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Bücher Elektronik, Foto
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Buch, Hörbücher:

Hard und Heavy

Seite 5
75 Jahre Fender: (im Schuber mit Hochprägung und Spotlackierung) - Hunter, Dave Übersetzer: Alan Tepper und Andreas Schiffmann

75 Jahre Fender: (im Schuber mit Hochprägung und Spotlackierung)

Autoren: Hunter, Dave
Übersetzer: Alan Tepper und Andreas Schiffmann

Gebundene Ausgabe, 28.10.2021
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Tonight It’s a World We Bury: Black Metal, Red Politics - Bill Peel

Tonight It’s a World We Bury: Black Metal, Red Politics

Autor: Bill Peel

Taschenbuch, 23.05.2023
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AC/DC: For Those About to Rock. Autorisierte englische Originalausgabe - Paul Elliot

AC/DC: For Those About to Rock. Autorisierte englische Originalausgabe

Autor: Paul Elliot

Gebundene Ausgabe, 01.10.2023
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Desolation: A Heavy Metal Memoir - Mark Morton Hauptdarsteller: Ben Opipari

Desolation: A Heavy Metal Memoir

Autor: Mark Morton
Hauptdarsteller: Ben Opipari

Gebundene Ausgabe, 25.06.2024
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Come My Fanatics: A Journey into the World of Electric Wizard - Dan Franklin

Come My Fanatics: A Journey into the World of Electric Wizard

Autor: Dan Franklin

Gebundene Ausgabe, 13.02.2024
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Leather Rebel: Mein Leben mit Judas Priest - K.K. Downing Recorder: Mark Eglinton Übersetzer: Jenny Rönnebeck

Leather Rebel: Mein Leben mit Judas Priest

Autor: K.K. Downing
Recorder: Mark Eglinton
Übersetzer: Jenny Rönnebeck

Gebundene Ausgabe, 28.02.2019
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Inked In Blood 2 - Once Upon a Crime - Spencer Charnas

Inked In Blood 2 - Once Upon a Crime

Autor: Spencer Charnas

Gebundene Ausgabe, 07.05.2024
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The Decade That Rocked: The Music and Mayhem of '80s Rock and Metal: The Photography Of Mark "Weissguy" Weiss (Heavy Metal, Rock, Photography, Biography, Gifts For Heavy Metal Fans) - Richard Beinstock Künstler: Mark Weiss

The Decade That Rocked: The Music and Mayhem of '80s Rock and Metal: The Photography Of Mark "Weissguy" Weiss (Heavy Metal, Rock, Photography, Biography, Gifts For Heavy Metal Fans)

Autor: Richard Beinstock
Künstler: Mark Weiss

Gebundene Ausgabe, 22.01.2024
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Guns N' Roses Anthology (Tablature Included)

Guns N' Roses Anthology (Tablature Included)

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Brand Neu! Auslieferung aus Kalifornien, U S A. Lieferung kann möglicherweise zusätzliche Einfuhrgebühren erfordern.

111 Gründe, Heavy Metal zu lieben - Erweiterte Neuausgabe: Ein Kniefall vor der härtesten Musik der Welt - Mit 33 brandheißen Bonusgründen - Frank Schäfer

111 Gründe, Heavy Metal zu lieben - Erweiterte Neuausgabe: Ein Kniefall vor der härtesten Musik der Welt - Mit 33 brandheißen Bonusgründen

Frank Schäfer

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Metal Music Manual: Producing, Engineering, Mixing, and Mastering Contemporary Heavy Music - Mark Mynett

Metal Music Manual: Producing, Engineering, Mixing, and Mastering Contemporary Heavy Music

Mark Mynett

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Iron Maiden - Chris Welch

Iron Maiden

Chris Welch

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Motörhead: Where is Lemmy? - David Calcano, Lindsay Lee

Motörhead: Where is Lemmy?

David Calcano, Lindsay Lee

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Shred Guitar Improvisation: The Creative Guide to Rock & Shred Metal Guitar Improvisation (Play Rock Guitar, Band 2) - Chris Zoupa, Joseph Alexander

Shred Guitar Improvisation: The Creative Guide to Rock & Shred Metal Guitar Improvisation (Play Rock Guitar, Band 2)

Chris Zoupa, Joseph Alexander

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Confessions of a Heretic: The Sacred and the Profane: Behemoth and Beyond - Adam Nergal Darski, Mark Eglinton

Confessions of a Heretic: The Sacred and the Profane: Behemoth and Beyond

Adam Nergal Darski, Mark Eglinton

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Slash: The Autobiography - Saul 'Slash' Hudson

Slash: The Autobiography

Saul 'Slash' Hudson

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It seems excessive. . . but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. The mass of black curls. The top hat. The cigarette dangling from pouty lips. These are the trademarks of one of the world's greatest and most revered guitarists, a celebrity musician known by one name: Slash. Saul Slash Hudson was born in Hampstead to a Jewish father and a black American mother who created David Bowie's look in The Man Who Fell to Earth. He was raised in Stoke until he was 11, when he and his mother moved to L A. Frequent visitors to the house were David Bowie, Joni Mitchell, Ronnie Wood and Iggy Pop. At this time Slash got into B M X bikes and would eventually turn professional, winning major awards and money, but at 15 his grandmother gave him his first guitar. Sessions with numerous local L A rock bands followed until a fateful meeting with singer W Axl Rose. . . and the rest was rock history. Guns N' Roses spent two years builiding their reputation before Appetite for Destruction was unleashed on an unsuspecting world. Chart success and global domination followed but with it came the inevitable fall - addicted to heroin, booze and cigarettes the band imploded in a rift between Axl and Slash that is as deep today as ever. But with a new wife, kids and new band Velvet Revolver, Slash is back on track. As raucous and edgy as his music, Slash sets the record straight and tells the real story as only Slash can.

Enter Night: A Biography of Metallica - Mick Wall

Enter Night: A Biography of Metallica

Mick Wall

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Enter Night Wall-who has known the members of Metallica for 25 years-delivers the definitive biography of the biggest heavy metal band in the world. Full description

Soundtrack of Our Youth: History of Hair Metal Music - Hall Laurel, Brad Groghan

Soundtrack of Our Youth: History of Hair Metal Music

Hall Laurel, Brad Groghan

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Buch, Hörbücher: Hard und Heavy
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Buch, Hörbücher: Hard und Heavy
Buch, Hörbücher
Film, Kunst und Kultur

Hard und Heavy

21.03.2024  18