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Bücher Elektronik, Foto
Musik-CDs DVDs, Blu-ray
Spielzeug Software
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Computerspiele Küchengeräte
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Seite 3
Space Hulk - Vengeance of the Blood Angels

Space Hulk - Vengeance of the Blood Angels

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Space Hulk: Vengeance of the Blood Angels is a video game published by Electronic Arts in 1995 for the 3 D O which was later ported to the P C, Play Station, and Sega Saturn. It is based on Games Workshop's board game Space Hulk and is the sequel to the 1993 game Space Hulk. Like its predecessor, Vengeance of the Blood Angels combines first-person shooter gameplay with real-time tactical elements.

The Dark Eye

The Dark Eye

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The Dark Eye is a computer game of the horror genre, released in 1995 for the P C by the now-defunct software company Inscape. Upon its release the game attracted little attention from either critics or consumers, though it has received some attention since and, arguably, cult status. The game featured combined 3-D graphics, clay animation (claymation) and video segments. With its unconventional interface, storyline, and characters, the game's peculiarity became its selling point. The characters are largely lifelike in appearance except for their clay-modeled faces, which are often distorted or feature grotesquely exaggerated features. This near-realism, sometimes referred to as the uncanny valley, contributed to the game's ambience of unease and anxiety. The character animation is stop-motion. Inscape did the art design of the puppets (lead artist Bruce Heavin) and had a Hollywood house actually make them. Inscape then hired two stop-motion animators and Russell Lees spent many, many hours in a hot, dark warehouse directing the animations. The working hours were from 7 am to 7 pm for about a month. They created computer-generated screenshots of the environments and shot against blue-screen, and they had a Director of Photography light them to match the environment. Also notable was the use of author William S. Burroughs as a voice actor: Burroughs provided not only the voice for the character of Edwin, but also voiceovers of two slide-show sequences illustrating the short story " The Masque of the Red Death" and the poem " Annabel Lee". Another story, " The Premature Burial", can be found while reading the newspaper during " The Tell-Tale Heart", and the poem " To Helen" can be read while playing the victim in " Berenice". Thomas Dolby composed the game's music.

Bad Blood

Bad Blood

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Bad Blood is an early effort from Chris Roberts ( Wing Commander et. al. ) and while it shows his customary creativity, depth of game world/story and graphical refinement, overall it comes off as yet another example of a very good concept not being matched by very good execution. The game takes place in a fairly generic post-apocalyptic Wasteland/ Mad Max type setting. Judging by the slang of the game world I would guess it's meant to be Australia, but it's all deserts and shacks in the usual post-nuclear style. The one twist this one serves up is that you're playing as the champion of mutants (who look like fish men for some reason), versus the evil humans who have sealed themselves up in big cities and are now organizing themselves to wipe out mutants once and for all in a massive military campaign. As the best warrior of your tribe your task is to sneak around, find out exactly what's going on, and devise a way to put a stop to it.

Kingdoms of England II: Vikings, Fields of Conquest

Kingdoms of England II: Vikings, Fields of Conquest

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Kingdoms of England I I: Vikings, Fields of Conquest is a medieval strategy game that can be played by as many as six players. The goal of the game is a quest to become King of England through success on the battlefield against the other players and computer-controlled opponents. The game was reviewed in 1993 in Dragon #192 by Hartley, Patricia, and Kirk Lesser in " The Role of Computers" column. The reviewers gave the game 4 out of 5 stars.

Punky Duck

Punky Duck

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Gehesia [MS-DOS]

Gehesia [MS-DOS]

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Fire Flight

Fire Flight

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Ihre Mission: Sie müssen die Befehle und Erlasse des rates durchsetzen, wann und wo auch immer ein Aufruhr entsteht. Kampfeinsätze, Bodenangriffe, eskorten sowie Verteidigungs. und Aufklärungs-missionen gehören zu ihren Aufgaben. Es bleibt ihnen überlassen, ob sie ihre Mission alleine übernehmen oder sich per Modem bzw. Netzwerk von ihren Freunden unterstützen lassen.

Action Pack (Terra Nova, Enemy Nations, G-Nome)

Action Pack (Terra Nova, Enemy Nations, G-Nome)

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G-Nome Die Ionenkanone de Tonnenschweren feindlichen H A W Cs haben Ihre Mündungen erbarmungslos auf dich gerichtet. Eine gnadenlose Jagd scheint zu Ende. . . Das Blut pocht in deinen Schläfen, dir bleibt nur noch ein einziger Ausweg: Fliehe aus deinem Demolierten Gefährt und entere die gigantischen H A W Cs in einem Himmelfahrts-Kommando. Variiere deine Taktik und entwickle individuelle Strategien. . . Alle wiedersacher verfolgen nur ein Ziel und setzen alles daran, um in den Besitz der ultimativen genetischen Waffe zu gelangen: das G-Nome! Komplett in Deutsch Designed für Windows 95 Netzwerk- und Internet-Option Terra Nova Übernehmen Sie eine Eliteeinheit, die nur auf Ihre Befehle wartet. Stellen Sie für jede Mission ein neues Team zusammen, um gegen den intelligenten Gegner zu überleben. Das Gefühl der Realität wird durch den Q-Sound und einen Stimmungsvollen Soundtrack unterstützt. das Geschehen wird zusätzlich von vollanimierten Videosequenzen dokumentiert. Kämpfen Sie sich durch vier Welten - nur Ihre Fähigkeiten Sind Ihr Ticket nach Hause. 39 Missionen und Szenarioeditor, mit dem Sie eigene Missionen erschaffen können - Terra Nova nimmt Sie gefangen uns lässt Sie nicht mehr los. 39 Missionen inkl. Szenarioeditor Atmosphärische Effekte wie Regen, Blitze und Wolken Q-Sound für realistische Soundeffekte Enemy Nations Wir schreiben das Jahr 2005. Der Mensch ist nun endliche in der Lage von Stern zu Stern zu fliegen. Das eröffnet vollkommen neue Möglichkeiten: Neue Welten werden entdeckt, erobert und besiedelt. . . Gerade ist eine solche neue Welt entdeckt worden. Mehr als 20 Missionen mit verschiedenen Lösungswegen Netzwerk- und Internet-Option für bis zu 8 Spieler Stereoeffekte in atemberaubendem Panoramasound Systemanforderungen: I B M-kompatibler P C mit Pentium 90 Windows 95, M S Dos 5. 0 oder höher 4x C D Rom 16 M B Ram 42 M B freier Festplattenspeicher 256 Farben 640x480 Vesa V G A Maus / Soundkarte Anleitung komplett auf C D

The Vortex: Quantum Gate 2

The Vortex: Quantum Gate 2

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The Vortex, sequel to Quantum Gate is a cinematic journey of a young soldier ( Drew Griffin) in a peculiar hostile world where he fights for his life. You decide Drew's fate by making inquires and displaying emotions that will guide his actions from a first person perspective just like many other interactive movies. Packed with full motion video ( F M V) clips on 3 C Ds, Quantum Gate I I features Hyper Bole's Virtual Cinema technology, designed to take full advantage of Multimedia P C ( M P C) platform.

Jutland [CD-ROM] Software Sorcery

Jutland [CD-ROM] Software Sorcery

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Command a fearsome dreadnought and fight for control of the North and South Atlantic as either the German Imperial Fleet or the British Royal Navy during W W I. Fight a single mission, a campaign or the entire war while commanding 1 ship, a squadron of ships or the entire fleet. Experience night combat, torpedo attacks, salvos of exploding shells and burning ships. W W I naval combat comes to life with S V G A and V G A graphics, and with digitized video and sound effects. Over 100 missions to play.

Software: PC-Spiele
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Software: PC-Spiele


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Fun- und Gesellschaftsspiele
Jump und Run

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