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Buch, Hörbücher:

Vietnamesisch lernen

Seite 10
Don't Wake the Baby!: Đừng đánh thức em bé! : Babl Children's Books in Vietnamese and English - Chase Jensen, Babl Books

Don't Wake the Baby!: Đừng đánh thức em bé! : Babl Children's Books in Vietnamese and English

Autoren: Chase Jensen, Babl Books

Taschenbuch, 06.07.2015
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Learn Vietnamese Through Stories: Elementary - Volume 1 - Anh Bui, Jack Noble Imillus Nguyen

Learn Vietnamese Through Stories: Elementary - Volume 1

Autoren: Anh Bui, Jack Noble
Illustrator: Imillus Nguyen

Taschenbuch, 02.02.2022
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English (USA) - Kannada for beginners: A book in 2 languages - Dr. Johannes Schumann

English (USA) - Kannada for beginners: A book in 2 languages

Autor: Dr. Johannes Schumann

Taschenbuch, 05.01.2017
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English Vietnamese 500 Flashcards Workbook with Pictures for Babies: Learning homeschool frequency words flash cards and workbook for child toddlers ... cards with workbook for toddlers, Band 19) - Julie Brighter

English Vietnamese 500 Flashcards Workbook with Pictures for Babies: Learning homeschool frequency words flash cards and workbook for child toddlers ... cards with workbook for toddlers, Band 19)

Autor: Julie Brighter

Taschenbuch, 12.07.2020
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Lonely Planet East Timor Phrasebook - John Hajek

Lonely Planet East Timor Phrasebook

Autor: John Hajek

Taschenbuch, 01.10.2001
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Egbert wird rot/Egbert mắc cỡ: Malbuch/Kinderbuch Deutsch-Vietnamesisch (zweisprachig/bilingual) (Bilinguale Bücher (Deutsch-Vietnamesisch) von Philipp Winterberg) - Philipp Winterberg Übersetzer: Keung Nguyen, Hanh Vu, Chi Le

Egbert wird rot/Egbert mắc cỡ: Malbuch/Kinderbuch Deutsch-Vietnamesisch (zweisprachig/bilingual) (Bilinguale Bücher (Deutsch-Vietnamesisch) von Philipp Winterberg)

Autoren: Philipp Winterberg
Übersetzer: Keung Nguyen, Hanh Vu, Chi Le

Taschenbuch, 18.11.2014
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English (UK) - Telugu for beginners: A book in 2 languages - Dr. Johannes Schumann

English (UK) - Telugu for beginners: A book in 2 languages

Autor: Dr. Johannes Schumann

Taschenbuch, 05.01.2017
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1000 wichtige Wörter auf Vietnamesisch für die Reise und die Arbeit: Ich höre zu. Ich wiederhole. Ich spreche. - J. M. Gardner

1000 wichtige Wörter auf Vietnamesisch für die Reise und die Arbeit: Ich höre zu. Ich wiederhole. Ich spreche.

J. M. Gardner

Audible Hörbuch
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Als Nationalsprache ist Vietnamesisch die offizielle Sprache, die von allen Menschen in Vietnam (90 Millionen Sprecher) gesprochen wird. In den. . .

Vietnamesisch sprechen auf Reisen: Ich höre zu. Ich wiederhole. Ich spreche. - J. M. Gardner

Vietnamesisch sprechen auf Reisen: Ich höre zu. Ich wiederhole. Ich spreche.

J. M. Gardner

Audible Hörbuch
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Als Nationalsprache ist Vietnamesisch die offizielle Sprache, die von allen Menschen in Vietnam (90 Millionen Sprecher) gesprochen wird. In den Vereinigten Staaten ist Vietnamesisch eine der meistgesprochenen Sprachen mit über zwei Millionen Sprechern.

Du hörst konzentriert zu, du wiederholst und du sprichst. Was für uns wichtig ist, sind Aussprache, Wiederholen des Gehörten und aufmerksames Zuhören, im Zusammenhang mit Worten, wichtigen Sätzen und einer Vokabelliste. Seit Jahrzehnten hat sich die Wiederholung in Abständen als eine effektive Lernmethode erwiesen.

Vietnamese Phrasebook (Lonely Planet) - Ben Handicott

Vietnamese Phrasebook (Lonely Planet)

Ben Handicott

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Vietnamesischer Schnellkurs: Sätze für die Praxis: Ein Schlüssel zur sympathischen Verständigung - Minh Ha Nguyen, Wilfried Lulei

Vietnamesischer Schnellkurs: Sätze für die Praxis: Ein Schlüssel zur sympathischen Verständigung

Minh Ha Nguyen, Wilfried Lulei

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ReiseWortSchatz, Vietnamesisch - Monika Heyder

ReiseWortSchatz, Vietnamesisch

Monika Heyder

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Vietnamese Phrasebook & Dictionary (Phrasebooks) - AA. VV.

Vietnamese Phrasebook & Dictionary (Phrasebooks)


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TUTTLE MINI VIETNAMESE DICT OR (Tuttle Travel Pack) - Phan Van Giuong


Phan Van Giuong

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Learn Vietnamese - Level 2: Absolute Beginner Vietnamese, Volume 1: Lessons 1-25 - Innovative Language Learning LLC

Learn Vietnamese - Level 2: Absolute Beginner Vietnamese, Volume 1: Lessons 1-25

Innovative Language Learning LLC

Audible Hörbuch
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Start speaking Vietnamese in minutes and grasp the language, culture, and customs in just minutes more with Absolute Beginner Vietnamese, a completely new way to learn Vietnamese with ease!

Absolute Beginner Vietnamese will have you speaking with proper pronunciation from the very first lesson and arm you with cultural insight and other information to utterly shock and amaze your Vietnamese friends. Why are the audio lessons so effective?

Short and to the point - 25 eight-minute lessons make them the perfect length Syllable-by-syllable breakdown of each word and phrase so you can say every word and phrase instantly Repeat after the professional teacher section so you can practice proper pronunciation Quick cultural tips in each lesson will help you navigate your way even better Above all, a fun and relaxed approach to grasping a lot of information quickly and easily - effortlessly learn from a bilingual and bicultural host as they guide you through pitfalls and pleasures of Vietnam and the Vietnamese language

You see, unlike other audiobooks, we actually teach Vietnamese and Vietnamese culture. With each lesson you will master a target phrase and key vocabulary. This is a complete lesson taught by a professional bilingual teacher! Listen to the preview now! This is not a vocabulary audiobook with just words and their translations. These 25 short and effective audio lessons will allow you to:

Speak Vietnamese within minutes of your first lesson Understand the culture, customs, and people of Vietnam Master manners, etiquette, and customs Surprise with phrases and tips that will leave your guests wondering where you learned them

This audiobook comes with downloadable lesson notes totaling more than 140 pages. Start speaking Vietnamese now!

P L E A S E N O T E: When you purchase this title, the accompanying reference material will be available in your Library section along with the audio.

Vietnamese for you - div.

Vietnamese for you


Audible Hörbuch
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Learn the most important words and phrases for everyday situations and travelling with the audio-learning course " Vietnamese for you". More than 1300 words and phrases are arranged by topic, summarised in chapters and is authentic in conveying the most important basics of the language. Thus you can concentrate on learning words and phrases from certain topics such as "basics", "travel", "bank" or "means of communication". With this vocabulary you will be able to place your order in Vietnamese in a restaurant, ask directions in a foreign city or also ask for medical assistance. In addition, you will receive all words and phrases as a P D F file which can be added to your library after the purchase - to print, fold and take along. It makes learning fun and provides intensive preparation for your next trip!

The P D F booklet that accompanies this selection will be automatically added to your library after the purchase.

Vietnamesisch für Anfänger, Lehrbuch - Kathrin Raitza, Luong Van Ke

Vietnamesisch für Anfänger, Lehrbuch

Kathrin Raitza, Luong Van Ke

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Vietnamesisch für Anfänger, Lehrbuch

Learning Vietnamese: Learn to Speak, Read and Write Vietnamese Quickly! (Free Online Audio & Flash Cards) (English Edition) - Tran Bac Hoai

Learning Vietnamese: Learn to Speak, Read and Write Vietnamese Quickly! (Free Online Audio & Flash Cards) (English Edition)

Autor: Tran Bac Hoai

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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