Prelutsky

My Dog May Be a Genius

Jack Prelutsky

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My Dog May be a Genius Children's Poet Laureate Prelutsky once again teams up with illustrator Stevenson for this collection of more than 100 poems and pictures that's sure to make young readers giggle with delight. Illustrations.

Never Give a Duck a Pen! (Poetry) - Chris White

Never Give a Duck a Pen! (Poetry)

Chris White

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The New Kid on the Block - Jack Prelutsky

The New Kid on the Block

Jack Prelutsky

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Poetrees - Douglas Florian


Douglas Florian

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hard to find

I'm a Manatee - John Lithgow

I'm a Manatee

John Lithgow

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Not blessed with the adorable good looks of a koala, the mythic mystery of a dinosaur, or even the useful familiarity of a dog, the manatee is an infrequent hero in the world of children's literature. It doesn't help matters that the poor thing has a name that's so difficult to rhyme. But the unnamed hero of John Lithgow and Ard Hoyt's < I> I'm a Manatee (really, a boy dreaming he is a manatee) sees plenty of upside to the life of the animal that's been indelicately nicknamed the "cow of the sea. " And when rhymes are unavailable to state his case, he simply makes some up: " Encumbered by my lumbering gigan-atee, / I'm thought to be an ocean-going brute!/ The least appealing creature on the planet-ee, / But to a manatee, I'm cute!" The words in the book are the same as the lyrics in the song version of < I> I'm a Manatee, which is included on an enclosed C D featuring a singing Lithgow as well as in musical notation in the back of the book. The verses sound more natural in their original musical form than they do read aloud in the pages of the book where they can clunk a bit. Still, there's much to like about in this aquatic flight of fancy, including the kind of wordplay moms and dads will enjoy (very few kids' books contain the phrase "immune from human folly and inanity") and Hoyt's illustrations of the title animal, which manages to be simultaneously homely and adorable. ( Ages 4 to 8) < I>-John Moe

How to Tell the Birds from the Flowers - Robert Williams Wood

How to Tell the Birds from the Flowers

Robert Williams Wood

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Read a Rhyme, Write a Rhyme

Read a Rhyme, Write a Rhyme

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Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy (Bloomsbury Paperbacks) - Michael Rosen

Mustard, Custard, Grumble Belly and Gravy (Bloomsbury Paperbacks)

Michael Rosen

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You Can't Catch Me and You Can't Put Mustard in the Custard were first published twenty-five years ago and were groundbreaking in that they were full-colour illustrated new poems for children. You Can't Catch Me won the Signal Poetry Award in 1982. Both books went on to be bestsellers and both poet and artist are stellar names in the world of children's books. The book includes an introduction by Michael Rosen and an audio C D of the book, with all the poems also read by Michael. Michael's brilliantly conversational poetry is fantastically matched by Quentin Blake's loopy yet perfectly detailed art. It is a partnership that Bloomsbury is proud to be making newly available.

Gesammelte Gedichte (851 Titel in einem Buch) - Christian Morgenstern Edmund von Freyhold

Gesammelte Gedichte (851 Titel in einem Buch)

Autor: Christian Morgenstern
Illustrator: Edmund von Freyhold

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Buch, Hörbücher: Humor
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Buch, Hörbücher: Humorvolle Poesie für Kinder
Buch, Hörbücher
Belletristik für Kinder
Gedichte und Reime für Kinder


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