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Seite 5
Warm Up/Cool Down Exercise Chart

Warm Up/Cool Down Exercise Chart

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Why and How to warm-up and cool-down before and after an exercise session, training or competition. This chart clearly illustrates a program of Cardio-Respiratory, Mobility and Stretching exercises that are essential to every sports person and ideal for the gym. I D E A L F O R S C H O O L S, C O L L E G E S, P H Y S I O T H E R A P Y D E P A R T M E N T S, D O C T O R S, H E A L T H C E N T E R S A N D F I T N E S S F A C I L I T I E S. Beautifully illustrated with great precision. F E A T U R E S Major muscles clearly identified and named. Simple explanations defining muscle action Major bone structure identified and named Information about muscles used in major sports. This chart covers the majority of the basic workouts which can be done on most any gym system.
Warm Up/ Cool Down Exercise
23" x 33"
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Wrestling - Poster - WWE-Edge Running + 1 Packung tesa Powerstrips ® - Inhalt 20 Stück

Wrestling - Poster - WWE-Edge Running + 1 Packung tesa Powerstrips ® - Inhalt 20 Stück

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