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Buch, Hörbücher:

Key Account

Seite 5
A Practitioner's Guide to Account-Based Marketing: Accelerating Growth in Strategic Accounts - Bev Burgess, Dave Munn

A Practitioner's Guide to Account-Based Marketing: Accelerating Growth in Strategic Accounts

Autoren: Bev Burgess, Dave Munn

Taschenbuch, 03.06.2021
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Decrypting Money: A Comprehensive Introduction to Bitcoin - Marco Krohn, Anthony Jefferies, Marco Streng, Zoran Balkic

Decrypting Money: A Comprehensive Introduction to Bitcoin

Autoren: Marco Krohn, Anthony Jefferies, Marco Streng, Zoran Balkic

Taschenbuch, 14.06.2023
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Banks & Banking Terms - Financial Education Is Your Best Investment (Financial IQ, Band 4) - Thomas Herold

Banks & Banking Terms - Financial Education Is Your Best Investment (Financial IQ, Band 4)

Autor: Thomas Herold

Taschenbuch, 05.02.2020
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Gesammelte Schriften in deutscher Sprache: Abt. A Band 9: Geld und Konjunktur. Band II: Schriften, 1929-1969 - Herausgeber: Hansjörg Klausinger Friedrich A. von Hayek

Gesammelte Schriften in deutscher Sprache: Abt. A Band 9: Geld und Konjunktur. Band II: Schriften, 1929-1969

Herausgeber: Hansjörg Klausinger
Autor: Friedrich A. von Hayek

Gebundene Ausgabe, 01.02.2016
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No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls.: The Next Generation of Account-Based Sales and Marketing - Latané Conant

No Forms. No Spam. No Cold Calls.: The Next Generation of Account-Based Sales and Marketing

Autor: Latané Conant

Taschenbuch, 26.09.2022
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Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs - David Parmenter

Key Performance Indicators: Developing, Implementing, and Using Winning KPIs

Autor: David Parmenter

Gebundene Ausgabe, 29.10.2019
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Making the Matrix Work, 2nd edition: The Agile Remix - Kevan Hall, Alan Hall

Making the Matrix Work, 2nd edition: The Agile Remix

Autoren: Kevan Hall, Alan Hall

Taschenbuch, 31.08.2023
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Practitioner's Guide to Account-Based Marketing: Accelerating Growth in Strategic Accounts - Bev Burgess, Dave Munn

Practitioner's Guide to Account-Based Marketing: Accelerating Growth in Strategic Accounts

Bev Burgess, Dave Munn

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The Strategic Key Account Plan: The Key Account Management Tool! Customer Analysis + Business Analysis = Account Strategy - Hartmut Sieck

The Strategic Key Account Plan: The Key Account Management Tool! Customer Analysis + Business Analysis = Account Strategy

Hartmut Sieck

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The other day in Germany: The Key Account Manager John Smith is told by his boss to create a Key Account Plan for an important, strategic customer. Should he now quickly prepare a Power Point presentation and show it to his boss so he's satisfied? Is a Key Account Plan actually a presentation or a real tool? If it actually is a tool, what characterizes a good Key Account Plan? How should such a Key Account Plan be structured? Should the Key Account Manager prepare this plan by himself? Just as he is contemplating all these questions, he stumbles on an interesting survey. According to this study only 20% of Key Account Managers said that they actually use this plan as a tool in their daily work, but it was this 20% that was more successful than their competitors in the year of the crisis in 2009! The conclusion from the survey catches John Smith's attention and he decides not to prepare a mere presentation but to make the most of the Account Plan by using it as a real tool. If you can identify with John Smith, this book is for you. This book will help you to structure and prepare a Key Account Plan in a professional manner. You have already prepared an Account Plan? Then use this book for a thorough scrutiny of your plan. This book is intended to be used as a guide for your work, so you can immediately put into practice what you have just read.

Financial Risk Forecasting: The Theory and Practice of Forecasting Market Risk with Implementation in R and Matlab (Wiley Finance Series) - Jon Danielsson

Financial Risk Forecasting: The Theory and Practice of Forecasting Market Risk with Implementation in R and Matlab (Wiley Finance Series)

Jon Danielsson

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Speak Like a CEO: Secrets for Commanding Attention and Getting Results (Mcgraw Hill Education Business Classics) - Suzanne Bates

Speak Like a CEO: Secrets for Commanding Attention and Getting Results (Mcgraw Hill Education Business Classics)

Suzanne Bates

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Morningstar Dividend Investor: Income, Insight and Independence for Today's Investor - Peters, Morningstar Inc

Morningstar Dividend Investor: Income, Insight and Independence for Today's Investor

Peters, Morningstar Inc

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Many people believe that the key to success in the stock market is buying low and selling high. But how many investors have the time, talent, and luck to earn consistent returns this way? In The Ultimate Dividend Playbook: Income, Insight, and Independence for Today's Investor , Josh Peters, editor of the monthly Morningstar Dividend Investor newsletter, shows you why you don't have to try to beat the market and how you can use dividends to capture the income and growth you seek.

Die Zukunft des Geldes: Wie Gold unser Zahlungssystem revolutionieren wird - Harald Seiz

Die Zukunft des Geldes: Wie Gold unser Zahlungssystem revolutionieren wird

Harald Seiz

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Wie Gold unser Zahlungssystem revolutionieren wird
Gebundenes Buch
Noch nie in einer Friedensphase hat das Thema Geld so viel Verunsicherung hervorgerufen wie heute. Obwohl Deutschland im Wohlstand lebt, beschleicht viele Menschen das Gefühl, dass der Wert unseres Geldes permanent schwindet. Gleichzeitig wird ohne Not Bargeld infrage gestellt und immer häufiger thematisieren Medien das totale Ende des Bargelds.
Die Sorge um die Zukunft des Geldes kommt nicht von ungefähr: In vielen Ländern ist eine massive Bargeldeinschränkung längst Realität. Die vorläufige Spitze markiert Indien. Hier wurden über Nacht 86 Prozent des Bargeldbestands der Rupien faktisch aus dem Verkehr gezogen. Bis gestern noch offizielles Zahlungsmittel, heute schlagartig wertlos - und auch das Geld in der Eurozone ist vor so einem Schicksal nicht gefeit.
Was ist also die Zukunft des Geldes - als Tausch- und Zahlungsmittel sowie Möglichkeit der Wertaufbewahrung? Wie werden wir einmal bezahlen? Welche Formen stehen uns offen? Und welche werden uns aufgezwungen - durch den Staat oder gar die Umstände, etwa Krisen und Katastrophen, wenn der Geldautomat oder das Onlinekonto nicht mehr funktionieren?

Gute Geschäfte: 52 clevere Tipps für profitable Beziehungen im Business - Stephan Heinrich

Gute Geschäfte: 52 clevere Tipps für profitable Beziehungen im Business

Stephan Heinrich

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Der klassische Berufsverkäufer ist schon fast ein Fall fürs Museum. Stattdessen verkaufen heute immer mehr Nicht-Verkäufer täglich direkt und selbst - ein Produkt, eine Dienstleistung, das eigene Image. Sie alle wollen gute Geschäfte machen. Aber wie geht das? Die weit verbreitete Meinung: den Interessenten überzeugen! - Stephan Heinrich sieht es ganz anders. . Seine über 20-jährige Erfahrung in leitenden Positionen im Vertrieb zeigt: Menschen wollen nicht überzeugt werden, sie wollen auf Augenhöhe verhandeln. Davon abgesehen ist es viel einfacher, vorhandenes Interesse zu wecken als nichtvorhandenes zu erzeugen. Was im Business künftig zum Erfolg führt - und in jedem Job nötig sein wird - ist die Fähigkeit, Geschäftspartner zu sinnvollen Entscheidungen zu verhelfen: Kaufentscheidungen, Projektentscheidungen, Investitionsentscheidungen, Kooperationsentscheidungen. In diesem Buch zeigt er, wie das geht. 52 clevere Tipps, die Ihnen helfen, dauerhaft profitable Geschäftsbeziehungen zu führen. Der Podcast " Erfolg mit Geschäftskunden" erreicht regelmäßig zehntausende von Hörern, und bringt pfiffige Ideen in den Geschäftsalltag.

Keynes's Way to Wealth: Timeless Investment Lessons from the Great Economist - John F. Wasik

Keynes's Way to Wealth: Timeless Investment Lessons from the Great Economist

John F. Wasik

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" Mr. Wasik's distillation of how Keynes made-and then remade-his fortune is instructive. And the principles that Keynes followed have stood the test of time. As Mr. Wasik adds, ' The object of investing is to ensure prosperity, not to become obsessed with making money. '" The New York Times John Maynard Keynes indelibly made his mark on global economics. . . Few people know, however, that he was also a daring, steel-nerved investor who built a multimilliondollarfortune in the stock market while providing financial counsel to the likes of Winston Churchill and F D R. Now, you can learn from-and imitate-Keynes's success by examining the story of his lifeand investment strategies, masterfully told by awardwinning author John F. Wasik. As you follow Keynes from his early years with the Bloomsbury Group, through two world wars and the Great Depression Keynes's theories and practices come to life by way of the historic and personal events that shaped them. Like today's investors, Keynes faced markets roiled by panic, inflation, deflation, widespread unemployment, and war-and he developed a core set of principles to prosper in every climate. With the individual investor in mind, this straightforward guide makes it easy for investorsat all levels to implement the action-oriented strategiespresented in each of the 10 chapters and start investing like Keynes today by: Buying and holding quality stocks Ignoring short-term news Building diversified portfolios Trading contrary to market momentum Getting the most out of dividend stocks Using the eloquent insight of a seasoned investmentwriter, author John F. Wasik digs down into what investments Keynes owned, how he bought and sold them, how his theories guided his investments, and vice versa. He illustrates why Keynes's ideas, insights, and portfolio strategies have withstood the test of time, and how they will continue to produce financial gains for dedicated. . .

Key Account Management erfolgreich planen und umsetzen: Mehrwert-Konzepte für Ihre Top-Kunden - Hartmut H. Biesel

Key Account Management erfolgreich planen und umsetzen: Mehrwert-Konzepte für Ihre Top-Kunden

Hartmut H. Biesel

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Heterodox Investment Theory: Stochastic Predictability and Uncertainty - Thomas Pistorius

Heterodox Investment Theory: Stochastic Predictability and Uncertainty

Thomas Pistorius

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Acts of Desperation: The must-read novel (English Edition) - Megan Nolan

Acts of Desperation: The must-read novel (English Edition)

Autor: Megan Nolan

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