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Peter Tschaikowsky

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Tschaikowsky: Eugen Onegin [DVD]

Tschaikowsky: Eugen Onegin [DVD]

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Described by Tchaikovsky as ? lyric scenes', Eugene Onegin receives a spectacular reinterpretation from the Norwegian director Stefan Herheim. His productions create controversy and excitement around Europe, and here he takes Pushkin's story of illusion, disaffection and frustrated love, and places the protagonists - world-weary Onegin and naïve, passionate Tatyana - in a triple temporal perspective, referencing the theatrical present, the period of the work's composition, and the pageant of Russia's history. Mariss Jansons, renowned for his mastery of Tchaikovsky's symphonies, conducts this performance from Amsterdam's Muziektheater.

Press Reviews

" Put too much steam into Tchaikovsky's score and it wilts. Be too shy and retiring, on the other hand, and the tragic momentum evaporates. Jansons sets us on a simmer and gradually turns the heat to boiling. It is magisterially paced, stunningly played and, seemingly effortlessly, Jansons captures every aching nuance. [? ] Herheim's innovations are often throbbingly acute (and sometimes wickedly funny). " ( The Times)

" The Concertgebouw Orchestra, of which Mr. Jansons is music director, is here a dream of a pit orchestra. Mr. Jansons's musicality is stamped on every phrase, and he ensures ideal coordination between singers and orchestra. " ( The New York Times)

" Herheim directs so many keen moments of character interactions that there's no danger of the opera lapsing into simplistic cliches. . . " ( Gramophone)

" Although I look forward to seeing many more traditional stage productions, even if I do not expect all to have the same musical values as are achieved here, this is a version which anyone who loves this most personal of operas needs to see and hear. " ( Musicweb International)

" Star of the evening is the conductor Mariss Jansons. It's clear from the documentary that he loves the work. . and he plays it with a rhythmic vitality " ( International Record Review)

Bo Skovhus ( Eugene Onegin)
Krassimira Stoyanova ( Tatjana)
Andrej Dunaev ( Vladimir Ljenski)
Mikhail Petrenko ( Vorst Gremin)

Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra; Mariss Jansons

Stage Director: Stefan Herheim

Catalogue Number: O A1067 D
Date of Performance: 2011
Running Time: 181 minutes
Sound: 2. 0 L P C M + 5. 1(5. 0) D T S
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic
Subtitles: E N, F R, D E, I T, E S
Label: Opus Arte

Tschaikowsky, Peter - Der Nußknacker

Tschaikowsky, Peter - Der Nußknacker

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Recorded at the Sidney Arts Centre, Australia in 1994.
" Orchestra"
The State Orchestra Of Victoria
" Interpreters"
Margaret Scott - Clara the Elder
Vicky Attard - Clara the Ballerina
Siobhan Elsmann - Clara the Child
Steven Heathcote - Doctor / Beloved Officer
Justine Summers, Nigel Burley, Michele Goullet, Damien Welch, David Mc Allister
Conductor: Noel Smith
Artist Information;

Tschaikowsky, Peter - Der Nußknacker

Tschaikowsky, Peter - Der Nußknacker

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Als < I> Der Nussknacker von Piotr Il'yich Tschaikovsky am 06. Dezember 1892 im Marijinskij-Theater in St. Petersburg uraufgeführt wurde, erlebte das Publikum ein zauberhaftes Märchenballett, das die Grenzen zwischen Fantasie und Wirklichkeit auf wunderbare Weise verwischte. Und auch in den meisten späteren Aufführungen wurde die Realität der Erwachsenen mit dem Traumreich der Kinder versöhnt, um so wenigstens auf künstlerische Weise die eigentlich unerfüllbare Sehnsucht nach der verlorenen Kindheit doch noch zu erfüllen. < P> Einen gänzlich anderen Deutungsansatz wählte Patrice Bart im Dezember 1999. Der Choreograf stellte an der Deutschen Staatsoper Unter den Linden dem Ballett-Klassiker, der auf der Erzählung < I> Nussknacker und Mäusekönig des deutschen Romantikers E. T. A. Hoffmann basiert, einen frei erfundenen, recht deplatziert wirkenden Prolog voran. In ihm behauptet er, dass Marie, die Hauptfigur des Balletts, als Kind mitansehen musste, wie russische Revolutionäre ihre Familie überfielen und den Vater töteten. Das Mädchen ist von diesen Vorgängen traumatisiert und erfährt auch bei seinen lieblosen Adoptiveltern keine Linderung des harten Schicksals. Erst ein zum Leben erweckter Nussknacker befreit Marie in einer groß angelegten Vergangenheitsbewältigung von ihrem Trauma. < P> Oh weh! Was für eine krude, ja hanebüchene Verbiegung des ursprünglichen Märchenstoffs! Nichts gegen neue Wege in der Interpretation alter Werke, aber diese überfrachtete und allzu ambitionierte Sichtweise tut Tschaikovskys verträumt angelegtem Ballett denn doch Gewalt an. Patrice Barts verquaster Psychoquatsch ist eine allzu konstruierte Neufassung, die den magischen Reiz des < I> Casse-Noisette über weite Strecken vermissen lässt. Denn über eine amateurhafte Küchen-Psychologie kommt diese Version hier selten hinaus. < P> Aber genug gemeckert. Wenn die Aufzeichnung dieses Ballettabends vom 23. Dezember 1999 letztlich doch noch einen bezaubernden Charme entfalten kann, dann liegt dies an den ausnahmslos erstklassigen Mitwirkenden. Das Ballett der Deutschen Staatsoper Berlin begeistert mit einer exzellenten Darbietung und der mühelosen Meisterung selbst schwierigster Tanzschritte, Drehungen und Hebungen. Die Solisten Nadja Saidakova ( Marie), Vladimir Malakhov (als Nussknacker) und Oliver Matz (in der Rolle von Maries Mentor Drosselmeyer) harmonieren bestens und glänzen mit einer virtuosen Tanzkunst vom Feinsten. < P> Die farbenprächtigen Kostüme und die fantastischen Bühnenbilder lassen den Zuschauer aus dem Staunen gar nicht mehr herauskommen. Und die Staatskapelle Berlin unter Daniel Barenboim, die das Ganze live begleitet, spielt P. I. Tschaikovskys herrliche Musik mit jener Zartheit und Leichtigkeit, die dem russischen Komponisten beim Schreiben der Partitur vorgeschwebt haben mag. < I>-Harald Kepler

Tschaikowsky - Schwanensee (The Royal Ballet)

Tschaikowsky - Schwanensee (The Royal Ballet)

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Yolanda Sonnabend's Faberge-inspired designs evoke a world of Imperial Russia in Anthony Dowell's acclaimed production for The Royal Ballet of one of the world's best-loved ballets. Marianela Nuñez as Odette/ Odile and Thiago Soares as Prince Siegfried bring new vitality to a compelling story of tragic romance. The Russian conductor Valeriy Ovsyanikov directs the Orchestra of the Royal Opera House in Tchaikovsky's lush romantic score. Filmed in High Definition and recorded in true surround sound.

Press Reviews

" Anthony Dowell's production. . . offers the ultimate classical experience, with the sights and sounds of a proud 19th century tradition running at full throttle. Fancy a romantic tragedy in a tutu? Then this is the ballet for you. . . The production as a whole is beautifully formed and dramatically convincing. . . And praise, too, for the corps, who made us feel the sorrow and anger of the swans' collective misfortune. " ( The Times)

Marianela Nuñez ( Odette)
Thiago Soares ( Prince Siegfried)
Christopher Saunders ( An Evil Spirit, later Von Rothbart)
Elizabeth Mc Gorian ( The Princess, Siegfried's mother)
Alastair Marriott ( The Tutor)
David Pickering ( Benno)

The Orchestra of the Royal Opera House; Valeriy Ovsyanikov

Choreographer: Marius Petipa; Lev Ivanov

Catalogue Number: O A1015 D
Date of Performance: 2009
Running Time: 179 minutes
Sound: Half D T S 2. 0; 5. 1
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic
Subtitles: F R, D E, E S, I T
Label: Opus Arte

Peter Tschaikowsky: Sinfonien Nr.4-6 [Blu-ray]

Peter Tschaikowsky: Sinfonien Nr.4-6 [Blu-ray]

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Als erste Blu-ray-Veröffentlichung hat das Mariinsky-Label mit den Sinfonien Nr. 4-6 von Peter Tschaikowsky ein Repertoire ausgesucht, für das sowohl Valery Gergiev als auch das Mariinsky Orchester weltweit derzeit als erste Adresse gelten. Gemeinsam liefern sie so etwas wie definitive Interpretationen dieser drei Sinfonien ab. Wie bei kaum einem anderen Sinfoniker sind Tschaikowskys drei letzte Sinfonien mit den Themen ' Schicksal' und ' Tod' verknüpft. Unter der Regie von Andy Sommer wurde eine Aufführung im geschichtsträchtigen Pariser Salle Pleyel im Januar 2010 musikalisch einfühlsam gefilmt, so dass hier zum musikalischen noch der optische Genuss kommt. Als informatives Extra gibt es ein Interview mit Valery Gergiev.

Tchaikovsky: LAC | After Swan Lake (Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo) [DVD]

Tchaikovsky: LAC | After Swan Lake (Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo) [DVD]

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Jean-Christophe Maillot has re-worked Swan Lake with the writer Jean Rouaud (1990 Prix Goncourt winner) to bring a new drama to this pillar of the classic repertoire. This new adaptation, filmed in a special studio-setting at the Grimaldi Forum in Monaco, brings a modern-day relevance to the timeless story of Siegfried and Odette. Designed by leading visual artist Ernest Pignon-Ernest, with costumes by Philippe Guillotel, and performed to a specially conceived and mastered soundtrack of Tchaikovsky's score performed by the Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra, directed by Leonard Slatkin, the production has been hailed as ? outstanding' ( Le Figaro), while the Jerusalem Post asserted ? Swan Lake will never be the same after the tempestous Lac'. This film of Lac won the top award at the 2103 Golden Prague, as ? Best Performing Arts Program', where it was described as ? A ravishing stage production offering the spectator a thrilling interpretation of Tchaikovsky's masterpiece through contemporary dance.

Press Reviews

" Swan Lake has never cast such a chill. " ( Suddeutsche Zeitung)

" For those who love motion in dance, what a delight. . . the ballet is outstanding - one of those rewrites that dance needs, which innovates and entertains without turning its back on the story. . . Jean-Christophe Maillot has succeeded in the difficult challenge of reshaping this diamond without removing any of its brightness or its essence. " ( Le Figaro)

" A major production, a work where the modern and traditional are combined in a timeless meeting. Here, quality is all-important, and it shows in every movement. " ( A B C)

Anja Behrend ( Le Cynge Blanc)
April Ball ( Le Cynge Noir)
Stephan Bourgond ( Le Prince)
Alvaro Prieto ( The King)
Mimoza Koike ( The Queen)
Jeroen Verbruggen ( Le Confident du Prince)
Bernice Coppieters ( Sa Majesté la Nuit)

Saint Louis Symphony Orchestra; Leonard Slatkin

Stage Director: Jean Rouaud
Television Director: Denis Caïozzi
Designer: Ernest Pignon-Ernest
Choreographer: Jean-Christophe Maillot

Catalogue Number: O A1148 D
Date of Performance: 2013
Running Time: 93 minutes
Sound: L P C M & D T S Master Audio 5. 1
Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic
Label: Opus Arte

Tschaikowsky: Der Schwanensee [Blu-ray]

Tschaikowsky: Der Schwanensee [Blu-ray]

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Agnès Letestu, a feminine and warm Odette, and José Martinez, a convincing, pale, vulnerable prince Siegfried, are the stars of this deeply passionate, ? dream' version of Swan Lake. Rudolf Nureyev's interpretation of Tchaikovsky's lyrical ballet, far from being a clichéd stereotype of this celebrated masterpiece, is an exposé of astonishingly powerful and recognisable human emotions. Under the inspired and clearcut musical direction of Vello Pähn, this production of one of the jewels of the Paris Opera Ballet's repertoire brilliantly displays the meticulous precision, technical prowess and pure, unmannered style of the company's unrivalled female corps de ballet, eliciting an ethereal, intense beauty captured for D V D in High Definition video and superb surround sound.

Press Reviews

" This Parisian Swan Lake offers the reworked choreography which Nureyev devised for his 1984 production of the ballet and which has remained a favoured recital ever since. . . Readers used to traditional views of the ballet should see this gripping newcomer. " ( The Penguin Guide)

"? their [ Agnès Letestu & José Martinez] dancing was sensational, and Letestu in particular was magnificent. She was soft, lyrical yet aristocratic as Odette, as befits her slender, long-limbed body and her mime scene was of intense beauty. . . Letestu is outstanding as Odile, both in her technical prowess and artistic interpretation. " ( Culture Kiosque)

" Vello Pähn is quite simply one of the best dance conductors I've ever heard, capturing the full suavity of the waltzes, the panache of the national dances in Act I I I (shunted towards the beginning) and the full blazing tragedy of the final lakeside scene. " ( B B C Music Magazine)

Agnès Letestu ( Odette)
José Martinez ( Prince Siegfried)
Karl Paquette ( Wolfgang / Rothbart)

Paris Opera Orchestra; Vello Pähn

Choreographer: Rudolf Nureyev

Catalogue Number: O A B D7001 D
Running Time: 145 minutes
Sound: 2. 0 & 5. 0 P C M
Aspect Ratio: 1080i High Definition / 16:9
Subtitles: E N, F R, D E, E S, I T
Label: Opus Arte

Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker - Bolshoi Ballet [DVD]

Tchaikovsky - The Nutcracker - Bolshoi Ballet [DVD]

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Ballet in 2 acts. The famous Christmas classic " N U T C R A C K E R" is drawn from the tale of Hoffman. This ballet revives the frenzy of the holiday time for young as well as old. It was Christmas, Clara had received a Nutcracker from her uncle, and, in the evening, before going to bed, she arranged it in her cupboard. But, during the night, Clara can not resist and goes to see the nutcracker. In the living room everything starts to grow. The toys start to move and the mice leave the floor. Clara launches her slipper at the malicious king of mice, whom the nutcracker is fighting. The king of mice dies and Clara faints. When Clara awakes, the nutcracker been transformed into a handsome prince. " Thank you for lifting the spell, " he says. " What spell? " asks Clara. " Come, I'll tell you everything on the way, " replies the prince. And they fly away. For this ballet in 2 acts and 3 paintings, Tchaïkovski is the first composer to insert the celesta into the orchestra. It is the primary instrument in the Dance of the Sugar Plum Fairies. Compositor : P. T C H A I K O V S K I Theatre director : L. G R I G O R O V I T C H Conductor : A. K O P I L O V Director : E. M A T C H E R E Soloists : Ekaterina M A X I M O V A ( Macha) Vladimir V A S S I L I E V ( Casse-noisette, Le Prince). Tracklisting : Act 1 Overture Act 1 Scene 1 The Christmas Tree Act 1 Scene 1 March Act 1 Scene 1 Galop and dance of the Children Act 1 Scene 1 The Presents Of Drosselmeyer Act 1 Scene 1 Clara And The Nutcracker Act 1 Scene 1 Departure of the guests Night Act 1 Scene 1 The Battle Act 1 Scene 2 A Pine Forest In Winter Act 1 Scene 2 Waltz Of The Snowflakes Act 2 Arrival of Clara and The Nutcracker Act 2 The Enchanted Palace of The Kingdom of sweets Act 2 Chocolate ( Spanish Dance) Act 2 Coffe ( Arabian Dance) Act 2 Tea ( Chinese Dance) Act 2 Russian Dance / Trépak Act 2 Dance Of The Mirlitons Act 2 Mother Cygogne And The Clowns Act 2 Waltz Of The Flowers Act 2 Pas De Deux Act 2 Tarantella Act 2 Dance Of The Sugar Plumm Fairy Act 2 Coda Act 2 Closing Waltz

Tschaikowsky, Peter - Eugen Onegin (GA) [2 DVDs]

Tschaikowsky, Peter - Eugen Onegin (GA) [2 DVDs]

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" Aufnahme"
Recorded live at the Salzburg Festival 2007
" Musik"
Konzertvereinigung Wiener Staatsopernchor
Chorus Master: Thomas Lang
Wiener Philharmoniker
Conductor: Daniel Barenboim
" Interpreten"
Larina - Renée Morloc
Tatyana - Anna Samuil
Olga - Ekaterina Gubanova
Filipyevna - Emma Sarkissian
Eugene Onegin - Peter Mattei
Lensky - Joseph Kaiser
Prince Gremin - Ferruccio Furlanetto
A Captain - Sergej Kownir
Zaretsky - Georg Nigl
Triquet - Ryland Davies
Peasant Leader - Thomas Köber
Guillot - Michel Ogier

Tschaikowsky - Der Nussknacker (New York, 2011) [DVD]

Tschaikowsky - Der Nussknacker (New York, 2011) [DVD]

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Experience the wonder of New York City Ballet's iconic holiday classic on the big screen. In George Balanchine's The Nutcracker, Tchaikovsky's beloved melodies transport the young and young at heart to a magical world where mischievous mice besiege a battalion of toy soldiers, and an onstage blizzard leads to an enchanted Land of Sweets. Balanchine's stunning choreography shines amidst awe-inspiring set pieces, ornate costumes, and grand one-of-a-kind visual effects, like the one-ton Christmas tree that grows to an astonishing 40 feet. N Y C B's beloved production has been performed in New York City every year since its premiere on February 2, 1954, and is seen live by more than 100, 000 people annually.

DVDs, Blu-ray: Peter Tschaikowsky
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DVDs und Blu-ray: Peter Tschaikowsky
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Klassik und Oper

Peter Tschaikowsky

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