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Buch, Hörbücher:

Bücher über Katastrophen für Kinder

Seite 10
KitaFix-Mindmap Polizei, Feuerwehr und Krankenwagen (Fertig ausgearbeitete Gedankenlandkarten für die Vorschularbeit in Kindergarten und Kita): ... vorbeugen, Spaß am Ler (KitaFix Mindmaps) - Sandra Plha

KitaFix-Mindmap Polizei, Feuerwehr und Krankenwagen (Fertig ausgearbeitete Gedankenlandkarten für die Vorschularbeit in Kindergarten und Kita): ... vorbeugen, Spaß am Ler (KitaFix Mindmaps)

Autor: Sandra Plha

Taschenbuch, 01.02.2024
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Wirbelstürme & Co.: Extreme Wetterphänomene und wie sie entstehen - Michael Allaby

Wirbelstürme & Co.: Extreme Wetterphänomene und wie sie entstehen

Autor: Michael Allaby

Taschenbuch, 01.08.2002
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The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (True Books) - Peter Benoit

The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill (True Books)

Autor: Peter Benoit

Bibliothekseinband, 01.03.2011
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Mein erstes ABC, Zahlen, Formen Malbuch: Spielerisch Großbuchstaben, Formen und Zahlen von 0 bis 10 zeichnen und lernen. Das große Malbuch mit über 100 Malvorlagen für Kinder ab 2 Jahren - Maya Rein

Mein erstes ABC, Zahlen, Formen Malbuch: Spielerisch Großbuchstaben, Formen und Zahlen von 0 bis 10 zeichnen und lernen. Das große Malbuch mit über 100 Malvorlagen für Kinder ab 2 Jahren

Autor: Maya Rein

Taschenbuch, 19.06.2019
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Tamara the Tornado: A Hero in Disguise (Nature Speaks) - Rana Boulos

Tamara the Tornado: A Hero in Disguise (Nature Speaks)

Autor: Rana Boulos

Taschenbuch, 23.10.2021
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Meltdown!: The Nuclear Disaster in Japan and Our Energy Future - Fred Bortz

Meltdown!: The Nuclear Disaster in Japan and Our Energy Future

Fred Bortz

Audible Hörbuch
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Japan. March 11, 2011. 2:46 P. M. The biggest earthquake in Japan's history - and one of the world's five most powerful since 1900 - devastated the Tohoku region, 320 kilometers (200 miles) northeast of Tokyo. It triggered a huge tsunami that left crippling damage in its wake. More than 13, 000 people drowned, and thousands of buildings and homes were reduced to rubble. As people assessed the damage, they made the most frightening discovery of all: the Fukushima nuclear power plant was seriously damaged and three of its six reactors were heading for meltdowns. Workers tried desperately - but unsuccessfully - to save them. Explosions and fires released radioactivity into the air. Within days the Japanese government declared a 20-kilometer (12-mile) evacuation zone. The future of the plant, the long-term health of those exposed to radiation, and the effects on the environment remained uncertain.

Learn more about this massive catastrophe as Dr. Fred Bortz examines both the human tragedy and the scientific implications of the nuclear meltdown. Compare this disaster to similar nuclear events in the United States and in Ukraine, and move ahead with Dr. Bortz as he explores the global debate about the future of nuclear power and alternative sources of energy.

What Is Severe Weather? - Jennifer Boothroyd

What Is Severe Weather?

Jennifer Boothroyd

Audible Hörbuch
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What are tornadoes? Blizzards? Hurricanes? Listeners will learn the ins and outs of severe weather in this book. Accessible text describes severe weather conditions and encourages students to be weather aware and to take proper precautions in the event of severe weather.

Volcanoes & Earthquakes (DK Eyewitness Books) by Susanna Van Rose (2008-06-30)

Volcanoes & Earthquakes (DK Eyewitness Books) by Susanna Van Rose (2008-06-30)

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Viaje Dentro de Un Tornado (a Trip Inside a Tornado) (Maravillosos Viajes a Trav's de La Ciencia (Fantastic Scienc) by Christine Honders (2015-01-06) - Christine Honders

Viaje Dentro de Un Tornado (a Trip Inside a Tornado) (Maravillosos Viajes a Trav's de La Ciencia (Fantastic Scienc) by Christine Honders (2015-01-06)

Christine Honders

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Tornado Tamer - Terri Fields

Tornado Tamer

Terri Fields

Audible Hörbuch
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In this adaptation of " The Emperor's New Clothes", Mayor Peacock declares he will hire a tornado tamer to protect the town. After a long search, Travis arrives to fill the position, and this trickster weasel has a plan. He will build a very special transparent cover to protect the town. Travis' magical cover is so transparent that only those smart enough and special enough can even see it. Mouse is doubtful, but his questions are brushed off.

Months later, the cover has been hung, and Travis has been paid a hefty sum, but a tornado is in the distance, and the town is in its path. Will the magic cover protect the town?

El domador de tornados [The Tornado Trainer] - Terri Fields

El domador de tornados [The Tornado Trainer]

Terri Fields

Audible Hörbuch
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En esta adaptación de La Ropa Nueva del Emperador, el Alcalde Pavoreal Pepe declara que va a contratar a un domador de tornados para proteger el pueblo. Después de una larga búsqueda, Tadeo llega a obtener el empleo y esta tramposa comadreja tiene un plan. Él va a construir una cubierta transparente y especial para proteger el pueblo. La cubierta mágica de Tadeo es tan transparente que, únicamente aquellos que sean demasiado inteligentes y especiales podrán verla. El ratón René duda pero sus preguntas se disipan. Meses después, la cubierta ha sido puesta y a Tadeo le han pagado una buena suma de dinero, pero un tornado se ve a la distancia y el pueblo está en la trayectoria. ¿ Podrá la mágica cubierta proteger al pueblo?

Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.

En sus marcas, listos... ¡ESPÉREN! ¿Qué hacen los animales antes de un huracán? [On Your Mark, Get Set... Wait! What Do Animals Do Before a Hurricane?] - Patti R. Zelch

En sus marcas, listos... ¡ESPÉREN! ¿Qué hacen los animales antes de un huracán? [On Your Mark, Get Set... Wait! What Do Animals Do Before a Hurricane?]

Patti R. Zelch

Audible Hörbuch
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Huracán. . . sólo la palabra nos trae en mente el poder de estas catástrofes. La gente mira las noticias y sabe de la llegada inminente. Tapamos las ventanas y juntamos provisiones. Nosotros podríamos acurrucarnos en nuestras casas o ir tierra adentro. Entonces esperamos a que la tormenta llegue. ¿ Pero, qué hacen los animales salvajes? ¿ Saben ellos que una tormenta viene? De ser así, ¿cómo se preparan? Este libro explica como nueve animales, se dan cuenta, reaccionan, y se preparan para un huracán. Basado en investigaciones y observaciones, las breves historias son explicadas en la lengua simple, poética para niños de todas las edades.

Please note: This audiobook is in Spanish.

Ready, Set...WAIT!: What Animals Do Before a Hurricane - Patti R. Zelch

Ready, Set...WAIT!: What Animals Do Before a Hurricane

Patti R. Zelch

Audible Hörbuch
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Hurricanes. . . Just the word brings to mind the power of these natural disasters. Humans watch the news and know of impending arrival. We board up windows and gather supplies. We might huddle in our homes or go inland. Then we wait for the storm to arrive. But what do wild animals do? Do they know when a storm is coming? If so, how do they prepare? This audiobook explains how nine animals sense, react to, and prepare for a hurricane.

Pandas' Earthquake Escape - Phyllis J. Perry

Pandas' Earthquake Escape

Phyllis J. Perry

Audible Hörbuch
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On May 12, 2008, Xi Xi, a giant panda, escaped from the destroyed Wolong Panda Reserve when a 7. 9 earthquake rocked Northern China. After the quake, mother and cub run from the wreckage. Confused and afraid, they get lost! How will they survive outside their reserve? Will they find food? Will they find shelter? And will they safely endure the earthquake aftershocks? The " For Creative Minds" education section includes: Endangered Giant Pandas; Life Cycle Activity; Panda Fun Facts; Shake, Rattle & Roll; The Richter Scale and Magnitude Ranges.

The Nuclear Disaster at Chernobyl: The Disaster Series - Robin Cruise

The Nuclear Disaster at Chernobyl: The Disaster Series

Robin Cruise

Audible Hörbuch
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The Chernobyl power plant was the hope for energy in the Ukraine. Years after the 1986 meltdown, Ukraine is still feeling the effects of its radiation.

The Nuclear Disaster at Chernobyl is part of the Disasters series. These moments in history recall the death and destruction caused by both natural and manmade disasters around the world. The Disaster series probes the loss of the space shuttle Challenger's crew, the oil-well fires set in Kuwait by forces of Saddam Hussein's Iraq during the first Gulf War, the Korean airliner shot down by Russia in the Former Soviet Union, the nuclear meltdown at Chernobyl, and the Mount St. Helens eruption. This High-Interest, non-fiction series engages listeners of all ages.

Unter Null Grad – Countdown im Eis: Packendes Survivalabenteuer vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels ab 11 - Ele Fountain Übersetzer: Beate Schäfer

Unter Null Grad – Countdown im Eis: Packendes Survivalabenteuer vor dem Hintergrund des Klimawandels ab 11

Autor: Ele Fountain
Übersetzer: Beate Schäfer

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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BOKUNO ROBOTAN (Japanese Edition) - MORINODOHRI YUI Vorwort: Ryo

BOKUNO ROBOTAN (Japanese Edition)

Illustrator: YUI
Vorwort: Ryo

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The first step toward your dream: The Road to Idol (Japanese Edition) - AI Picture Book Author yuyuandLiLi

The first step toward your dream: The Road to Idol (Japanese Edition)

Autor: AI Picture Book Author yuyuandLiLi

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Wunderkammer Natur: Erstaunliche Phänomene: Feuer, Erde, Luft, Wasser. 160 Fragen an die vier Elemente – einfach beantwortet! - Leopold Mathelitsch, Christian B. Lang

Wunderkammer Natur: Erstaunliche Phänomene: Feuer, Erde, Luft, Wasser. 160 Fragen an die vier Elemente – einfach beantwortet!

Autoren: Leopold Mathelitsch, Christian B. Lang

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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