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Embalming: History, Theory, and Practice, Fifth Edition - Robert G. Mayer

Embalming: History, Theory, and Practice, Fifth Edition

Robert G. Mayer

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Forensische Jugendpsychiatrie - Wilhelm Hallermann, Jobst von Karger

Forensische Jugendpsychiatrie

Wilhelm Hallermann, Jobst von Karger

B, Broschiert
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Stochastic Modelling Of Aids Epidemiology And Hiv Pathogenesis - Wai-Yuan Tan

Stochastic Modelling Of Aids Epidemiology And Hiv Pathogenesis

Wai-Yuan Tan

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Cancer Management in Man: Chemotherapy, Biological Therapy, Hyperthermia and Supporting Measures (Cancer Growth and Progression, Band 13)

Cancer Management in Man: Chemotherapy, Biological Therapy, Hyperthermia and Supporting Measures (Cancer Growth and Progression, Band 13)

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Short Textbook of Preventative and Social Medicine - G. N. Prabhakara

Short Textbook of Preventative and Social Medicine

G. N. Prabhakara

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Forensic Radiology Made Easy - D. Govindiah

Forensic Radiology Made Easy

D. Govindiah

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Comprehensive Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever: Revised and Expanded - Who Regional Office for South-East Asia

Comprehensive Guidelines for Prevention and Control of Dengue and Dengue Haemorrhagic Fever: Revised and Expanded

Who Regional Office for South-East Asia

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Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics

Criminal and Environmental Soil Forensics

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Soils have important roles to play in criminal and environmental forensic science. Since the initial concept of using soil in forensic investigations was mooted by Conan Doyle in his Sherlock Holmes stories prior to real-world applications, this branch of forensic science has become increasingly sophisticated and broad. New techniques in chemical, physical, biological, ecological and spatial analysis, coupled with informatics, are being applied to reducing areas of search by investigators, site identification, site comparison and measurement for the eventual use as evidence in court. Soils can provide intelligence, in assisting the determination of the provenance of samples from artifacts, victims or suspects, enabling their linkage to locations or other evidence. They also modulate change in surface or buried cadavers and hence affect the ability to estimate post-mortem or post-burial intervals, and locate clandestine graves. This interdisciplinary volume explores the conceptual and practical interplay of soil and geoforensics across the scientific, investigative and legal fields. Supported by reviews, case-studies from across the world, and reports of original research, it demonstrates the increasing convergence of a wide range of knowledge. It covers conceptual issues, evidence (from recovery to use in court), geoforensics, taphonomy, as well as leading-edge technologies. The application of the resultant soil forensics toolbox is leading to significant advances in improving crime detection, and environmental and national security.

Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy - C. K. Kokate, S. B. Gokhale

Textbook of Forensic Pharmacy

C. K. Kokate, S. B. Gokhale

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Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology - Nageshkumar G. Rao

Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology

Nageshkumar G. Rao

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