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Seite 6
Lassa Fever: Epidemiology, Immunology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 440, Band 440) - Herausgeber: Robert Garry

Lassa Fever: Epidemiology, Immunology, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics (Current Topics in Microbiology and Immunology, 440, Band 440)

Herausgeber: Robert Garry

Gebundene Ausgabe, 18.07.2023
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Von „Tropenmedizin“ zu „Global Public Health“: Die politische Dimension ärztlichen Handelns: biographische und bibliographische Anmerkungen 1962 bis 2022 (Challenges in Public Health, Band 67) - Hans Jochen Diesfeld

Von „Tropenmedizin“ zu „Global Public Health“: Die politische Dimension ärztlichen Handelns: biographische und bibliographische Anmerkungen 1962 bis 2022 (Challenges in Public Health, Band 67)

Autor: Hans Jochen Diesfeld

Taschenbuch, 29.05.2023
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Performativity and Performance (Essays from the English Institute) - Herausgeber: Andrew Parker

Performativity and Performance (Essays from the English Institute)

Herausgeber: Andrew Parker

Taschenbuch, 30.11.1995
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Das Geheimnis richtige Entscheidungen zu treffen: In 6 Kapiteln - kompakt - informativ - unterhaltsam - Nie mehr Entscheidungsangst - Herausgeber: Nawi Publishing Victoria Weiss

Das Geheimnis richtige Entscheidungen zu treffen: In 6 Kapiteln - kompakt - informativ - unterhaltsam - Nie mehr Entscheidungsangst

Herausgeber: Nawi Publishing
Autor: Victoria Weiss

Taschenbuch, 05.03.2020
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Infektionskrankheiten in der Pädiatrie – 50 Fallstudien - Herausgeber: Cihan Papan, Johannes Hübner

Infektionskrankheiten in der Pädiatrie – 50 Fallstudien

Herausgeber: Cihan Papan, Johannes Hübner

Taschenbuch, 22.10.2022
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Fields Virology: DNA Viruses - Peter M. Howley, David M. Knipe, Jeffrey L. Cohen, Blossom A. Damania

Fields Virology: DNA Viruses

Autoren: Peter M. Howley, David M. Knipe, Jeffrey L. Cohen, Blossom A. Damania

Gebundene Ausgabe, 23.10.2021
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Communicable Disease Control in Emergencies: A Field Manual

Communicable Disease Control in Emergencies: A Field Manual

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The Goddard Guide to Arthropods of Medical Importance - Gail Miriam (Mississippi State University) Moraru, Jerome (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Auburn University at Montgomery) Goddard II

The Goddard Guide to Arthropods of Medical Importance

Gail Miriam (Mississippi State University) Moraru, Jerome (Department of Mathematics and Computer Science, Auburn University at Montgomery) Goddard II

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Tropical Dermatology - Steven K Tyring MD PhD, Omar Lupi MD MSC PhD, Ulrich R Hengge M.D. MBA

Tropical Dermatology

Steven K Tyring MD PhD, Omar Lupi MD MSC PhD, Ulrich R Hengge M.D. MBA

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In an increasingly global community, the rapid adaptation of microorganisms has facilitated the return of old communicable diseases and the emergence of new ones. Tropical Dermatology, 2nd Edition, provides a practical, highly illustrated approach to the diagnosis and treatment of a wide range of tropical skin diseases. In a concise and user-friendly format, it offers authoritative coverage of epidemiology, diagnosis, differential diagnosis, pathology, laboratory tests, management, and prevention for both common and rare conditions.

Tropical Medicine Notebook - Philippa C. Matthews

Tropical Medicine Notebook

Philippa C. Matthews

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Medical Entomology for Students - Mike Service

Medical Entomology for Students

Mike Service

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Rare Book

Filoviruses: A Compendium of 40 Years of Epidemiological, Clinical, and Laboratory Studies (Archives of Virology. Supplementa, Band 20) - Jens Kuhn

Filoviruses: A Compendium of 40 Years of Epidemiological, Clinical, and Laboratory Studies (Archives of Virology. Supplementa, Band 20)

Jens Kuhn

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This is the first comprehensive review of the world literature on filovirus research and provides the most extensive bibliography of the subject yet published. There is special emphasis on foreign literature that has never been summarized. Every aspect of filovirus research, including their history, epidemiology, clinical picture, pathology, molecular biology, and political aspects are reviewed in detail.

Praktische Tropenmedizin und Reisemedizin - Hans J. Diesfeld, Gerard Krause

Praktische Tropenmedizin und Reisemedizin

Hans J. Diesfeld, Gerard Krause

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Env Health Engineering in the Tropics 2e: An Introductory Text - Sandy Cairncross

Env Health Engineering in the Tropics 2e: An Introductory Text

Sandy Cairncross

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Atlas of Pediatrics in the Tropics and Resource Limited Settings - Jonathan M., M.D. Spector, Timothy E., M.d. Gibson

Atlas of Pediatrics in the Tropics and Resource Limited Settings

Jonathan M., M.D. Spector, Timothy E., M.d. Gibson

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Paediatrics in the Tropics - R. G. Hendrick

Paediatrics in the Tropics

R. G. Hendrick

Gebundene Ausgabe
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Parasiten: Insekten, Würmer, Einzeller – verdrängte Plagegeister? (essentials) - Friedrich Frischknecht

Parasiten: Insekten, Würmer, Einzeller – verdrängte Plagegeister? (essentials)

Autor: Friedrich Frischknecht

Kindle eBook und andere Ausgaben
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Tropical Diseases: A Practical Guide for Medical Practitioners and Students (English Edition) - Yann A. Meunier

Tropical Diseases: A Practical Guide for Medical Practitioners and Students (English Edition)

Autor: Yann A. Meunier

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