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Seite 5
The New Public Health - Theodore H. Tulchinsky, Elena A. Varavikova, Matan J. Cohen

The New Public Health

Autoren: Theodore H. Tulchinsky, Elena A. Varavikova, Matan J. Cohen

Gebundene Ausgabe, 17.07.2023
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PRIMARY SURGERY V2:TRAUMA LOW PR P: Trauma (Oxford Medical Publications) - Nelson KING

PRIMARY SURGERY V2:TRAUMA LOW PR P: Trauma (Oxford Medical Publications)

Autor: Nelson KING

Taschenbuch, 22.01.1987
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Intervallfasten für Berufstätige: Wie Sie Ihr Traumgewicht erreichen und Dauerhaft halten durch intermittierendes Fasten inkl. Checkliste zur ... (Schlank mit Intervallfasten, Band 1) - Dennis Krause

Intervallfasten für Berufstätige: Wie Sie Ihr Traumgewicht erreichen und Dauerhaft halten durch intermittierendes Fasten inkl. Checkliste zur ... (Schlank mit Intervallfasten, Band 1)

Autor: Dennis Krause

Taschenbuch, 01.11.2019
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The Emperor Caligula in the Ancient Sources - Anthony A. Barrett, J. C. Yardley

The Emperor Caligula in the Ancient Sources

Autoren: Anthony A. Barrett, J. C. Yardley

Taschenbuch, 18.08.2023
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DAS ULTIMATIVE DUTCH OVEN REZEPTBUCH: Mit mehr als 180 exklusiven Rezepten! Das original Dutch Oven Kochbuch für Grillmeister, Camper und Köche - Einfach zum Grillen und Genießen! - DIE PROFIKÜCHE

DAS ULTIMATIVE DUTCH OVEN REZEPTBUCH: Mit mehr als 180 exklusiven Rezepten! Das original Dutch Oven Kochbuch für Grillmeister, Camper und Köche - Einfach zum Grillen und Genießen!


Taschenbuch, 28.07.2020
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Eye Diseases in Hot Climates - Saul N. Rajak

Eye Diseases in Hot Climates

Saul N. Rajak

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Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: 2-Volume Set - John E. Bennett MD MACP, Raphael Dolin MD, Martin J. Blaser MD

Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases: 2-Volume Set

John E. Bennett MD MACP, Raphael Dolin MD, Martin J. Blaser MD

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Expert Consult Premium Edition - Enhanced Online Features and Print
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After thirty five years, Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 8th Edition is still the reference of choice for comprehensive, global guidance on diagnosing and treating the most challenging infectious diseases. Drs. John E. Bennett and Raphael Dolin along with new editorial team member Dr. Martin Blaser have meticulously updated this latest edition to save you time and to ensure you have the latest clinical and scientific knowledge at your fingertips. With new chapters, expanded and updated coverage, increased worldwide perspectives, and many new contributors, Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett s Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, 8th Edition helps you identify and treat whatever infectious disease you see. " I highly recommend Mandell, Douglas, and Bennett's Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases, together with the included Expert Consult, the on-line version of the book that is a searchable source and is available to a variety of platforms. It is updated twice each year and is an excellent solution for health-care professionals to keep informed of the latest knowledge" Reviewed by Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, March 2015 ". . what an in depth textbook should be, a superb and vast, yet highly readable review of its topic. " Reviewed by glycosmedia. com, Mar 2015 " Principles and Practice of Infectious Diseases has many features and formats that make it a comprehensive, current, and clear source of information" Reviewed by Graefes Arch Clin Exp Ophthalmol, Feb 2015

Colonial Pathologies: American Tropical Medicine, Race, and Hygiene in the Philippines - Warwick Anderson

Colonial Pathologies: American Tropical Medicine, Race, and Hygiene in the Philippines

Warwick Anderson

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Colonial Pathologies Presents the history of the role of science and medicine in the American colonization of the Philippines from 1898 through the 1930s. This title describes how American colonizers sought to maintain their own health and stamina in a foreign environment while exerting control over and 'civilizing' a population of seven million people. Full description

Hunter's Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Diseases - Edward T Ryan, David R Hill MD DTM&H FRCP FFTM FASTM, Tom Solomon, Timothy P Endy, Naomi Aronson

Hunter's Tropical Medicine and Emerging Infectious Diseases

Edward T Ryan, David R Hill MD DTM&H FRCP FFTM FASTM, Tom Solomon, Timothy P Endy, Naomi Aronson

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The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual - Christopher A. Sanford MD MPH DTM&H, Elaine C. Jong MD, Paul S. Pottinger MD DTM&H

The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual

Christopher A. Sanford MD MPH DTM&H, Elaine C. Jong MD, Paul S. Pottinger MD DTM&H

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Prevent, evaluate, and manage diseases that can be acquired in tropical environments and foreign countries with The Travel and Tropical Medicine Manual. This pragmatic, pocket-sized resource equips medical providers with the knowledge they need to offer effective aid, covering key topics in pre- and post-travel medicine, caring for immigrants and refugees, and working in low-resource settings. It's also the perfect source for travelers seeking quick, easy access to the latest travel medicine information.

Healthy Homes in Tropical Zones: Improving Rural Housing in Asia and Africa - Jakob Knudsen, Lorenz Lorenz von Seidlein

Healthy Homes in Tropical Zones: Improving Rural Housing in Asia and Africa

Jakob Knudsen, Lorenz Lorenz von Seidlein

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Early nomadic shelters, including caves, animal skin tents, and igloos, were used for protection against wind, rain, snow, sunlight, and other forces of nature. These basic homes also provided defence against predators and were used to store a few important possessions. They were temporary, and proximity to a water source was of prime importance. For hunters and gatherers, shelter was an important aspect of survival. Health and comfort were not yet under consideration. As civilisation evolved, housing became more permanent, with increasing attention to well-being. The housing and utilities available in rich countries are vastly different from those in poorer settings. Unlike in industrialised countries where piped-in water, indoor toilets, and sewage systems are the norm, in the developing world these facilities are often not available. Waterborne enteric diseases, preventable by the supply of safe water, hand washing, and appropriate sanitation, continue to be a major disease burden in poor countries. Vector-borne diseases that can be controlled by screening and other barrier methods also remain an important health problem. Safe, comfortable, and healthy homes are an essential requisite for healthy living around the world, irrespective of culture or socio-economic status. Throughout the tropics there is a huge diversity in house design and use of building supplies based on centuries of indigenous experience, customs, and availability of local resources for construction. These differences in building style and materials affect the indoor conditions and comfort of occupants, which in turn influence the occupants exposure to certain infectious diseases. In this book the authors describe the architectural designs and materials of rural houses in two countries in Asia ( Thailand, Philippines) and two in Africa ( The Gambia, Tanzania). They analyse the effect of design on the indoor climate and relate these factors to health, notably the risk of mosquito-borne infectious di

MCQs in Travel Medicine (Oxford Specialty Training) - Dom Colbert

MCQs in Travel Medicine (Oxford Specialty Training)

Dom Colbert

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Updates in Tropical Medicine, An Issue of Infectious Disease Clinics of North America (Volume 33-1) (The Clinics: Internal Medicine (Volume 33-1), Band 33) - Michael Libman MD, Cédric Yansouni MD FRCPC DTM&H

Updates in Tropical Medicine, An Issue of Infectious Disease Clinics of North America (Volume 33-1) (The Clinics: Internal Medicine (Volume 33-1), Band 33)

Michael Libman MD, Cédric Yansouni MD FRCPC DTM&H

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Notebook: ~ Blank Lined Ruled with Notes Section Box Notebooks and Journals ~ Butcher Bison Edition - Journals Brigade

Notebook: ~ Blank Lined Ruled with Notes Section Box Notebooks and Journals ~ Butcher Bison Edition

Journals Brigade

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Globale Epidemien - Lokale Antworten: Eine Ethnographie der Heilpflanze Artemisia annua in Tansania - Caroline Meier zu Biesen

Globale Epidemien - Lokale Antworten: Eine Ethnographie der Heilpflanze Artemisia annua in Tansania

Caroline Meier zu Biesen

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